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  • Where are you?? :(
    I'm back... I guess?
    Nomad or What
    Nomad or What
    Good! I was away for a while as well. Just switched assignments so I am getting settled in right now. I wanted to get back into "dabbling" with BC and unit models again with CiV (not VI). I think what makes me lose interest is that I bite off more than I can chew; I'm going to work on it in small doses this time so I don't get overwhelmed or bored.
    Nomad or What
    Nomad or What
    I plan to build the Subversion for BC and outline a plan so that the community can get more involved (for whoever is still out there lol!). What is your aspiration right now? What would you like to see from me (unit-building, that is) more than anything? Hopefully it is something that both our mods will need. Let me know what is up.
    Hi Bane. I just downloaded your Crusader mod and I need to tell you there's a problem.
    There is no Unit options dialogue box in the bottom lefthand corner. You can't tell a unit what to do unless you know all the Hotkeys!
    In the Civilopedia, under Units, there is an endless list of 'Building Created.'
    Don't know what the problem is. Something in the LUA, maybe?

    I'm writing this here rather than in the usual Comments section because I don't want to put other people off. The problem could be at my end, but I don't think so. I reloaded, re-downloaded, and double-checked I had nothing else running that might interfere. I tested another mod (as a control) and it worked fine.

    Other than that, the mod looks really interesting (which is why I downloaded it).
    Hey bane_ - would you be interested in teaming up for some stuff then? I'd like to join up with people to make some civs if you're down with that.
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