Towns, Manufactories, Academies improvements built on Atolls boost the action strength of the corresponding Great Person.
  • Proa UU now correctly obsoletes at ObsoleteTech of its upgrade unit instead of its PrereqTech
- fixed missing PurchaseCooldown, GlobalFaithPurchaseCooldown for Nahnken
- Uhpa: changed lua event from CombatResult to CombatEnded

Thanks to @looorg for the feedback.
Atoll spawn required to enable some VP dll functionalities to work. Fixed its dependencies, and workaround removed.
- fixed UA text to include Masonry tech requirement for GPTI on Atolls.
- solved conflict with main VP code that allowed Fishing Boats to be built on Atolls.


  • Screenshot_5.png
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- UB Kepidau: replaced Airlift ability during golden age with the a movement bonus to embarked units (+1 movement that increase to +3 during golden ages).
For those who prefer the airlift ability I added a code switch, that is in the mod folder you can find the "UserSettings.sql", open it with notepad and change the number from 0 to 1 to have the airlift instead of the new ability.
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Reactions: gwennog
Thanks to gwennog for notification.
- Civ now starts with an Atoll near the capital if there is none within 3 tiles.
- Atoll given by Kepidau is now visible.
- Fixed notification icon when ships claim a sea luxury.
  • Fixed a typo that made IGE unhappy.
  • Fixed another typo that gave to all great generals a promo by mistake.

Thanks to N.Core for the notification.
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