` I don't believe in evolution because its evidence in my opinion is misinterpreted. I am a YEC, and I believe the Earth is about 8,000 years old.`
Yes, well science isn´t a ´belief´, it proceeds from evidence. But I´m sure all educated science is misguided in thinking that the bible isn´t a record of science. Unfortunately, when the bible books were written science hadn´t progressed as far as to make an estimate of the age of the earth, the planetary system or the universe at large. In fact, seeing the bible as a source of science is a serious misunderstanding of its purpose, which isn´t science, but faith. Had the bible books been written in the 16th or 20th century AD, they would have been entirely different. Unfortunately, since it is considered a holy book, the bible isn´t being updated, unlike science or the daily tools we work with.