Walter Hawkwood
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  • I have no idea how to use this site because I'm a lurker, but I wanted to say RI is the single best 4x I have ever played and I am so happy that it exists. This mod has been my most played game for 3 years running! I have no idea if it would be of interest but I am an out of work game dev (designer/programmer) that would love to contribute in any way I can.
    Walter Hawkwood
    Walter Hawkwood
    Thanks for the kind words! If you'd like to discuss how you can potentially contribute, feel free to send me a personal message and we'll talk.
    Hello, Walter! First of all, thank you and all the RI team for developing such a great mod that really pushes the boundaries of what can be done with Civ4! Now, to the subject matter…
    (I wrote too much for posting at first, so I will rewrite it shortly)
    Hi Walter,
    Just to thank for the RI Mod (the best mod), pouring so many hours into this old game still. Love the balance of the mod and the diversity and depth it instills.
    Great Work.

    Best Regards

    PS: Make Portugal Civ a standard playable one.
    Hi Walter,
    I'm not familiar with the forum functions, so you may not have been tagged I wanted too...
    I've posted a modified version of one of your "fort" cannon in my creations thread, if you want to have a look.

    Best wishes
    Walter Hawkwood
    Walter Hawkwood
    Thanks mate, I'll take a look (and no, the forum engine didn't send me a notification about it, so thanks for flagging!)
    Dear Walter, I'm very sorry that RI stopped development, will you do some simple updates in the future? For example to replace the unit model? I made some latin american units you can use.
    Walter Hawkwood
    Walter Hawkwood
    Yes, I am planning to release a mostly cosmetic update later this year, and it will definitely contain your units too!
    Dear Walter,
    I noticed that there are some fine Khmer units in the RI, but in the Renaissance era they became Post-Melaka units of Bakuel, have you considered making new Khmer units?
    Walter Hawkwood
    Walter Hawkwood
    I don't really make a lot of units - mostly they are those already available or converted from other games/mods. There are no suitable sources for later Khmer units I know of.
    Dear Walter,
    The "Lisowczyk" polish cavalry unit behave like a carrack, they move freely througouht rival terrytory without open borders.
    Hey Walter, thank you for allowing free use of RI's graphics. I'll be making good use of them in my modern-day mod.
    Walter Hawkwood
    Walter Hawkwood
    Great to hear! I'd suggest you use the files from SVN version if you can, though, as I recently finished a big technical overhaul, reducing the model sizes quite significantly, and those changes haven't made it into any installers yet.
    Hi Walter ... Not sure if this is the right place ... just wanted to say "Thank you" for this latest revision. A note of appreciation for the efforts of this team , in keeping this going. It is my most preferred MOD. Best wishes, Kuppai.
    Hey Walter do you happen to still have that pack of asian units that you sent me before that Bakuel made awile back? The many units (like the Khmer) that he never released.
    HI i have a question about multiplayer stability. sometimes when i and some friends create a game and click start the game crashes during loading screen. there just a windows message that the game crashed. and sometimes there is an oos failure at the start when the created game has loaded. what could that be? we play on windows 7 and 10 mixed via evolve. evolve is a vpn client.
    Walter Hawkwood
    Walter Hawkwood
    Very hard to say for sure. You're saying "sometimes" - which I guess means that it doesn't happen all the time. Does it happen under any particular circumstances? How often?
    I'm working on RI, making some changes and creating several scenario for all eras. I need just 1 improvement to make, create the string iturn for manifactured bonus to set a limit to military unit production and a global option to allow an accumulation of such resources, but I cant understand really how to do it on python. Do you have some suggestions?
    Hi Walter,

    do you happen to be a historian? When I read your posts I have the impression you have a very profound knowledge of history, not only European but also of other world regions.

    Best wishes, Ambassador
    I have a suggestion to increase Realism in "Realism Invictus" mod. it was primary imaginated to balance scientific research between tall and wide empires in Civilization 5. but the complexity of this mod is perfect place to add this idea. if this idea changes radically "Realism Invictus" mod, you could develop it as another mod of Realism Invictus.

    if you like it,just don't forget to go to my page to give your opinion about it
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