Recent content by ohhaimark

  1. O

    Pyramids on higher difficulties possible?

    Hi all, I played the Vox Populi mod for a long time but took a break from Civ in general during my last semester of grad school. With it now being over, I came back but after downloading the most recent patch found that the Pyramids now go on turns 22-28 on both Emperor and Immortal...
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    Reviving this. I can't seem to go Progress with 8-10 cities right now on immortal because of how crippling poverty is. After early rapid expansion, I'm left sitting about 35% happiness despite importing every luxury I can find. I will build markets, banks, custom houses, trade enhancing...
  3. O

    India Pantheon Choice

    Ello, Since India picks its pantheon once it settles, it brings up the question of pantheon choice. Certain pantheons (goddess of the hunt, plains) become guess work due to not seeing the camps / pastures. Of course, tunda/ desert pantheons work but require that specific starts. (Should...
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    So I normally play on Immortal / standard size and time. And while I can get wins with a bunch of other tradition and non-tradition civs, it seems like I just hit a wall with Egypt. Constantly beaten out for TOA and Hanging Gardens despite rushing them (I've seen them go on turn 38 and 67...
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    (7-1) New Beta Version

    Yes, I've used auto installer for EUI. I've tried moving the ui_bc1 folder like Vyyt suggested as well but am unsure if I have the correct file path. only DLC folders i can find for Civ V are in in the Assets folder, and the community patch itself.
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    (7-1) New Beta Version

    Sadly, whenever I try EUI I get several text rendering failures which make the game unplayable for me. Unsure for why that has recurred throughout each patch / fix - including this time.
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    (7-1) New Beta Version

    At this point, I've reinstalled hot fix #3 several times via the installer / manually cleared out and turned off all other mods except for Vox Populi but still am not receiving any notifications - no wonders built, no meeting city states, religions / pantheons founded, or unit death or...
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    (7-1) New Beta Version

    Does anyone else just not recieve notifications- for like an AI building a wonder, founding a religion, etc. after downloading the patch? If so, any known fixes? Thank you.
  9. O

    Overcoming Snowballing AI

    Huh now I know its 3 faith. Honestly, even without knowing the horses were there plains still looks decent just because of the faith generation from the wines and potential alliance / bullying of Lhasa. There could be more appropriate choices I'm not seeing though
  10. O

    Overcoming Snowballing AI

    Plains look pretty good to me to be honest. Wheat, horses + existing faith from wines will get bonus. Add that to faith from Lhasa alliance and +2 from tradition.
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    Advice for Founding on on Immortal?

    Hey, since the April patch I have run into the problem where I am consistently beaten to a religion by the AI in almost every case. For non-religious civilizations, I will go shrine to mono in every city. In some games I take Stonehenge, others I don't, but it doesn't matter too much...
  12. O

    Immortal+ France

    I've been going tradition and artistry due to their synergy with France's UA. Progress / Authority could help with infrastructure / expansion for sure. I guess if I'm going on conquering sprees, tradition will fall off sooner than later, so I'll try progress my next attempt
  13. O

    Immortal+ France

    I've been trying to win with France on immortal at standard and epic speeds. However, I always seem to fall behind and am unable to fully utilize their UA. From previous recommendations, I open with tradition (unless incredibly close neighbors in which I go authority). I b line Stonehenge and...
  14. O

    Quick Questions / Quick Answers

    Anyone else hitting a wall with warmongering after latest patch? Tried authority Greece, Authority France, and Progress France on Immortal, emperor and emperor and did much worse than usual.
  15. O

    Unable to by certain religious buildings

    Yes it worked fine on previous versions. And no, no extra mods have been added.
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