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Hinin's Tweaks for VP

Hinin's Tweaks for VP v.7

I waited a lot to post this new update, so this new version compiles a great number of changes I made these last two months.
These include :
- aesthetic changes to Carthage and China
- gameplay reworks for England, China, Incas, Ottomans, Shoshones
- some tweaks for Byzantium and Persia / Iran
- some Barbarian tweaks (a bit more spawning on higher difficulties + no more embarked barbarians before every other civ)
- the faith ruin changing to post-pantheon (to keep Stonehenge relevant), but with important yield buff
- some minor policy name changes (still WIP)
- a general reduction in city strength (-25%) and health (-40%) => still WIP
- tech cost rework post-medieval (taken from Vern's suggestions as a mean to test things)
- a massive rework for warfare, especially during the early game (including 4 new units and 2 new buildings)

As always, don't forget that almost all the things in the mod are modular, meaning you can remove files easily without them breaking the mod. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to ask for my help. :)
I waited a lot to post this new update, so this new version compiles a great number of changes I made these last two months.
These include :
- aesthetic changes to Carthage and China
- gameplay reworks for England, China, Incas, Ottomans, Shoshones
- some tweaks for Byzantium and Persia / Iran
- some Barbarian tweaks (a bit more spawning on higher difficulties + no more embarked barbarians before every other civ)
- the faith ruin changing to post-pantheon (to keep Stonehenge relevant), but with important yield buff
- some minor policy name changes (still WIP)
- a general reduction in city strength (-25%) and health (-40%) => still WIP
- tech cost rework post-medieval (taken from Vern's suggestions as a mean to test things)
- a massive rework for warfare, especially during the early game (including 4 new units and 2 new buildings)

As always, don't forget that almost all the things in the mod are modular, meaning you can remove files easily without them breaking the mod. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to ask for my help. :)
- Machrek update : new kits for Egypt, Arabia, Byzantium and Persia (UA, UB, UIs or UUs depending on civs)
=> Thanks you very much to gwennog, pineappledan, and especially Rek (who did the lua and helped greatly for the design) for the Egypt rework
- France and Rome UNWs update + Legio reworked (now able to create a weak version of the Fort even in hostile territory)
- Greece and Netherlands tweaks (UB for Greece, UU1 and UI for the Netherlands)
- General tweaks : removal of combat damage randomness (thanks to Rek and Flamingcheesepie for it) ; rework for promotion-giving natural wonders (to make them more unique in some ways, still WIP)
- Fixes to the Ancient Ruins (new AR types doing nothing) and crash problems (thanks balparmak) ;
- Added my own take on a Roman rework, focused on consistency and scaling (Rome wasn't built in one day) while keeping the Classical Era power-spike core of the civ (thanks to Rek and pineappledan for the inspiration).
- France : removed the Chateau, replaced by the Sainte-Chapelle
- Ancient Ruins : thanks to @balparmak, new Ancient Ruins types for Food and Border Growth points ; added back the XP ruins, now buffed to 20 XP (can be removed easily if asked)
- Rome : removed the bonus territory when conquering cities ; added the ability for all Roman infantry (Unmounted Melee, Gun, Archer and Recon) to build Roads and Forts, and gave +1 Food and Production to Roman Forts.

Thanks to @balparmak (dll code) and @gwennog (Sainte-Chapelle Icon) for making this update possible. :hatsoff:
- Rework the Musketeer, now a Commando replacement
- Change the SPAD for the Bombarde-Mortier from Rawsasquatch's Jeanne d'Arc France custom civ => early Cannon that heals and gains levels quicker
- China tweak : Chu-Ko-Nu moved to Physics in exchange for 1 Ranged Combat Strength ; its unique promotion now reduces the Combat Strength of hostile units within 2 tiles by 10% instead of giving a combat bonus near cities.
- Ethiopia : removed the Food and GAge points from the Stele, replaced by a 10% Faith conversion into Food in the City.
- Removed the Golden Age bonus from the Stele (already taken by Songhai's new UA, and having no true synergy with the rest of the Ethiopian kit), and replaced it with 2 Food and Golden Age points
- France UA rework (more incoming, but I wanted to test the concept first)
- Removed the big Faith Ancient Ruins, replaced by a flat amount increasing with Eras, like other yield ARuins.
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