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  • Haven't seen you around for a while? You OK?
    Yeah, I'm fine. I just took a long and sort of unplanned break from CFC. It was probably more burnout than anything. I'm going to try to be back now though.
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    If I ever become Elon Musk-level rich, I'm definitely getting my own nuclear reactor. I'd settle for a reprocessing plant with a little research reactor: lots of Am-241 for century-long deep space missions, lots of curium for transmutation to berkelium and californium, and then sell any recovered Pu-239 or anything else useful to anyone not named Kim.
    If I make enough Cf, I might hit with more neutrons to make einsteinium (99) and fly it on my private jet to the Darmstadt people so they could probably make element 119, thereby messing up the periodic table with an awkward little thing below francium.
    It *is* meant to be used on a salad spinner, I wonder about the possible ramifications.
    Hello, I made a mod for Civ VI but I cannot post it because I am brand new here and lack privileges. How do I go about changing that? Thanks.
    The rule provides for poster #1000, then #999, then #998 and so on to have priority over who sets the thread. I will dig up the quote when able, but it used to be at one of three: the music threads, rants or raves. At some points i.e. when I start the threads, it is around on all of them.
    To be honest, I considered making the roasting thread Red Diamond to indicate it was bound by certain rules. I decided to not go along with that because of the light hearted intentions: Considering how it went, making it RD may have been a better idea.
    Wth, dear sir - 11 years, 4.7k posts and still this wall is virgin territory (or rather was, now). Apparently all the anarchists are somewhere else painting babes rather than here on a spelling excercise, not really an effective way of doing revolution(s). Anyway, consider yourself very unofficially welcomed to 50c and all that sort of things.
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