Time to think about the second expansion?

I don't know if its been suggested yet but, and I'd think this would be a diplomatic feature, I'd want to be able to make boundary/territory agreements with another civ. The screen for this could look like the Tile Purchase screen but you'd be picking which tiles from your territory that you'd be willing to give or tiles you'd be willing to take from an enemy's territory. This could also be done with territories neither of you own yet but you would like to draw a line in the sand to agree on who can own which tiles in a specific spot. For example, the defeated leader can offer tiles they have that are on the other side of a river or mountain range that they can't defend as easily but they'd still rather not hand over the whole city.
I don't know if its been suggested yet but, and I'd think this would be a diplomatic feature, I'd want to be able to make boundary/territory agreements with another civ. The screen for this could look like the Tile Purchase screen but you'd be picking which tiles from your territory that you'd be willing to give or tiles you'd be willing to take from an enemy's territory. This could also be done with territories neither of you own yet but you would like to draw a line in the sand to agree on who can own which tiles in a specific spot. For example, the defeated leader can offer tiles they have that are on the other side of a river or mountain range that they can't defend as easily but they'd still rather not hand over the whole city.
That would be interesting for Franklin Pierce.
The first expansion Rise and Fall will come with many new and good ideas, features, extras, magnifications, changes and new Civs we can read here.

But I miss some stuff (1.) that has already been talked about by the Lead designer and (2.) which features we will miss most if they will not occur.

First I think about the espionage / spy system. The Lead designer spoke twice about some new ideas for the spy system. I can not find any hint about this at the moment.

Second I remember having heard something about canals (like Suez canal, Panama...) weak.

Did II miss the worldbuilder already? Was this not announced before?

...also...Railways, tunnels under mountains, bridges over the sea, Rename Civ/LH, Polar melting, Natural disaster, ...

So is is possible that they did not revealed all new stuff yet? And what theme/topic could the second expansion have?

I don't know a name but I do have a few leaders in mind:
1. Atahualpa of the Incas
2. Attila of the Huns
3. Zenobia of Palmyra
4. Mansa Musa of Mali
5. Boudica of the Celts
6. Maria Theresa of Austria
7. Hannibal of Carthage
8. Kristina of Sweden
9. David of the Hebrews
I think trading have to be updated. Destination city's owner should get some small bonuses too. That is just nonsence only one civ get the benefit of a road.

Natural event and diplomatic victory are good idea too.
I would like an in game reminder "pop up" that you can set for yourself. I play multiple games so it would be cool to have a way to remember what the heck I was thinking after I have been a few days away from a game. You can set it based off of a specific turn number or specific turns. And maybe a notes page where you can type notes to yourself.
I want the game to allow for more personal feelings and live and make a story. For example you may be making decisions for the personal life of the ruler which may have consequences. You may be making political decisions about the country in a storied style. You may be making some decisions about other important people for the country.

Other than that many good suggestions here.

I also would like to see Turkey and Al-Andalus.
If I'm being honest I'll say that, for me, the Emergency system was a complete failure. The AI just isn't good enough to make them interesting, and that in turn means their impact on the late game is negligible. They're not a worthy successor for a WC/UN, in my opinion. I hope the next expansion actually gives us the World Congress and Diplomatic Victories. I understand a lot of people felt DVs were poorly implemented in Civ5, but I'll remind you that improvements can be made (see: Cultural Victories in vanilla Civ5 vs CVs in BNW).
Even though I'm definitely very happy with Rise and Fall and its new features, I can't help but excitedly wonder what the next expansion will be like! Someone on these forums suggested 'Gold and Glory' as a name and once I heard it I couldn't help but think of some ideas for it to be a fun expansion pack with a similar layout (4 returning civs, 4 new civs, and 1 alt leader) to Rise and Fall. As the name 'Gold and Glory' implies, much of its focus would be on the economic side of things like corporations, trade, corruption, etc. though of course the sooner we can get diplomatic victories the better!

Gold and Glory

Returning Civs:

Mali - Having the richest empire and richest person in this pack is a no-brainer.
Inca - It sounds like the rulers wore as much gold as they could!
Ottoman - Its easy to imagine that they would have the Bazaar as a UD to replace the Commerical Hub.
Iroquois - I don't know if they were particularly rich among the Native American groups but they (like the Cree) were important trade partners and I can imagine that they had at least some wealth considering the power they had.

New Civs:

Muisca - They probably would've agreed with the Inca fashion!
Madagascar - With Ranavalona I as the leader, perhaps they could have some interesting abilities such being able to stop foreign trade routes to their lands, etc.
Romania - Vlad the Impaler may be more famous for his cruel acts and fights with the Ottomans, but he is also remembered for fighting corruption and wanting to revitalize the economy.
Yakutia/Sakha - Definitely a much more surprising choice (and I could easily see having this one replaced with a different civ) but it sounds like at least some of their wealth was based on mining gold and silver.

Alt Leader:

Senusret III of Egypt - He would be an awesome leader to see and it seems like just about everything in Egypt was doing well under his reign!
Well apart from the obvious civs like Mali, Inca, Ottomans etc. (though I'd still like to see Polynesia) what will totally make the expansion worth it for me would be historical victories based on fulfilling a set number of criteria. Perhaps it will only be accessible for the human players but it would be something I'm sure we'd all appreciate loads!
Well apart from the obvious civs like Mali, Inca, Ottomans etc. (though I'd still like to see Polynesia) what will totally make the expansion worth it for me would be historical victories based on fulfilling a set number of criteria. Perhaps it will only be accessible for the human players but it would be something I'm sure we'd all appreciate loads!
It would be great to have more Rhyes & Fall mechanics to Rise and Fall.
Personally, I'd like some DLC packs before they drop the second expansion in a year or two.

Also, would it be possibly to have tournaments in Civ? Competitive play for this game is something I'd actually be interested in.
More diplomatics options.
-Possibility to create puppets/Vassal/Dominion/new Civ/(like grant independance in civ 4)/new city states.
-Civil Wars(with direct or indirect support from another civ)
-World Congress/events
Migration mecanics( based on amenity).
This is what my ideal second civ vi exansion looks like:
It's mostly focused on reworking diplomacy

when I first heard of the agenda system I was excited. I thought this will make espionage really interesting, finding out other civ's strategies and thwarting them. Also the gossip system will bring immersion to diplomacy and espionage; but sadly it's not that way. First of all, some agendas are fine like Pericles; but most of them are just stupid and instead of them beeing geared towards the civ's strategy it's more about what the other civ would like you to do (not what they would like to do themselves); it's very shallow and lacks the cut-throat aspect of real world politics. In the expansion, we would now have four agendas, three of which are hidden without enough visibility:

  • Historical Agenda - this is the same as the base game, just tweaked in some cases (Harald shouldn't care about your navy if you're landlocked, for example)
  • Strategic Agenda - this tells the civ which victory type they want, and how to achieve it. At the start of the game, and maybe depending on the settings of the game/map, each Civ would have a victory condition chosed at random, out of a list of 3; so Gorgo/Pericles has a 33% to get domination; 33% to get culture; and 33% to get diplomatic (but neither science nor religion since these aren't greece's strengths); after that is set then the strategy is set, which depending on the type of victory chosen there are also 3 possible strategies. The strategy chosen influences the next 2 agendas.
  • Domestic Agenda - this agenda gives the civ goals to do within their empire to achieve their victory type and it changes throughout the game: each time the agenda is fullfilled, a new domestic agenda is set, on the same strategy path, but for a new tier; if after 100 turns on standard speed and agenda hasn't been fullfiled then it is swapped for another agenda that on the same strategy path, but for the same tier.
  • Foreign Agenda - this agenda gives the civ goals to do with other civs and city states and it works the same as the domestic agenda.

Example: The aztecs were rolled with a domination victory; after that the strategy is set to "Total War"
  • their first domestic agenda might be train 5 jaguar warriors; after that is achieved, they get a domestic agenda of build and encampment with a barracks, after that they get an agenda discover iron working; etc.
  • their foreign agendas might start with conquer 2 city states, after that they get the agenda conquer x player's capital; let's say after three wars, the aztecs can't seem to conquer the capital and 100 turns have passed. the domestic agenda might re-roll to conquer y player's capital (a weaker empire) or destroy 3 barbarian outposts, etc.
yeah get rid of messages like x player is trading with y player; and just tell us about failing/completing/changing agendas, progress on wonders (0%, 25%, 50% and 75% marks); war/peace declarations; great people recruitments; alliances and war preparation/mobilization.

works as the spy; using the same mechanics; the difference being that spy missions are tailored towards helping the player in the expense of another civ. diplomat's missions would be geared towards both civs benefiting. Most missions when succesful would yield better relations with the other civs (so you can get better alliances or trade deals), and relations with other civs will tend to go to 0 (neutral) faster to make diplomats a necessary component of the game. So if you play without paying much attention to diplomacy, most of your relations would naturally oscilate between denounced/unfriendly and friendly; but to get delegations, embassies, declared friendship, pacts and alliances you need diplomats.

self explanatory; linked to loyalty, domestic economy vs. foreign economy and domestic culture vs. foreign culture. Migration can help you grow, but it can also bring domestic problems (see next)

I remember civ iii having a mechanic where population unhappiness was linked to their nationality; this time it can be linked to loyalty and productivity; so having massive migrtion waves might give more population, but if they are from very different cultures, then you'll have problems.

Let's say that China has founded Taoism and their neighbor, Spain has founded Catholicism; China has a strong culture in 4 of their 7 cities, which are grouped to the north. The southern 3 cities have low culture and loyalty. Spain spreads their religion to these three cities; and shortly after China falls into a dark age. As loyalty eats up the country and different demographics (in this case religions) clash; eventually China is split into two: Catholic China and Taoist China. Eventually one of the two might get the foreign agenda of reconquer China.

very much needed

I find it hard to believe this was missing from rise and fall. Aren't plagues part of the ebb and flow of civilization? So of course unhealthiness is spread through trade, certain terrain features, big populations without proper infrastructuree; and random events include natural disasters, migration waves due to wars, etc.
I've had some time to think about this and think this would be ideal:
Trade and Diplomacy

Diplomatic Missions:
I want to expand on the emergency situation and want certain Civs to ban together not necessarily in times of a Crisis:
Form Olympic Games: Once a certain number of Civs have both at least one Stadium and one Aquatic Center they are able to possibly host and compete in the Olympics.
Form Conservation Project: Certain resources that are rare on the map can be considered endangered once Conservation Civic is learned. Remove improvements on them for bonuses.
Form United Nations: Can impose sanctions on certain Civs by not allowing them certain strategic resources or by members not sending trade routes.

Trains: Freight trains can act like traders during the industrial era and can travel through mountains. With capitalism you can unlock Passenger trains. Passenger trains will generate tourism depending on the route. Pass by natural wonders and national parks will generate more.
Cruise Ships: Build a non-combat civilian ship which is Cruise Ship. Works like the Passenger trains and generates tourism passing by reefs, seaside resorts, and coastal natural and buildable wonders.

Plagues and Diseases: (Input and fleshing out details on this subject would help.)
A new plague lenses to see how healthy your citizens are.
The easiest way for diseases to pop up is when cities do not gain health during a city siege. The more the city is sieged and loses health, the more the citizens can become sick.
The closer the cities are to each other, the more likely the disease will spread turning into a plague. Traders help the spread to farther cities. The new Health district buildings stops the spread of diseases. So will Sewers now to a lesser extent. Diseases become stronger across time so you will need upgrade for maximum health regeneration.

New Districts:
Health Facility (Recorded History) Cities will heal faster the closer the district is to the city center.
Tourist Resort (Steam Power)- Generates higher tourism per appeal. More tourism next to a National Park, Theater Square, Harbor, City Center, and Aerodrome.

New Buildings for Health Facility: Apothecary (Classical at Recorded History), Hospital (Industrial at Sanitation), Clinic (Chemistry). Each tier building is stronger than the previous for health regeneration.
New Buildings for Tourist Resort: Railway Station (Steam Power) Allows Passenger trains/Freight trains to be built, Hotel (Capitalism) Tourism and Gold, Theme Park (Mass Media) Tourism and Amenities.

New Civs:
Huyana Capac of the Inca
Sulieman of the Ottomans
Joao II of Portugal
Mansa Musa of Mali
Francesco Sforza of Italy
Ashurbanipal of Assyria
Hannibal of Carthage
Queen Salamasina of Samoa
Maria Theresa of Austria
Alt Leader:
Louis XIV of France
I think it would be interesting to have new districts:

Espionage Agency: every civilization can only build one. It has buildings that increase the limit of spies, increase the chance of success of espionage missions, increase the effectiveness of counter-espionage.

Embassy: every civilization can only build one. It has buildings that grant envoys, improve the bonuses of alliances with other civilizations. And this may involve delegates to the world congress, thinking of the hypothesis of an upcoming expansion coming with diplomatic victory.

Castle: You can build many, but a castle has to be always on a hill and can not stay less than 10 tiles away from another castle. Castles work just like encampment, can attack enemy units, have buildings that increase the attack's range, and work as fortresses. Castles become obsolete in the industrial era, but they generate culture that are converted into tourism and gold late in the game, and +1 amenity. In addition, castles will always grant 2 housing.

More Buildings:

Circus: you can choose between circus or zoo. It provides +1 amenity from entertainment and +1 culture to every horse, ivory and sheep in this town.

Paleontological museum: you can choose between paleontological museum or research lab. It grants +1 science, but has 3 slots for fossil artifacts that can be excavated by palentologists (similar to archaeological museum), each excavated fossil grants +1 science and +5 tourism. In short, the research lab is for players who are seeking scientific victory while the paleontological museum is for players who are seeking a cultural victory.

Astronomical observatory: you can choose between observatory or university, the district must be adjacent to a mountain. It grants +2 science, +1 great scientist per turn. Award a boost + 15% points on the Great Scientist race every time an observatory is completed.

Garden: city center, the town should be adjacent to river or lake. It grants +1 amenity, +1 food, plus +1 tourism for every 3 populations in the city.

Hospital: city center. It grants +3 food, plus +1 amenity to each neighborhood in this city. You have a 50% discount to buy or produce Medic or Supply Convoy in this city.

Mandir: place of worship. It grants +3 faith and +2 culture.

Candi: place of worship. It grants +3 faith and +1 faith for every luxury resource worked in this city. +1 Citizen slot

Mortuary temple: place of worship. It grants +3 faith and +2 faith for every wonder built in this city. +1 Citizen slot
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