Real Governor Inspector (UI)

Real Governor Inspector (UI) 1.3.1

Version 1.3.1
- Technical change for making sure that it runs with XP2 ruleset. Fixes some rare XP1/XP2 issues.
Version 1.3
- Added compatibility with Real Era Stop mod. You can now safely use RGI even when whole eras are gone from the game.
Version 1.2
- Added: Korean localization by wizel.
Version 1.1
- July 2020 Patch: Governors from Secret Societes are not shown.
Version 1.0
- Added: Columns with earned promotions are marked with the white color.
- Added: A button in the left top corner to open the Governor panel.
- Added: Information about available governor points.
- Added: The Audience Chamber icon will appear if you build one.
- Added: Information about 6 policies that are related to governors.
- Added: Basic city status icons will appera close to the city name.
- Added: Left-click the city name to go to that city.
- Added: Promotions are displayed in the tooltip when hovering over a governor icon in the city list.
- Changed: Amenities are taken into consideration when calculating yield effects. This makes calculations a bit better.
- Changed: The total column displays only effects from earned promotions. This can be changed via an option in GovernorInspector_Database.sql.
- Fixed: Not revealed resources are not shown in Victor's pane.
- Fixed: Proper calculations for +30% production for space and WMD projects.
Version 0.9.1
- Fixed: Two issues that happened at the begining of the game and broke the window.
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