Resources by Leugi

Renames the Happiness yield to Approval because it feels more like something you accumulate.
Leugi's Renamed Ages Leugi
Renames the ages to Age of Agriculture, Age of Commerce and Age of Industry
Expedition Base Split Leugi
Splits the "Expedition Base" improvement into Sanctuaries, Tambos and Expedition Bases.
Leugi's Panem et Circenses Leugi
Adds Festivals and Entertainers as a game mechanic replacing We Love the King Days
Patria Grande: Rio dela Plata Civilization Leugi
Adds the Provincias Unidas del Rio dela Plata with José de San Martín as its leader!
Patria Grande: Music and Voices Support for Cultural Diversity Leugi
Provides Music and Voices Support for JFD's Cultural Diversity.
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