Recent content by Nalain

  1. N

    AI double attacks

    I don't think the double war is the biggest problem, even if there is no surprise civ always attacks you with an allie. The most disturbing to me is civ which has no chance to do something to me will declare war. When a neightbour with even not 1/10 of my army strength declare war to me...
  2. N

    Time to think about the second expansion?

    I think trading have to be updated. Destination city's owner should get some small bonuses too. That is just nonsence only one civ get the benefit of a road. Natural event and diplomatic victory are good idea too.
  3. N

    [R&F] Emergencies issue: Judging whether to participate?

    My big trouble with emergencies is i cant locate well on the map the city targeted by them. I think ergonomics miss something (or maybe i do, that is possible :lol:). I understand they want all people to choose at the same time, but we need at least info to know where city is to know if we have...
  4. N

    [R&F] [] Undetected enemy spy is visible

    I have got the same problem once with one non allied civ.
  5. N

    Potential Improvements to Great People

    I like the idea of capturing Great People, but instead of make them systematically die, do something a little as for the spy system, so make a chance : - to capture him to be able to negociate for his freedom, - to escape himself so he goes back in X turn to the nearest ally city, - to kill...
  6. N

    Decreasing amount of items on map: Farm District, Mine District, Mobile Mining District.

    Making such thing would change whole principes of city gestion. Getting ressources is still the thing which takes lots of places, i find it would be a pitty to "lighter" it. Another solution to get more different districts is to get mixed one to get for example in one district food and gold...
  7. N

    A civilization that cannot declare War

    Yes, that could, but all isn't about religion in arabs civ.
  8. N

    A civilization that cannot declare War

    I don't think a specific religious civ is a good idea, as it would be too controversial. Why not doing it with a country like Swiss ? There is a lot of matter to do with. About the civ itself, i don't like that much the imposed alliance of the civ leader. If theory sounds good, I think that...
  9. N

    World Wonders Poll

    Itsukushima-jinja on Miyajima in Japan could be fine. Take another cathedral than Notre-Dame of Paris could be fine. I am not good to say which one. :shifty: I think of they want add something else from Paris they could add Les Champs Elysées.
  10. N

    World Wonders Poll

    To change of the Louvre and Notre-dame, we could have the Basilique du sacré-coeur and Chateau de Versailles.
  11. N

    Never-Before-Seen Civs Poll

    Depends what you call "so few". At the time i read, it is the 6th civ asked over the 29 of the list (and without count other). That is not bad.
  12. N

    Never-Before-Seen Civs Poll

    That is so hard to choose... :crazyeye: 1. Apache/Navajo/etc. 2. Bulgaria/Thrace 3. Colombia (or Gran Colombia) 4. Hungary (or Austria-Hungary) 5. Inuit 6. Kilwa/Swahili 7. Phoenicia/Canaanites
  13. N

    How should we buff France?

    Add culture district bonus to unit strength would look somewhat original. :rolleyes:
  14. N

    Second Leaders: Which Civs Need Them?

    I have nothing against Eleanor of Aquitaine, but i will pray not having her as next leader for France. That just would be a bad and unfunny joke. :nono: Why not put Louis V in this way... :lol:
  15. N

    Second Leaders: Which Civs Need Them?

    That doesn't disturb me that much, far less than getting a Napoleon again. :D
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