Recent content by nichopoleve

  1. N


    Thank you for checking into this. I download these mods from steam. Where do I find the file then? I found it :) C:\Users\"YOUR COMPUTER NAME"\Documents\my games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS\G&K Enhanced Mod (v1.13.4) (v 1)\GEM\Policies\Trees
  2. N


    Civ V Unofficial Patch v2.5.1 (GK) (v. 1) G&K enhanced mod (v.1.13.4) (v. 1) I have not checked log files before.
  3. N


    Noticed a bug when you choose the scholastisicm policy in the patronage tree. It calculates the new science values as it is suppose to do and it gets displayed in the city screen for all the cities. However it does not calculate the new values in total towards the new tech research...
  4. N

    Various Bugs

    I did find a bug just now. The faith option for followers: "Ascetisism" is suppose to give you a +1 happiness if the city has a shrine and 3+ followers. This is not working in my current game. Is there a quick fix to this?
  5. N

    Various Bugs

    I think I found a bug. I noticed that when I got Military caste social policy. I am suppose to get +1 happiness and +2 culture for having a garrisoned unit. It only shows that I get +1 happiness and not the culture bonus. Ah nvm, it updated when I forwarded to the next turn.
  6. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos (ideas/discussions thread)

    What about changing improvements so if you have ex. a iron mine( trading), you could improve it so you get a resource from it that you can trade, gives bonuses etc. or iron mine (military), that only gives you the oportunity to build units with iron requirement. That might make resources...
  7. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    Can we please get some Viking culture heroes also. At the moment there are currently none :(
  8. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos (ideas/discussions thread)

    I think there is something wrong with stables/mamut building. It does not give speed promotion to mamuts, but it gives it to zebra, horses camels etc.
  9. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    In city screen you can right click buildable buildings, wonders etc to see them in Civilipedia. Is there a way you guys can make a shortcutbutton so that right clicking a unit portrait (or something similar) will open the unit in the civilopedia? PS. v18 is AWESOME! Thank you :)
  10. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    active game version? Is there a new version besides v.17 ?
  11. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    After I downloaded the mod again and installed, everything works. I just got a donkey that got subdued. Theres is no entry in the cevopedia. Can it make a unique building like donkey farm etc?
  12. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    Is there a difference in subduing if I attack vs defending from attack?
  13. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    Is hunting promotion a must btw?
  14. N

    Caveman 2 Cosmos

    I have started 3 new games now and I am wondering if subdue animals is broken? I have been in 50 battles total with animals without getting a single one of them subdued. I have used, wanderer, scout and stone spearman and none with a result. Using unmodified c2c download.
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