Recent content by B-29 Bomber

  1. B

    The Conquests

    Wow, been a while since I posted my thoughts here... Anyone wanna welcome me back? Also good updates! Good to see that you won your Mesoamerican game!
  2. B

    The Conquests

    Shameless indeed but it sounds interesting....
  3. B

    The Renewal

    I thought they were brown:confused::crazyeye:?
  4. B

    The Inco-American War

    Lincoln is America's God. I have it as George W. Bush as the in-game leader, but the RP leader is King Andrew I. Full name is Andrew Jackson;).
  5. B

    The Inco-American War

    Is anyone going to comment on this?
  6. B

    The Inco-American War

    Years of Crisis The year 190 BC will always be remembered as the year that we met the true enemy. The Inca. No one know why they were here. But their presence has caused a crisis within the religious community of the United States. In order to understand this one must look closer at the...
  7. B

    The Inco-American War

    (Warning: This first part is based off of nearly year old memory so it won't be very detailed.) Southern Liberation The Liberation of the Southern States took two thousand years to complete, from 2960-960 BC. The length of time can be explained by the nasty terrain one must traverse...
  8. B

    The Inco-American War

    Yeah I'll update. I just need to get back into the swing of things. Been a while. It should be noted that the updates won't be that interesting until I reach the Industrial Age. Until then I won't go to war with the Inca. When we finally meet I will refuse to trade with him. I will set up...
  9. B

    The Inco-American War

    Yes after nearly a year of death this story has now arisen from the grave! It's Zombie Jesus! Those gosh darn Incans will taste my wrath!
  10. B

    The Conquests

    Hells to the yeahs!
  11. B

    Planet Reath: 31 player multiplayer

    I'm guessing that this is dead
  12. B

    The Sons of Odin

    Your suffering greatly...
  13. B

    Nuovo Impero Romano - Italy AoI 4.0

    Great Job on the Russians and the British and those upstarts in the Caribbean! I have two questions though: When did Scandinavia gain Cork? and When did Austria gain a city in Scandinavia?
  14. B

    Celtic Fury

    Remember there's still a Civil War coming... He promised.
  15. B

    Nuovo Impero Romano - Italy AoI 4.0

    Great Job! whose next? Britain? Or are you focusing on conquering Mainland Europe for now? If that's the case will you go after France or finish off the weakened Austrians?
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