I'm so sure you made a link long time ago to a gamersshop in UK and I bought CIV5 from that for half the price compared to Australia. I also bought another game after that and I had no problems at all, well, more money for beer.
It was something like Aussiegamessite or similar? Tried to google what came to my mind, but nothing shows.
Would you be able to refresh my memory? I rebuilt my computer and never wrote down the site on paper, which was stupid.
Thanks for the clarification. The expected value I would have thought would be 2.2, however, you example shows they would both infact be 2.2. I'll keep this in mind when I create the next version of my mod.
It may be worth posting this somewhere in the C&C forum, later. e.g. Combat odds calculations.
"Possibly Cyrinno doesn't realise that city attack promotions deduct from the defense value of the defender rather than add to the attacker like all other promotions except Combat." ... can you explain this in more detail or provide a link as opposed to what it says in here ... http://www.civfanatics.com/civ4/info/promotions
I just made a post, then did a "never mind" edit on it but I don't know if you could actually delete the post, you know to clean up the forums as my "never mind" edit post makes that thread rather untidy. Here's the link to my specific post. Sorry about any trouble it may have caused. Sometimes I don't get my words out the exact way I want them (like horribly different from my intent) and I just feel compelled to go back a few minutes later and nix the post before I get replies to something that is different from my actual intent. Hope you understand. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=427485&page=36
i sorry to bother you, just need help finding, how to take ceaser from rome and put him on a different civilization. i know you can do it with unrestricted leaders but i was wondering what codes to copy over. if there is someone you could direct me to that would be many thanks
Is it possible to have my thread moved to a more appropriate location? Currently, "SaveUtils -- Itemized Data Storage Across Mods" is in "Civ5 - Modding Tutorials & Reference", but should be moved to "Civ5 - SDK / LUA".
hello. the following topic was blocked by the_j http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=396532
we were talking about persia's problems but he blocked that. i wish you help me becuase is was created that topic to talk about persia
Changing my signature. Leaving this here for future reference...
Mods: Advanced Combat Odds, PIG Mod, HEX Mod
Civ4 Articles: Unit Healing, FORTS in BtS... Everything there is to know, Optimising the Globe Theatre Draft City, First Strikes, Combat Odds and RNG
You'll take my life but I'll take yours too
You'll fire your musket but I'll run you through
So when you're waiting for the next attack
You'd better stand there's no turning back
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