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Jarcast's Some More City-State Leaders for VP

Jarcast's Some More City-State Leaders for VP 3.2

Thanks to ArturM77 for the notification.
Kingdom of Caria => Satrapy of Caria
  • added alternative icon for Yerevan.
  • fixed changes from CS Leaders for VP not always firing when custom civs for VP are enabled (e.g. Skara Brae still displaying Sumer leader icon).
  • Replaces Hanoi with Luang Prabang (Laos) when LS' Vietnam for VP exists.
  • Replaces Manila with Baguio (the Igorot) when pineappledan's Philippines for VP exists.
  • Replaces Byblos with Alalcomenae (Ithaca), Tyre with Tartessos, Sidon with Halicarnassus (Caria) when pineappledan's Phoenicia for VP exists.
  • Replaces Leluh/Nan Madol with Tomhom (the Chamorro) when Jarcast's Nan Madol for VP exists.
I noticed Muisca CS was already featured in Unique City States and chose to change.
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