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  • hi, i need to look it up,

    ill do it on the weekend, it lies somewhere in my cpu.
    Hi keldath i have problem about map script, last time i am not explain you all, i hope that this will help, thank you.

    See here.
    Hi keldath

    You tell me in my thread that you will help me about map scripts, can you help me? Every problem i will write in my thread (HERE)
    hey gfurst,
    i will take alook.

    great week to you too.

    p.s - to everyone - else - i do not see this message board usually - plz send me a private message instead, thanks :)
    can you please upload the merge you just did with revolutionsDCM and advanced diplomacy? I would thanks a lot.
    Hi Keldath,
    Thank you for Overlord, I like it, but, I cann't play correctly : diplomacy is impossible, there is no windows open under the interlocuteur
    Hi, your PM inbox is full. Can not send you anything. I need some spice. Got any?

    Ok sent it now. I would still like some spice though.
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