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Policies Grant Buildings & Perks [snippet for mod 2016-10-05

For mod makers. The UI changes in this snippet will only work if you use both the Buildings and Perks code. Even if you only need one, incorporate both into your mod.

What it does

This mod contains code that defines six new XML tables. By adding entries to these tables mod makers can have Virtues (aka Policies) grant buildings in cities. If an end-user is playing with multiple mods that use this snippet it will work properly.

Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClass: <PolicyType, BuildingClass, Help>
The building will be granted to every city. The Help string will be added to the tooltip for the Virtue.

Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassCapital: <PolicyType, BuildingClass, Help>
The building will be granted to only the capital. If the capital moves (due to conquest) the building automatically moves.

Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassWater: <PolicyType, BuildingClassType, Help>
The building will be granted to cities founded on the water.

Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassLand: <PolicyType, BuildingClassType, Help>
The building will be granted to cities founded on land.

Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassCoastal: <PolicyType, BuildingClassType, Help>
The building will be granted to cities founded on coasts.

Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassRiver: <PolicyType, BuildingClassType, Help>
The building will be granted to cities founded on rivers.

Policy_PGP_FreePerk: <PolicyType, FreePlayerPerk>
The player will be given the perk. The perk's help text will be added to the tooltip for the Virtue.


This code is compatible with Rising Tide.

How to incorporate into your mod

Copy the "Policies grant buildings" directory and "Policies grant Perks" directory to your mod. Have the XML files update the database (via the Action tab) and set the LUA file as an "InGameUIAddin" (via the Content tab).

Make sure the XML files from this snippet that create the table update the database before any files attempt to add entries into the tables for this snippet.

InfoTooltipInclude.lua will need to be added via "InGameUIAddin" and have VFS set to true. It will replace the existing InfoTooltipInclude.lua. Without it the help text will not get added to the Virtue tooltip (but buildings and perks will still be granted).

How to use

Add entries to one of the six tables: Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClass, Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassCapital, Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassLand, Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassWater, Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassCoastal and Policy_PGB_FreeBuildingClassRiver.

These buildings should have: cost=-1, ConquestProbability=0

Or add entries to: Policy_PGP_FreePerk

The perk's help text will be shown in the tooltip UI for the Virtue.

How it works

A collection of functions detect when a player adopts a policy, founds a city or conquers a city. When one of those things happen the code fires off an event for the new city (or every city a player owns when they acquire a policy) asking all the tables to add to a list of buildings that will be given to the city. Each table listens for that event and adds its own buildings to the list. Once the list is complete the code adds the buildings to the city or cities.


Synergy bonus Virtues (the depth or breadth kickers) may not work if they are granting Buildings or Perks. If this is a problem I can enhance the detection logic to make them work correctly.

CivFanatics Thread
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