Even More Resources for Vox Populi

Even More Resources for Vox Populi (v 8)

- Fixed Tin not having a monopoly bonus.
- Backend: No longer overrides VP's AssignStartingPlots.lua. Changes to the lua now directly within VP.

- Added compatibility with Spain's new improvement, Hacienda. Will work with the VP version which comes after 01/12/20.
- Sulfur and Obsidian now correctly unlock Stone Works.
- Luxuries now correctly unlock Corporations.
- Backend: When farms are removed, the original continent type for the plot is restored. Works across save games.
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Reactions: Carloshooter
- Fixed incompatibility with custom civs, potentially causing UBs to gain yield bonus for all resources of this mod.
- Fixed incompatibility with Enlightenment Era, causing Tavern's food bonus for wheat to become a gold bonus.
- Enlightenment Era's Tavern now grants the food bonus to rice and maize as well.
- Increased Poppy great person modifier from monopoly from 10% to 25%.
- Fixed incompatibilities with some mods (disabled trigger which updates text string).
- Fixed Research Lab description text.
- Fixed Platinum unlocking at the wrong technology (should be Mining).
- Fixed some database errors relating to Lead, Platinum, and Titanium (due to missing defines for the HEAVY and MARSH art variations).
- Platinum monopoly now +10% science instead of +10% gold.
- Fixed bug with IGE not loading correctly.
- Fixed bug where Songhai Tabya required an Obsidian or Sulfur in the city.
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