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  • Hi fellow Canuck! Just wanted to say thank you for all the great posts. Followed the Lincoln and Hammurabi ALCs (I know, ancient history..). Just started playing some civ recently. Some single player and some ffa/team online.

    It's too bad people never gave protective a chance, I find it to be a lot of fun. For eg. Qin's Chuk rush is really OP vs AI. Also Charlemagne gets a ridiculous number of GGs thanks to drill units and imperial. Too bad most ffas online end long before feudalism/machinery.

    Gotta say, I remember reading many of your tutorials and game reports back when I was first learning Civ4 and I never said thank you for how much help you provided a new player.

    So, uhh, a much-belated thank you.
    Hey Sisuitil,
    Seeing that you are still active on the forums, have you considered writing a conclusion/why you couldn't finish it kinda thing for Princes of the Universe? Maybe give the barbs a thousand ICBMs and let everyone witness the end of humanity? Or something of that sort, basically just to not keep fans waiting forever. This maybe a little dramatic, but to quote Tagore,
    "Alas for our foolish human nature! Its fond mistakes are persistent. The dictates of reason take a long time to assert their own sway. The surest proofs meanwhile are disbelieved. False hope is clung to with all one's might and main, till a day comes when it has sucked the heart dry and it forcibly breaks through its bonds and departs."
    I loved PotU very much, BTW.:D
    I see. I'm surprised a huge Civilization fan like you didn't give it more a chance. I think you'll still probably end up liking Civilization IV more, but it'd be great to hear a detailed report on your thoughts of the game some day; it certainly has some things going for it, and the new expansion does improve things.
    Hey, I used to be a big fan of your ALC, but haven't been into civ in years. Tell me, is there any big write up post you've done on your problems with Civ V and why you only play Civ IV? I'd be interested in hearing your main problems with it.

    Thanks for doing all the ALC games. People are still reading and rereading them to this day. I used to follow them religiously back in my Civ IV heyday. Its a great way to pass the days when you work in an ISP's tech support call center and all you can think about is getting home and playing some Civ! Now that I'm getting back into Civ after a 2 year hiatus, they are still entertaining and a good refresher course.

    Just wanted to personally thank you. So...thanks again!
    Princes of the Universe is drool worthy. Thank you for it and thank you for your excellent guides and ALC and posts as well!
    I want to know what the chances of PotU being finished are, could you tell me? That story/novel is so good.
    I'm working on a strategy guide/reference chart that looks at everything based on the leader the player has chosen. I'm referencing your leader trait guide (and will be giving you credit!). Quick question: why do you recommend Chemistry for the Protective trait?
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