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Civilization IV Remaster 1.7.3

By accident, the previous package version had an outdated version of shaders included. This version fixes that issue.
- fixed LSYSTEM so the Cultural Citystyles mod by GeoModder would work correctly
- brought back hills texture, which makes them more visible
- merged Proper Crossings mod by Niessuh
- made units a bit larger (80% of the vanilla size)
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- God Rays selection cursor - when you select unit the god rays appears from the clouds ;) Also the cursor around unit has been changed to circle with smaller circle rotating around it
- bugfix: fixed unvisible number of turns left for production and population on city bar (thanks to f1rpo)
- bugfix: fixed water shader reflections

Link to video.

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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- removed city pavement texture. In my opinion this make cities more easy and pretty to look at
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- added better watermill by hrochland
- added new modenm mine by hrochland
- changed how the farm crops look (more yellow crops and contrast)
- rescaled city layout size to vanila (cities now take more space on the map)


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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- removed black horizontal line above food yield icon
- small adjustments to grassland and plains tile (made them darker and more distinct)

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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
Actually fixing the issue with objects not displaying in fog of war
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- bugfix: the iceberg and Great Wall should now be hidden in clouds of war
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- merged Taurus mod (aka BULL/BUG - BtS Unaltered Gameplay DLL) by f1rpo
- fixed missing icons of some buildings in civilopedia and technology tree after merging vincentz larger wonders
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34

- merged Cultural Citystyles by GeoModder
- merged larger wonder building models by vincentz
- bugfix: rivers are now visible in fog of war
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34

Link to video.

- removed seams between cloud tiles
- some trees in clouds are visible now (these on visible terrain and near the clouds)
- smoother transition between clouds and fog of war
- bugfix: hidden culture borders showing up on clouds of war
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- Added beta version of clouded fog of war effect.

Link to video.

To install shader you need to:
1. Find shaders folder of your Beyond the Sword installation. For steam users it's usually
C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Shaders
2. Backup original FXO folder inside folder from point 1
3. Copy FXO folder from Civ IV Remaster.7z archive (modded FXO is located in /Shaders folder) into folder from point 1 (override existing files)
4. Play the game
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- made some textures less blurry
- toned down grid lines
- centered icons over the city bar
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- increased the size of unit in inferface (bottom left corner)
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- bugfix: fixed the bug preventing the strategic view to toggle when zooming out (now it should work)
- moved "production turns left" number in the lower left corner of production icon on city bar
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- changed the look of the city bar so the whole bar has team color
- adjusted texture of city bar to look more like in civ6/civ5
- resized the capitol star and moved it next to population number
- removed production name and moved the turns left counter to upper right corner of the production icon
- city name is shown in the middle of the bar
- city name is in uppercase
- city bar is over the city not below
- made city bar wider
- bugfix: adjusted the fov and pitch to allow to zoom out camera to strategic view

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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
- added dune waves for desert
- made tiles more blurry for smoother transitions
- changed ocean color to dark blue
- added generic detail texture for most of the tiles
- fixed gridlines for all tile types and made them thicker. Also the gridlines on ocean are white for better contrast
- changed FOV to 50 to make perspective more isometric and less over the top
- bugfix: decreased city screen camera zoom which prevented seeing top tiles
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
Fixed freeze bug when toggling between grid and normal view
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Reactions: Gabriel Lima34
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