• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • Remember me? If so, remember all the things I wanted to do with FFH before took that long brake?
    Did anyone do any of them?
    So you moved to the Warhammer team? I didn't know that! :D

    You need some modding help?
    Maybe your an avatar from the overlords! Trying to drive me away from my faith! My water is clean (well, except those little things to induce some hallucinations)! My pancakes are clean (again, hallucinations!)!! Aaah!
    I don't eat tentacles. I HAVE tentacles. I WORSHIP tentacles. Don't you hear your overlords whispering? Don't you hear that voice in you ear?
    I doubt it actually... Trying to stick with the vanilla civs, as the FF team is still working on the FF civs.
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