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Mon Calamari Cruiser 2016-10-05

The gentle Mon Calamari people brought more than their determination to restore freedom to the galaxy when they joined the Rebel Alliance. They also brought a fleet of powerful capital ships. These immense vehicles were a startling contrast to the rectilinear shapes favored by the Imperial fleet. Whereas the Imperial Star Destroyer resembles a pointed dagger in shape, a Mon Calamari cruiser lacks hard angles, and is covered with ovoid forms suggesting an organic sculpture.

Despite their smooth lines, these vessels pack an enormous punch. Turbolasers, ion cannons, tractor beam projectors and shield generators dot the flowing surface of the ships.

Perhaps the most important Mon Cal cruiser during the Galactic Civil War was the Home One, the Headquarters Frigate that served as Admiral Ackbar's flagship, and the traveling headquarters of the Rebel Alliance after the Battle of Hoth. Home One engaged Imperial vessels during the Battle of Endor, and survived intact. Other Mon Cal cruisers weren't so lucky -- several were atomized by searingly powerful blasts from the second Death Star's superlaser cannon.
Source: www.starwars.com
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    The gentle Mon Calamari people brought more than their determination to restore freedom to the...
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