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  • I just sent you an invitation to the Accord since you are a GM now, and if you are wondering, yes, its original intention was to overthrow NATO because of Icelandic leadership.
    PMing is #*$%ing annoying.

    And don't try to compare your spam to mine. Your went around saying "yes" in every topic. And your length thing? That's not a very good way to cut down spam. If someone wants to post something in the main thread, and there's a length requirement, most of their post will be filler.
    Just thought ... stuff it ... And don't want to be seen supporting Nazism.
    I sent a post on the open thread recommending Ship classes you might use. Unfortunately, the columns got scrambled by the text editor. I'll go back and see if I can edit the original post.

    I'll also look over the aircraft types and see what might be reasonably representative of aircraft in service during the period.

    In RTW, a different scale map is used for the Pacific. That almost forces the use of two different Units XML files in order to represent reasonable aircraft combat radius/ unit range in the Pacific and Europe maps.

    Since you are working on the air and sea portions of RTW, consider:

    1. aircraft combat radius should match map scales
    2. eliminate defensive bonus for ships operating in coastal squares
    3. relook relative combat power of BB,CA,DD,SS, and L class ships
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