CQUI - A UI Overhaul (Now out on Steam Workshop!)

CQUI - A UI Overhaul (Now out on Steam Workshop!)

Reviews 4.71 star(s) 14 reviews

Hello chaorace. I love the concept of the mod but I am unable to use it. I tried using the nightly version of the mod with the Rise and Fall expansion, and I was not able to click anywhere on the map tiles. The civics tree was empty as well. Any idea why?
CIV VI feels like it's in beta without this Mod.
It's one of the better Civ VI's mods for me
The best Civ6 mod I've found.
Chao it is a fantastic mod! But I have a little issue - When I start the game I see like 4 small icons of resources instead of just one. Any idea how to fix it? :)
Game/Mod version mismatch. Please download the latest nightly of CQUI and use it with the latest Spring 2017 patch from Steam
Game is literally unplayable without this.
I'm not a big a critic as some of VI's UI but after using this it's basically impossible to go back. Absolute must-have mod.
A much needed improvement over the poorly-designed vanilla UI.
Best Civ VI mod hands down. Can't even play the game without this mod now
Amazing and lot of work behind this project
Being using this since it was first devised and available on GitHub, brilliant!
A must-have mod. Very thoughtful design and useful layout.
Very promising, very useful mod, but completely ruined by bugs in its present state. Definitely one to follow.
Hi! I'd like to hear more about what specifically went wrong for you, the last thing I want is for people to be suffering game breaking bugs!
Fantastic mod.
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