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  • Don't worry, I don't feel gatekept by that guy. I don't take cues for what's acceptable from curmudgeons.
    Ah, good to know. It's more the principle of it for me (for better or worse, I'm like a dog with a bone at times).
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    I also highly recommed NOT reading novels at all, but rather novellas, plays, short story (collections), poetry or short nonficiton books. if you problem is more that you can't find a book to commit to, and that you keep abandoning books, I would gladly make you some recommendations as well.
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    I'd love any recommendations. I don't have a massive budget for books, but I could do with expanding my reading in general. Only so much fantasy and sci-fi novels I can own!
    so what I've done is set a specific time of the day until which I don't use any electronic devices at all, take a chair and sit down in the yard. I don't take my smartphone with me. this has allowed me to read every day and the feeling of making progress with your current book every day of the week is a strong motivation.
    my brain could never handle this
    Yeah I have a very, uh, close relationship with my phone. Personally and professionally - I get a lot of utility out of it. I'm not sure I could do this, but like I said below, I could definitely try spacing myself out from devices when trying other hobbies (like reading).
    hey gorbles. reading your post about reading books I simply had to post here, because I was in the same conundrum. what really helped me to get back into reading physical books was something I'd call "attention hygiene". it's virtually impossible to read books when your smartphone or PC is in the same room, and (sleep scientists claim) reading in bed is bad for sleep hygiene.
    I'm not being blase, but if these factors are bad for sleep hygiene (and I honestly don't doubt it) I've very much likely stuffed already haha. I spent years reading throughout the night. I then spent another decade on a smartphone. It's interesting though, I could definitely try separating it out.
    Thanks for the neutral support brother. Good of you to not choose sides. You did not have to weigh in on the Biden discussion, but you did so better than I can and sort of let me off the hook of feeling the need to keep answering them in eternity. I don’t hate them I just think they are dishonest. Stay safe bro.
    Honestly, it's more that I don't feel qualified to comment. UK politics is much more my speed. Appreciate the thanks :)
    Hey there! I had no idea you were a game developer, have you by any chance ever worked with Unity/C sharp? I'm helping my little cousin find his way around it and am teaching myself some skills, pretty unsuccessfully :D
    Hey, no worries, I don't really advertise it, it's a hobby mainly. I guess you could call me an indie developer, but only technically. I haven't worked with C# (and haven't worked with Unity since university), but the best question I reckon I could ask applies to software (which is where I work) - what's the best way you learn?
    (grumble grumble character limit / I write too much)

    People mostly benefit either from videos, or diving right in with some lightweight guides, in my experience. I'm happy to try and source some, sort out what looks helpful from what doesn't :)
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