Adds the Gran Colombia Civilization to Brave New World, with Simon Bolivar as its Leader!. This mod features Custom Leader Music.
Update: Music is now Modular! War Music Changed!
Gran Colombia Civilization
Special thanks to whoward for working out the trait.
[This mod uses a 2D leaderhead, since 3D leader modeling is still too obscure and mysterious. Special thanks to Zipa_DH for the map and the Civ Icon, whoward for the CaptureScript and True_Candyman for ideas on the Unique Unit. And to danrell for the horseman model I based the Llanero on. Updates to the mod will likely break saved games]
Musical Credits
Peace Music: La Guaneña, played by the Bogotá Philarmonic.
War Music: Jaibaná, Banda Seminario Redentorista
Reccommended to use with this soundtrack.
Post-Colonial American Civilizations Thread!
Update: Music is now Modular! War Music Changed!

- Leader:
Simón Bolivar - UA: The Independence of a Continent:
Occupied cities start with a Courthouse. Liberating a Civilization or
City-State starts a
Golden Age. Great People may be upgraded to Libertadores, losing the ability of building Citadels.
- UU: Libertador Replacement for the Great General. The Libertador grants a bonus against cities when adjacent to a city. It may also write a Political Treatise, granting a big ammount of :c5culture] Culture.
- UU:LlaneroThe Llanero has a combat bonus on Open terrain, and also transfers its movement to Libertadores, unlike the Lancer which it replaces. Requires 1 Horse.
Special thanks to whoward for working out the trait.
[This mod uses a 2D leaderhead, since 3D leader modeling is still too obscure and mysterious. Special thanks to Zipa_DH for the map and the Civ Icon, whoward for the CaptureScript and True_Candyman for ideas on the Unique Unit. And to danrell for the horseman model I based the Llanero on. Updates to the mod will likely break saved games]
Musical Credits
Peace Music: La Guaneña, played by the Bogotá Philarmonic.
War Music: Jaibaná, Banda Seminario Redentorista
Reccommended to use with this soundtrack.
Post-Colonial American Civilizations Thread!