Recent content by civplayah

  1. civplayah

    Guess the Map VIII: Didn't Color the Island Countries

  2. civplayah

    Guess the Map VIII: Didn't Color the Island Countries

    Here's a hint: It's not really about what the people do. It's about a characteristic of the people.
  3. civplayah

    Guess the Map VIII: Didn't Color the Island Countries

    You guys are making great guesses, but they haven't touched upon the map's topic yet.
  4. civplayah

    Guess the Map VIII: Didn't Color the Island Countries

    All of you are pretty far off the mark. I'd say Silly Something is closest, though, because it is a social characteristic and not something to do with the environment.
  5. civplayah

    Guess the Map VIII: Didn't Color the Island Countries

    Excuse me if I'm doing it wrong-- I've never done this before. It's sort of a continuum as opposed to finite options. The green represents one end and the orange is another.
  6. civplayah


    It's interesting how most of the responses have mentioned religion or God (or the lack of those). I guess I should have expected that. I'm certainly fine discussing religion. I think I'd call myself atheist, and one reason that I identify as such is that I really value personal growth and...
  7. civplayah


    I'd like to discuss the belief of humanism with you all and exchange thoughts and possibly critiques related to it. What I'm referring to is, to use a cliché, the "inherent good" in all of humanity. However, that's not really what I want to talk about, because in my opinion it's overused and...
  8. civplayah

    Installing 3.19 Patch

    When I download the 3.19 patch and open the .exe, it asks me if I want to uninstall BTS. Is there a way I can install the patch without using the .exe or maybe a way to use the .exe correctly?
  9. civplayah

    No, sorry, I wouldn't participate enough. I barely get on here anymore.

    No, sorry, I wouldn't participate enough. I barely get on here anymore.
  10. civplayah

    Guess the Map VI: Retroactive Cartographer

    Oh, I saw this article! Average science test scores, I believe.
  11. civplayah

    Random Raves XVIII: Life is a beautiful woman

    Oh, wow, that's great! You must be really smart to get into an Ivy-League school like that. What are you majoring in?
  12. civplayah

    Simpsons Mafia (Game Thread)

    Let's go to the ball game. I'm also going to vote to hospitalize: BigTin because his role claim is rather weak and he's pretty scummy in the first place.
  13. civplayah

    THE Civ of the Week Thread!

    I request Songhai.
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