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  • Well, you can always ask for help. How're we on this thing about setting me up with my own Ep-/Patri-archy over the CFC Bulgars?
    Some rare dialects still pronounce the h.

    The double-l 'll', can be pronounced as љ, (I don't have the yer and yor) but here it's ж or ш. Just remember to keep it consistent.
    Pronounce it the same way as in 'ljude/lyude'.

    How're you doing with the accent marks?
    :cry: I thought you loved me because of my wonderful personality.

    And yes, you do read it out loud as you see it. Do you need a Spanish-to-Cyrillic guide?
    No, there are no eels in your hovercraft. How long have you been studying Spanish for?

    It's about someone fighting off armed robbers with a bow and arrow.
    :wallbash: You should have asked me about the Spanish, silly! I could have given you a lot of help.

    живот је превара, знам!
    Hitmonchan-mode then. Punching (bare-fisted or with boxing gloves) and using a gun with only six bullets. Try that.
    I'll wean you off Fallout one day, after you've won it, which at your current pace should coincide with the next time I launch a forum game (one started last Tuesday).
    You go to sleep before 3 a.m. Truly you are trapped in this school thing, Tolnie. One day, the Βαράγγατοι shall release you from there.
    So you are telling me to study Serbocroatoslavian, then?

    btw remember that declension can be done according to number, gender, etc., not just according to case. ;)
    I'll mention a few languages: I speak Greek (funny alphabet, articles come before everything, a few grammatical cases, a quadrazillion different combinations for verbs), Finnish (declense absolutely everything, fif-friggan'-teen grammatical cases, vowel harmony, etc.), and Gaelic (letters are pronounced following an obscure, sometimes arbitrary pattern and some can be skipped if you remember which, when and why), so the Slavs don't frighten me. But I wasn't thinking of Bulgarian yet. Perhaps SerboCroatoslavian, or Russian.
    Comrade Tito codified Macedonian orthography. Incidentally, I have decided that I must learn a Slavic language. Any thoughts?
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