Michelangelos David

Yoda Power

Sep 24, 2002
This is a building I made for the MEM awhile ago, just never posted it before. It does not include Wonder Splash.



  • michelangelosdavidlarge.gif
    19 KB · Views: 1,290
Wow, this really hasn't gotten the attention it deserves. Great job, great great idea. Looks wonderful.

I'll most probably use this as a great wonder, having attributes such as;

- "Cultural" as the building's character
- "Gain any 2 advances the other civs have", most probably.
- or maybe, instead of the thing listed above, +1 trade in each tile or something.
- also, I would give the cultural value a 4, I'd say.
It was quite hard to find a good picture of the statue, which was wide enough to fit the splash screen, but thanks to Google, I could find it on the 12th page or so when I did a picture search...

Although it will definitely scare the hell out of me to see a naked man splash on my screen everytime I build the wonder (:D), I won't do a "censored" one, unless you can't stand to see naked men :crazyeye:... (It's art, come on..)

Oh, by the way, I tried to optimize the palette the best I could, but, you know, it rarely works miracles.

Here we go;


And here is a preview:

(geez, I feel like a noob, posting over and over to the same thread, instead of editing the old ones, but what the heck, I'm lazy)

Also, when Conquests come out, it could become a "Tourist Attraction" anyway (one of the new features of the expansion pack, if anyone doesn't know this already, which turns wonders that are made obsolete into some sort of "cash cow").
hey thanks Spincrus. I might make a new version with fixed shadow and your splash in:)
this is some cool wonder!

I will implement "him" as a small wonder in the late middle ages...
Originally posted by Yoda Power
hey thanks Spincrus. I might make a new version with fixed shadow and your splash in:)

I would certainly be honored by that :)

This wonder could come up with Free Artistry, maybe. Any ideas?
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