Recent content by Softly

  1. S

    [GS] Waterparks and Entertainment Complexes

    It is way to easy to get amenities in this game, and there is zero benefit for being above +3. Being ecstatic in all of your cities should be the exception, and not the rule. You can trade with the AI for one luxury and get the same benefit as building 4 entertainment complexes. They should...
  2. S

    Civ Unique Ability Elimination Thread

    America - Founding Fathers: 18 Arabia - The Last Prophet: 7 Australia - Land Down Under: 22 Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 25 Brazil - Amazon: 13 Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 22 China - Dynastic Cycle: 5 Cree - Nihithaw: 17 Egypt - Iteru: 21 England - Workshop of the World: 15 Germany - Free...
  3. S

    The favor economy (Does the AI overvalue it?)

    I hate it. It makes other sources of gold virtually meaningless. When you can get 25 gold per favor, then having a T1 government with two suzerains nets you nearly 75 gold per turn which can almost triple your gold generation in the early game. AI shouldn't value it more then 7-8 gold per.
  4. S

    Civ Unique Ability Elimination Thread

    America - Founding Fathers: 18 Arabia - The Last Prophet: 11 Australia - Land Down Under: 21 Aztec - Legend of the Five Suns: 23 Brazil - Amazon: 12 Canada - Four Faces of Peace: 21 China - Dynastic Cycle: 14 Cree - Nihithaw: 22 Egypt - Iteru: 21 England - Workshop of the World: 16 Georgia -...
  5. S

    Diplomatic Victory Dogpile

    That is no longer true. Since the June patch, both excess grievances and heavy environmental pollution provide negative diplomatic favor.
  6. S

    Let's talk about ages and dedications...

    This is more a great person issue then a era/dedication issue but I run into the exact same issue every time. I'll get like 5-6 great scientists in a row (the ones from the industrial->modern era) that give eureka to eras I already have fully teched. To add insult to injury these great...
  7. S

    (GS) Looking to get into multiplayer. Any games going on this weekend?

    Have 2k+ hours in Civ 6 but have never tried multiplayer. Anyone playing this weekend? Looking for a serious but not ultra-competitive game.
  8. S

    [GS] Production of Lumber Mills on Hills

    This is only true for resources under forrest/jungle (i.e a Jungle Amber tile). If there is no resource then the Forrest/rain forest will need to be cleared before you can build a mine,
  9. S

    Aid Request Money seems OP

    Yea the AI goes way way to hard on these especially on Deity. I was trying to win a disaster aid request and all the AI were at 7-10k score each and this was in the medieval era. On a standard map that is around 60k gold, which is basically unlimited gold that early in the game.
  10. S

    [GS] New Pathenons

    This is the true measure of good game design. Surprised I haven't seen anyone on the forums talking about the changes to Divine Spark. On the one hand obviously a huge huge nerf on the campus and theater square front, but with great prophet points now granting faith actually a nice buff to civs...
  11. S

    [GS] June 2019 Patch notes discussion

    This patch overall is a huge nerf to chopping. (a) Remove Godess of the Harvest (b) Buff Camps, Lumber mills, Quarries and add Jungle Lumber Mills. (c) Increased tech/civic cost. Any time you increase the length of the game you are buffing improvements relative to chopping. IMO if they just...
  12. S

    [GS] June 2019 Patch notes discussion

    I mean culture is the single most valuable stat in most situations. Plantations are also really common.
  13. S

    Fastest Possible Cultural Victory Times (Standard, Deity)

    I see alot of talk on these forms about fastest possible SV but not that many about the Cultural Victory. I just had a T142 as Russia, and was wondering how the squares up against the times you guys/girls have gotten. Also wondering what civs could theoretically get the best times? I imagine...
  14. S

    Pachacuti, Aqueducts and Macchu Picchu

    People definitely overrate aqueducts as the Inca. Important to remember that the +2 is actually just +1 if the terrace farm is otherwise adjacent to fresh water.
  15. S

    [GS] Antarctic Late Summer Patch Discussion Thread

    Wait what? Plains starts are the best. Do you mean like flat plains with no features?
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