Pouakai: You seen the new expansion?
CivOasis: Parts of it, yeah. I was taking bets on the new civs yesterday - I think if we ever see Majapahit/Indonesia in, this'll be it
CivOasis: If you've never tried to buy a ubisoft game... their autopatcher sucks.
CivOasis: But, yeah. I'm thinking - note that this is an expectation, not a wishlist - that we'll get Poland, Assyria, Portugal, Kongo, Zulu, Lakota (or other Plains civ), Indonesia (or other S/SE Asian civ), some other European civ, and some civ from left field
CivOasis: I was trying to think of new civs that could take advantage of ideologies but not be controversial, but I'm not certain.
CivOasis: Venice *could* be an eighth, though it would surprise me (trade mechanics)
CivOasis: /expects that none of that went through
My internet is functionally useless.