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  • I was hoping there was something I could use with 3D max. I basically have zero knowledge or experience with any other modeling tool.
    It was a forum game based on a modified FfH universe. Each player chose a faction, and there were a set of rules regarding techs, units, resources, etc. Mostly, it was diplomacy and story driven (i.e. if you wanted to make up a really cool or powerful unit or ability, you had to write a short story about it). It was my first NES (never ending story) and I had a blast. Unfortunately, it died prematurely due to the moderator being deported (don't worry, he's in Canada now).

    If you want to know more about NES's, I'd recommend checking out the forum here. Also, I think Ekolite is running a NES loosely based on FfH here. If you want to join, I'd recommend reading the whole thread (at least the stories) to get a feel for the world and then PM Eko. Beware, though, it is a HUGE timesink.
    No, it uses basic Marines animation. I have just enlarged the fire effect node in the nif
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