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  • Hello,
    I was wondering if you could approve my new scenario called World War III for Civ4BtS (World 2013 mod). Many thanks :)
    Hi - don't know if you are the right person to contact, but I have a modfile (barbarian envoy) in the moderation queue since Dec 25 - are you guys just really overloaded 'cause of the holidays, or did I do something wrong with the upload (insufficient documentation, etc). If so, let me know what I need to correct! Thanks!
    Hello!, I'm making units for a FF mod, and also releasing them for public use in this thread Premier's Babylon 5 Shipyard (1st pack) the "1st pack" was meant to show the latest ship pack available, but I've been unable to change the Thread's title (and I'm about to release the 3rd ship pack already).

    I don't even know if it is possible, but, could you please remove the "(1st Pack)" from the thread's title?

    Thank you,

    Premier Valle
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