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  • Tja! Har samma problem som dig med spelet.. om du skriver dxdiag i kör fältet vad står det att du har för windows version?

    Har testat allt o snart ger jag upp o testar windows 10 :p
    I'm not sure if you got my PM, but I'm changing focus ATM from Nazca to Tibet - would you have time to do a leaderhead for them instead? If not, that's fine, but it'd be good if you could let me know so I can find someone else

    I think that danrell has made very good Spearman collection, including african spearman. Just look and this pic #17
    I think that you can use his african spearman as pombo. Adding Slinger was a nightmare for me. I won start with other unit before Firaxis improve modding tools.

    PS Kongo has great art, congrats.
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