Diamondeye Feb 5, 2011 The group seems somehwat inactive, though? Or is that just by the looks of it? Are you doing intra-group tournaments? I think you should give that a shot
The group seems somehwat inactive, though? Or is that just by the looks of it? Are you doing intra-group tournaments? I think you should give that a shot
Diamondeye Feb 5, 2011 Another CFChessplayer checking in, Sirrah. I just joined your group on Chess.com, which I joined today. I usually play on Chesscube, though. Just thought I'd let you know I can imagine I'm not of impressive skill compared to dedicated chessplayers, but I'll do my best
Another CFChessplayer checking in, Sirrah. I just joined your group on Chess.com, which I joined today. I usually play on Chesscube, though. Just thought I'd let you know I can imagine I'm not of impressive skill compared to dedicated chessplayers, but I'll do my best
Cheezy the Wiz Jan 6, 2011 When will the next annual tournament begin? I assume you're on chess.com? I'd love to play you sometime, if you have the time for an amateur like me.
When will the next annual tournament begin? I assume you're on chess.com? I'd love to play you sometime, if you have the time for an amateur like me.
Narz Jun 2, 2010 Hope you're happy Bob. My daughter's a bit frowny but it's the best pic from this weekend.
Narz May 26, 2010 it's nice to know you care so much, I've been meaning to take some pics of my & my kid anyway
Bobbtjoe May 26, 2010 It has now been officially more than an entire year since you said you would change your picture. HURRY UP!
It has now been officially more than an entire year since you said you would change your picture. HURRY UP!
Narz Nov 23, 2009 I'm going to keep it just to annoy you. When I get a good one with my daughter I'll replace it with that, k?
I'm going to keep it just to annoy you. When I get a good one with my daughter I'll replace it with that, k?
Bobbtjoe Nov 22, 2009 Mabye the ones you posted today today, anything's beter than the one you have now..
M M My Pet Hamster Sep 27, 2009 You should join sieve fanatics: It's really good! It's run by a random nonesense generator! ...Tempted?
You should join sieve fanatics: It's really good! It's run by a random nonesense generator! ...Tempted?