Realism Invictus (light version)

Realism Invictus (light version) 3.72

Another batch of bugfixes, balance tweaks and AI improvements


  • Fixed a CTD on leader change if the civ in question somehow doesn't have a capital
  • Fixed "Random seed on reload" game option not saving
  • Planet Generator script should now correctly save settings on Steam version of BtS
  • Resource bubble scaling should now apply correctly on Steam version of BtS
  • Changing leaders should no longer cause an OOS in multiplayer
  • All leader traits should apply correctly on leader switch

AI improvements​

  • Recon units, ranged cavalry and light horsemen will no longer be considered by AI for city attack roles
  • AI war declaration evaluation will now place much greater emphasis on relative power if it's unfavourable, even if the target is tempting. Should have much fewer suicidal war declarations.
  • Unit power scores used for AI evaluations have been severely rebalanced to better reflect the actual military capabilities; AI players should now be better at estimating relative military strengths
  • More robust checks for the ability to bombard plot (from AdvCiv)

Balance changes​

  • Blitzkrieg doctrine promotion line now also available to armoured units that have no collateral damage (such as flak halftracks), as it is potentially useful for them as well
  • Moved Shipbuilding a bit further in the tech tree, making it require Metal Casting instead of Weapon Smithing (Great Lighthouse will now be a bit less anachronistic)
  • Trade now prerequisite to Weapon Smithing
  • Israeli unique walls should no longer be impervious to pre-gunpowder siege units
  • Routes in rough terrains should now take a bit less effort to build

Other tweaks​

  • Randomly spawned barbarian cities will now be renamed into their own by civilizations that take them, same as when barbarians settle into a new civilization (preplaced barbarian cities in scenarios still keep the old rules)
  • Added and corrected some more dynamic city names
  • Raw production display in the city screen will now display correct production figures from specialists
  • Applied proper formatting to German version of tech pedia entries as well (they are untranslated, so just a direct copy of English)
A hotfix to 3.71 where some leader trait effects wouldn't apply correctly on leader change
A relatively minor follow-on update to 3.7

Major changes:​

  • Map scenarios (as opposed to historical: Deluge and Crusades) now offer an option to choose your leader and randomize AI leaders (you still have to choose the fixed leader first when starting, you get a popup after the scenario has loaded)
  • A new game option, off by default, to change leaders every era (AI leaders choose from the current leader - so a chance to stay with the same one - and all leaders that weren't used yet in that game, humans get to pick the one they want from the same list)

Balance changes:​

  • Upped the epidemic rate from trade routes, seemed almost irrelevant most of the time
  • Distributed some of the Salt Pit bonuses across the tech tree to reduce its overwhelming utility in early game (1 production to Mining, 1 commerce to Currency, further 1 commerce to Commerce Code)
  • Megalomaniac trait only affects World Wonders (but is a bit more severe at -25%)
  • 5 Year Plans now have a civ-wide effect as intended, rather than just affecting the city where built
  • Made Ancient and early Classical techs somewhat cheaper (first three tech columns substantially cheaper), while late Classical more expensive
  • If a civ is a vassal, instead of joining it, a culturally-appropriate separatist city will spawn a separate "Free ..." civ
  • Players that share a civilization (such as a hypothetical vassal and free civ above) instantly assimilate 80% of the other civ's culture on conquest


  • If a city revolts to barbarians, they don't get a palace (as it breaks barbarian functionality); thanks Deder for this one!
  • Fixed a major bug that would mess up unit role costs and unit classes in pedia
  • Fixed a major error in AI evaluations that resulted in CTDs for team sizes over 1
  • Fixed "smaller fonts" setting in Installer to actually work

Cosmetic and technical changes:​

  • Renamed scenarios to conform to a consistent naming scheme
  • If a city has trade routes as an epidemic source, the epidemic message will be different from the standard one
  • Rewrote code for Ahead of Time tech penalty to be much more compact, moved to a separate file for easier editing of variables
  • Main interface should now better accommodate lower resolutions
  • Swapped the art for Bomb Shelters (now Fallout Shelters to better reflect their effects) and Bunkers
  • Fallout Shelters can now only be constructed if nukes are enabled
  • Reformatted most tech pedia entries and updated some
  • New terrain detail maps that should look detailed up close and not noisy when zoomed out. Other small terrain tweaks
  • Tweaks and additions to some game texts

Further nuclear code changes by Takofloppa:​

  • Added new definitions in GlobalDefinesAlt for nuclear winter mechanic, making it easy to customize or disable entirely
  • Readjusted nuclear winter parameters to make them a bit more aggressive
  • Increased interception chance of SDI projects to compensate for AI making more nukes
  • AI should no longer fear a former nuclear aggressor if the nukes are banned and they have none left

Major yearly update

Major highlights (see respective sections for more details)​

  • Major rework and rebalancing of old RI mechanics, such as Epidemics, Separatism, Barbarian Civilizations, Slavery & Serfdom mechanics
  • New combat-related mechanics, such as new air missions, nuclear winter for major nuclear wars, rework of free wins against barbarians, etc; major rebalance of unit stats to accompany
  • Vastly improved AI in many game aspects
  • Lots of balancing and consistency work in all aspects of RI – technologies, buildings, civics etc.
  • A lot of old vanilla and RI game elements are now better explained in the UI
  • …and 14 more pages of various changes!



  • Got rid of all 0.5 epidemic rate modifiers, epidemic rate now only increments in integers, same as health/happiness. Everything that previously had +/-0.5 now either has +/-1 or 0.
  • Epidemic rate offset from difficulty changed to be in line with health
  • Dropped all mentions of "%" from epidemic rate, as it was misleading people into thinking it is the chance per turn. The tooltip on epidemic rate now shows the chance per turn.

Separatism and Barbarian Civilizations​

  • "Enthusiasm" effect that buffs freshly independent civs (whether through separatism or barbarian settlement mechanic) now a bit more powerful
  • War weariness will now reset to zero if a separatist revolt is successful, to prevent death spirals
  • Barbarians can no longer settle into a civ while their cities are under siege (non-barbarian land units on a neighbouring tile)
  • Ex-barbarian civilizations now get certain strategic resources for free (bronze, horses, iron, sulphur, coal, depending on the tech level)
  • Spawning civilizations (whether through revolutions or settling barbarians) now properly get a palace in their capital
  • Reworked the logic of tech assignment to settling barbarian civs. The new civ will know all the techs known to at least 50% of the civs on that continent
  • Halved the barbarian settle chance
  • Barbarians have their settle chances radically decreased if all civs on the continent know Shipyards (New World or late game Old World); not to zero though, you'll still see powerful New World civs from time to time, but now there's actually time to colonize before that


  • Slave/serf revolts will only spawn where they can reach the city of origin (no more spawning on a one-tile island or the other side of a strait)
  • The names of rebel units reflect the original units they're based on, a bit more elaboration in Pedia on how it is decided (the ability to build their counterpart irregular units), removed all tech & resource prerequisites (they are always spawned by revolts so this had no real impact and only served to confuse),
  • Brought the techs required for rebel unit spawn to be 100% in line with the prerequisites of the irregular unit lineup (sometimes they could spawn earlier where two techs were required)
  • Technologies that increase the power of rebel slaves and serfs now have that spelled out in their tooltips
  • Added a 2-strength rebel slave tier now that Slavery can be reached before Warbands are available
  • Slaves now have only 25% to die on improvement completion
  • Slaves are converted to workers with only 20% probability now when switching out of Slavery; conversely, if the barbarian civ somehow procures slaves, they are all converted into military units (was 50%; I don't know how relevant this change is, as I can't think of a normal game situation where barbarians get slaves)
  • Slaves captured in combat will now have the visual culture of the civ they've been captured from
  • Visual improvements to slave rebel units; all rebels now use animations appropriate to their class (except for paramilitary slaves with Molotovs; I wonder if anyone ever saw them naturally in their game)
  • Halved base slave revolt chance
  • Slave revolt chance doubled by slave market
  • Rework of Colosseum wonder: no longer tied to Civil Service; instead of old passive, now doubles the chance of capturing slaves from combat; provides a famous gladiator for every 10 slaves captured (including retroactively when built, and a minimum of one when built); now obsolete earlier, with Social Contract
  • Famous gladiators can establish gladiator schools that provide +1 happiness, +10% gold and melee and recon unit XP in a city with an Arena, but doubles the slave rebellion chance in that city
  • Famous Gladiators have a second function: Bread and Circuses, a temporary yet powerful building that generates happiness, culture and food. Doesn't require Arena, and is indifferent to civics (if you switched out of Slavery with some gladiators remaining, you now still have a use for them).
  • Visual flavour: slaves in slave rebellions represent the slaves historically captured by the player (if no slaves were captured yet, rebel slave culture will reflect the parent civ)
  • All relevant info is now displayed in building/civic/technology tooltips and pedia entries. If slave/serf rebellions are off, none of the related info will be displayed (including not displaying the rebel units in the pedia)
  • Slave market gives +2 commerce boost to salt pits
  • Reduced base peasant revolt chance in Serfdom to zero
  • Peasant revolt chance now moved to Manor, as are most benefits of the Serfdom civic - players can now choose to selectively implement serfdom in their territory
  • Peasant rebels in Serfdom now are the tech-appropriate irregular units of the relevant civ; there are no more generic "peasant rebel" units
  • Slave/peasant rebel will no longer spawn on a border with another civ; it won't 100% prevent them from wandering off into another civ's territory, but it may help
Nuclear weapons (most changes by Takofloppa)

  • AI civs without nuclear weapons will not declare wars on AI civs with history of using nukes against their enemies
  • As long as both civilizations didn't nuke each other (or their friends) in the past or they generally don't have a history of nuking, they won't use a nuclear weapon unless one side is not starting to lose badly (threshold depends from the strategy that AI currently realizes)
  • Nuclear powers losing the war should prioritize building nuclear weapons more
  • Civilizations going for conquest/domination victory should be more willing to use nuclear weapons (it was already in the code, but values were way too low to have any effect)
  • A few improvements and balance changes in weighting formulas for choosing a target for a nuclear strike (especially for tactical nuke), AI should be less willing to use it if the war is already won by a good margin
  • AI should now actually value nuclear silos as prerequisites to building ICBMs
  • Increased the costs of all nuclear weapons (almost double what it was before)
  • Fixed AI ignoring tactical nukes when ICBM was available, even when due to cost scaling the latter was taking way longer to produce - now both should be built and used
  • Fixed AI trying to nuke enemy units on friendly territory while ignoring first nuclear strike rules
  • Fixed AI producing nukes only during peacetime, while almost ignoring it when at war
  • Increased production of nuclear weapon when opponents have greater military power (previously it did work only during war)
  • Increased interception efficiency of SDI project by 10% to compensate more nukes produced and stored by AI
  • Readjusted first nuclear strike parameters, AI should be less willing to use it unless losing badly at war
  • Added nuclear winter mechanic - excessive usage of nuclear weapon will result in temporary decrease of food yield and increase of unhealthiness in cities, as follows:
  • Every nuclear explosion increases the severity of nuclear winter by 20 for standard map (it scales with size), the counter is visible in environment tab
  • Every 100 units of nuclear winter severity gives -1 food for all plots with improvement
  • Every 30 units of nuclear winter severity gives +1 unhealth in all cities
  • Both levels are visible in tooltips like on the screens
  • Every turn, the severity of nuclear winter is decreased by 5%
  • AI is aware of this mechanic and should be less and less willing to use nuclear weapon when the winters start to hit hard

Air combat​

  • Strategic bombers now the only type of planes to bombard terrain improvements; on the other hand, they are no longer able to perform recon missions
  • Strategic bombers now able to properly bomb routes even without improvements present (was bugged before)
  • Strategic bombers can reduce city population when bombing it, down to the minimum of 5 (the chance is higher the higher the population is, with 100% chance to reduce when over 10); this also means that strategic bombers can bomb cities with population over 5 even when their defence is reduced to 0%
  • Advanced bombers now appropriately costly
  • Air combat damage calculations no longer use raw interception power, but rather interception/evasion difference, same as interception chance (advanced units caused combats to be far too lethal all the time)
  • Air superiority mission. Fighters can deliberately target patrolling enemy fighters
  • Paratroopers now have sensible aerial evasion chances; Spec Ops now actually HAVE evasion chances
  • Multirole Fighters now have longer range than Air Superiority Fighters
  • Guided missiles now require Missile resource
  • Guided missiles and tactical nukes should now be hard to intercept, now have 6 and 10 range respectively

Non-air combat​

  • All difficulty levels now have at least 2 free barbarian combat wins, to reduce early game frustration. Reworked free barbarian win logic: free wins now only trigger (and get expended) if the unit would have died otherwise; if triggered, the winning unit never gets more than 1 XP; there is a special message telling the player that a free win against barbarians has been triggered. Combat odds display now always displays true odds against barbarians, given how free wins now work
  • All desert terrain unit bonuses now also apply to oases, and all coast bonuses now also apply to islands (both kinds)
  • Anti-cavalry bonus provided by walls and other defensive buildings now gradually scales down with their health, from full to zero. Relevant hint adjusted to reflect that (BTW, the reduction to zero in its former version was a lie, the defence bonus was always active)
  • In light of the above, some balance changes. Walls now provide a major +100% defence vs all mounted units, with further +50% by the castles (and 50% from palisades before walls). Base city strength malus reduced to -25% from -40% for all cavalry units. In essence, attacking a city with intact walls should now be impossible, while damaged cities are now easier targets for cavalry
  • Combat results at extreme combat odds (<5% and >95%) are somewhat nudged towards the probable outcome to reduce player frustration

Units and promotions​

  • You will now actually be able to build paramilitary or modern infantry even when able to build IFVs (it will no longer automatically switch to IFV)
  • Some unique cavalry units had their city attack and/or defence malus reduced below -25%, to zero in some cases
  • Lots of units with soft resource requirement bonuses of 5% now more expensive, but the actual bonuses are much more substantial to compensate. Should normally result in roughly the same balance, but without the nonsense 5% bonuses
  • Levies now upgrade to medieval swordsmen (consistency: all other irregular units can be upgraded to contemporary heavy/regular units); has an added benefit of tidier unit upgrade charts for most civs
  • Great spies now get Commando promotion, same as regular spies
  • Land units can traverse normally impassable terrain features (forests/jungle/swamps) in friendly territory, same as naval units with ocean. Also coincidentally resolves a reported infinite loop
  • Manoeuvre Warfare doctrine now obsolete with Machine Guns, giving it a bit more longevity
  • If unit costs scaling is on, upgrade costs with be 50% lower to compensate the increasing base unit costs on which they are based
  • Privateers (and Heavy Privateers) now limited to 12 per game, so it is possible to kill them all off for good. Once 12 Privateers have been killed, no more can be built by any player in a given game. Also, now both normal and heavy Privateers limited to 3 per player (was 4 for normal, 2 for heavy)
  • Cavalry and tanks now belong to the same "Mobile" base role (not to be confused with unit type – this only concerns cost scaling); this should eliminate upgrade cost shenanigans from cavalry to tanks
  • All lancers are now charge cavalry
  • To underscore this change, all the remaining hussars now use sword and pistol animations
  • All units of light cavalry line now consistently provide recon aid (horsemen and improved horsemen used to provide mobility aid)
  • Archer now strength 2, +100% attack vs recon, +100% city defense (by default, adjusted where appropriate)
  • Skirmisher now strength 3, +75% attack vs melee (still lower in total than before), +1 first strike, moved to Bronze Working
  • Warband moved to Weapon Smithing
  • Explorer now strength 7
  • Light Infantry now strength 11
  • Russian and French grenadiers have the same str as other grenadiers (still better than average due to bonuses)
  • Explicitly forbade pre-gunpowder siege units a number of UNITAIs so that they aren't used by AI for nonsensical purposes
  • Crossbowmen now upgrade to Irregulars, which in practice will now always lead to obsolescence of archery units after Irregulars are available (as originally envisioned)
  • Spec Ops now provide both recon and assault aid
  • Spec Ops now able to get both recon and gunpowder unit promotions
  • All IFVs have the same 32 strength and same March promo (no River Combat promo)
  • Scouts now get +100% instead of +50% defence in forests and jungle (and certain flavour ones in other features), which should make them a bit more tenacious
  • All tanks had their strengths increased
  • Tidied up armoured and late-game naval units, to be uniform within unit class (removed some minor bonuses and price discrepancies, to correspond with the stated policy of all of them having the same stats)
  • Bronze made a production bonus rather than hard requirement for SotL
  • Added production bonuses to two industrial battleship-line units
  • WW2-era submarines no longer able to carry missiles
  • Destroyers no longer break ice or move through it
  • New World Unit - Nuclear Icebreaker. As the name implies, requires Nuclear Power tech and nuclear fuel, able to break ice. AI can use it properly, yay (unlike before with Destroyer Ice Breaking)
  • New world unit, SR-71, an unarmed air unit with exceptional range and evasion, excelling at air recon
  • New unit class, Mortar. Doesn't require any resources, comes at the same time as field/heavy artillery (WW1 era), strictly worse than both. Will prevent modern-era civs from building trebuchets when artillery resource isn't available. Has artstyles for different culture groups but no flavour units


  • Fishing docks and lighthouses can now be built on water bodies of any size (including lakes)
  • Buffed Unitary Constitution, now provides a massive bonus to the capital, and global culture bonus (though half as much as Federal)
  • Advanced power plants now have severe restrictions: gas and nuclear you can only build one per respective fuel resource available, solar is latitude-limited; enrichment facilities now provide 3 fuel per uranium
  • Pagan temples now grant happiness with incense
  • Pagan temples can no longer be constructed if running a state religion; this is also communicated in pedia and in the tooltip when they are disabled in the city screen
  • New late-game building, Logistics Hub, that combines Railway Station and Retail Store, with some additional bonuses
  • Shipyards and Industrial Shipyards require Naval Supplies and Steel respectively
  • Naval Equipment Manufacturies no longer have building prerequisites
  • Bronze Smith and Bronze resource now go obsolete with Bessemer Converter tech
  • Moved the late-game experience for siege units to Arsenal building; Siege Workshops now get replaced by Arsenals when those are constructed, and discontinued with Black Powder tech
  • Fortifications now built faster with masonry materials and cement, base cost increased to accommodate (also added visual variants for Renaissance fortifications for different cultures)
  • Fortifications now provide +100% defence (was +25%)
  • Major rework of building capture chances (thanks to AllTheLand). Most capture chances revised upwards, but buildings that require other buildings (like cathedrals and operas), as well as limited national buildings are never captured
  • National Epics now truly national, providing +25% global and +25% local GP points instead of +100% local
  • Baths default building is now less confusingly called Bath House
  • More consistent culture from wonders based on era (4 ancient, 6 classical etc); industrial/modern wonders more variable, but now provide at least some culture
  • Halved GP from wonders; world wonders now provide 1 GP point
  • The cost of some late-game wonders increased to match other contemporary ones
  • Slightly buffed Bletchley Park (2 espionage from Universities, up from one before)
  • Das Kapital works on global specialists, not just the city it's built in (as originally intended)
  • Grand Arsenal can now only be built on sizeable bodies of water
  • Art of War no longer a wonder, but rather a doctrine that increases overall logistics by 1 and provides 1 XP (obsolete with Cavalry Tactics)e
  • Instead of Art of War, Arg-e Bam is the new Wonder: increases urban logistics by 3, vastly improves the defences of the city where built
  • Copernicus' Observatory is now Uraniborg. Sorry Copernicus, you never had your own observatory, and your work is already commemorated by Great Works of Science, so you've had double representation anyway. Uraniborg, OTOH, was a very real and very costly great scientific building.


  • Roman ballistae come a bit later (with Siegecraft) but are now able to bombard city defences
  • Finnish saunas provide happiness instead of culture, to better differentiate from Russian UB (and also in line with the policy that non-playable civs have better UBs to compensate for NI lack)
  • Replaced Taiwan (that was mostly a carbon copy of South China anyway) with Philippines. New derivative civ, mostly complete. NU will eat your recon units for breakfast, maybe even literally. Maritime-oriented UB. Fully fleshed out unit roster, with strong infantry lineup that excels in rough terrain, meh cavalry and archers. New leader complete with city names (that list took quite some research, including actual historical publications). Starting location in Triassic scenario updated to reflect new civ (though it was actually closer to Philippines than to Taiwan anyway)
  • Austronesia lost all its Filipino influences to the new civ, now have some different units, Great People etc
  • Turkish Janissaries now only require Arquebus tech
  • Roman legionaries get a fairer role cost increase which should make their costs comparable to that of someone building both axemen and swordsmen; they also fill both of these roles now, for upgrade consistency
  • Greece now gets a flavour galleass that's faster than default (in line with earlier dromon), but weaker
  • Persian unique plantation now always provides 1 more commerce than the default version
  • India, Maya and Huns get new colours, to better distinguish from other civs (South China, China and Persia respectively)
  • Khmer leaders no longer get a tech penalty (a remnant of before the time separatism/barbarian civs were implemented)

Resources and Improvements​

  • Gems now have a chance to spawn in deserts
  • Increased the spawn rate of Fur
  • Slightly increased spawn rate of Coal
  • Pigs can now spawn in forests
  • Camps can now be built on Pigs for +2 food (can’t be used to connect the resource itself); Pastures on Pigs in jungle now require the same tech (Water Pump) that's required for all jungle removal
  • Cart Paths can now be built faster
  • Forest removal takes roughly twice as long and yields much more production (40 vs 15)
  • Precious Mines can now only be built in jungle with a tech that allows jungle chopping
  • Buffed Salt Pit improvement with additional food, production and commerce
  • Salt set to additionally be able to spawn in grassland terrain, and in hills; set to spawn more overall
  • Industrial plantations get more base commerce, plus additional production when naval manufactories become available
  • Moved industrial plantations from Land Tenure to Irrigation Systems


  • Paganism now provides no base happiness from state religion, but pagan temples can be built even with religions present in the city
  • Confederation gets more free units and number of cities maintenance reduction increased to 50%
  • Buffed Republic a bit with additional +1 global happiness from Senate
  • Lowered base happiness of Democracy civic by 1 (still the best option happiness-wise by far)
  • Brought back Constitutional Monarchy. Basically, a variant of Constitution that was available with Democracy civic. Requires Monarchy and Representation. Keeps Monarchy viable into modern era
  • Communist countries (running Planned Economy civic) now get mutual diplomatic penalty with those that don't, for a more dynamic late game; the amount of penalty depends on particular leader's personality (can be seen in Pedia)
  • Many leaders will now be more or less willing to adopt Planned Economy and, to a lesser extent, other leftist civics (can be seen in Pedia)
  • Slightly lowered Planned Economy AI weight; average game should contain more non-communists than communists
  • Civs will consider some diplomatic implications of going/not going communist: vassals will always match overlords' decision on that, and civs will be majorly influenced by the choice of other civs they are friendly (as in "Friendly" relations level) with


  • Comprehensive tech cost review
  • Cost increases should now be smoother across the board, with no major one-time jumps (there were a couple of cases of 60%+ increases from tier to tier, now there aren't any over 30%)
  • Earlier techs made relatively somewhat more expensive, ahead of time penalty should be a bit rarer now
  • Later techs, conversely, are now relatively slightly cheaper than before
  • Average tech progress should now be more consistent between map sizes
  • Overall tech progress should now better correspond to displayed years (still highly dependent on the circumstances of a given game though)
  • Rearranged the tech tree somewhat. Major highlights include Philosophy moved much later and Mausoleum (world wonder) now being both available and obsolete much later (historically it was the second-longest lasting of the Seven Wonders). Due to migrating Philosophy, lots of Classical techs have different prerequisites.
  • Added a couple of logical tech prerequisites (Radar to Rocket Science, Jet Flight to Globalization) and removed some redundant ones (where a tech would require that prerequisite due to having another later prerequisite anyway)
  • Guilds no longer prerequisite for Paper
  • Renamed City Rights to Borough Rights, Mixed Sail Armament to Global Trade, Market Relations to Economy, Merchant Adventures to Chartered Companies.

Scenarios and Map Scripts​

  • Removed cold marshes from Totestra, as they really didn't fit tundra/ice (as their base terrain is grassland)
  • Made a lot of tweaks (mostly imported from AdvCiv) to PerfectMongoose, with the general intent of reducing snakiness of the continents. Not as chunky as Totestra, but at least some progress
  • Pangaea maps of all sizes now a bit smaller to account for having more land than most other map generators; should lead to more consistent research speeds
  • Triassic Earth: updated Malinese leader to actually be Malinese, added Brazil to the sparsely populated Southern Hemisphere
  • Some tweaks to Crusades scenario: placed Arg-e Bam, buffed Muhammad of Ghor (he's supposed to conquer a big chunk of India historically, but rarely if ever does that in the scenario), AI Korea will now capitulate to Mongols if at war with them (put up far too much resistance, basically neutering Mongols for everyone but Chinese - hopefully now Mongols may be more of a threat), all Scottish city names now properly Gaelic, reviewed the starting techs for most civs, Bolgar now correctly has a Palace
  • Dravidian civ is now playable in Large World Map scenario
  • Fixed Austronesian AI on Huge World Map; they will now expand normally
  • All civs start with appropriate warriors in the World Map scenarios (England and France start with Celtic ones to underscore the native Celtic population)
  • Mayans in Huge World Map get a starting archer in hope they may survive more (always seem to get annexed by Aztecs)
  • Some balance tweaks to Europe scenario; buffed some underperforming civs, nerfed some overperforming ones (mostly by redistributing some resources, but also removed barbarian Sparta, as both Greeces struggle a lot even without a mighty barbarian city right on their doorstep)
  • Can now add derivative civs in Worldbuilder, not just the playable ones

Other balance changes​

  • When vassal relation is cancelled, all deals with vassal's former overlord are cancelled too
  • Islands now provide +25% defensive bonus, so they are better than just coast for defending
  • Golden Age duration now roughly doubled across all game speeds
  • Great People points can now be fractional; a +25% on 1 GP is no longer wasted
  • Trade routes now use fractional commerce; early trade-boosting buildings like Caravan House are no longer invalidated by being rounded down
  • Reenabled defensive pacts; now available with Imperialism
  • Airliner crash event now has its probability reduced, and prerequisite tech switched to jet engine (an "airliner" is technically possible before jets, but feels out of character)
  • Elite Swordsmen quest now accounts for medieval swordsmen as well, and for Rome-specific units too (that technically count as a separate class)
  • Capped the requirements for quests in scenarios to reasonable amounts
  • Removed the per era random event chance increase; don't understand the logic behind original design, should significantly alleviate late game event spam
  • Changed the relationship penalty formula for getting ahead to only take actual score difference into account, not ranks difference. Should now be much more gradual, starting at zero with equal scores, reaching maximum at 20% difference and decreasing back to 0 at 40% difference
  • "Avoid unhappiness" now discounts temporary happiness (temporary happiness will pass, citizens will remain)
  • Imperialist leader trait now also gets +1 happiness from Arsenals
  • Engineer specialists now get +1 base research and get production increases in line with craftsmen from the production building line
  • All Great Works giving a bonus to a specialist now give the same bonus to appropriate Great Specialist
  • Removed a K-Mod adjustment to inflation calculation that unnecessarily complicated it (and was aimed to counter the effects of tech trading, which is disabled in RI by default); inflation now again uses a consistent linear vanilla formula
  • All active espionage mission costs doubled, except for counterespionage


  • Decluttered unit upgrade charts in pedia (minor gameplay effects, will no longer able to build certain units if a direct upgrade is available, mainly swordsmen and cataphracts)
  • Clarified in Pedia that barbarian cogs can traverse oceans
  • Units capable of collateral damage now display the number of targets in Pedia and tooltips
  • Pedia lists additional clarifications for some obscure mechanics (including vanilla ones that were never explained properly), such as farms requiring 1 or more food on a tile to be built, and cultivations explicitly mentioning replacing fertile soil with a resource. Cottages now correctly explain in pedia that they require at least 1 food on the tile to be built.
  • All unit pedia and strategy entries updated to reflect correct up-to-date information, and formatted to be more consistent and better readable
  • National art gallery (and its flavour versions) no longer have a wall of text for effects description
  • Since logically barbarians are a part of every game, "Current game" in all pedia categories will also display relevant barbarian content
  • Citizen militia negative promotion now indicates in pedia that it is removed after the first successful combat
  • Religious shrines now displayed on pedia pages for appropriate religions
  • Buildings that require coast or river indicate that in pedia and tooltips
  • Mit'a (built by Incan Chasquis) no longer treated by pedia as a "great work"
  • Fortifications now explicitly state that their defence bonus works against all units
  • Defensive combat messages now show attacker's odds (whether they won, lost or withdrew); can be toggled off in GlobalDefines
  • Added game option to turn Alliances (formerly Defensive Pacts) off
  • If Alliances are off, the "Enables Alliances" icon will not be shown in the tech tree. While I was at it, the same applies to Permanent Alliances and to Tech Trading (should really have been in vanilla)
  • If a city's separatism is lower than -100, its city billboard will display a green separatism icon
  • Reenabled the ability to turn on custom unit naming schemes in the interface options; still off by default
  • Domestic advisor now shows city maintenance costs consistent with city screen (thanks to giorgio1234)
  • Military advisor screen should now handle non-standard map proportions better
  • Yields up to 19 can be displayed now
  • Minimap in the main screen will now resize based on the map proportion (to avoid edge artifacts)
  • Buildings that are disabled due to wrong civics will no longer wrongly be shown in the economics advisor screen
  • Espionage screen scales with resolution
  • Replay screen scales with resolution


  • AI should now be far more enthusiastic about using artillery, especially on defence
  • AI should now better estimate how well/poorly barbarian cities are defended (AI used to assume barbarians can shift defences between cities, which they don't unlike AI civs)
  • AI should now be less likely to found non-coastal cities with sea tiles in radius
  • Rebel units should now more consistently target the closest city
  • AI civs will now immediately declare war on their separatist civs if those are weaker than them
  • Fixed a longstanding bug where AI would for some unfathomable reason oscillate between building mechanized farms and slave farms indefinitely
  • Pathfinding algorithm no longer incorrectly implies all water tiles have the same movement cost
  • AI will now gladly use strategic bombers against your improvements and routes (previously was restricted to bombing improvements on resources)
  • AI now only evaluates religious buildings for one religion when considering resource bonuses (as you can only have one state religion). Bye-bye overvalued incense
  • AI should now refrain from constructing buildings with civ-wide modifiers in all but its most productive cities (both from productivity perspective and not to place those on the periphery of the civ where they can easily be lost)
  • AI will now only consider terrain-specific defensive promotions if the unit is intended to stay in one place (city defence, fortification etc) and that tile has the terrain
  • AI will now only consider terrain-specific offensive promotions if it is an offensive unit already standing on said terrain (a simple realistic evaluation of how likely it is for that unit to be fighting in this terrain again)
  • AI will now only consider feature-specific offensive promotions if the unit is already standing on the terrain that the feature can spawn in (a very crude evaluation of how realistic it is to fight in that feature in the future - if the unit is in tundra, it is unlikely it'll have to fight in the jungle)
  • Civic evaluation no longer looks at civic-dependent buildings that have -1 cost (= can't be constructed normally); these are provided by wonders and are already rolled into that wonder's value (prevents AIs overvaluing Slavery with recent Colosseum changes)
  • AIs should now be more likely to stick longer with a civic if they built a civic-dependent wonder
  • If "AI Plays to Win" is not selected, leader personality should affect their research preferences much more
  • Code contributions from AllTheLand:
  • Completely redone logic on whether to accept an open borders deal or not
  • Better valuation of tech transfer benefits and trading route benefits
  • Split evaluation into separate evaluations of benefits and disadvantages of the deal
  • A deal being evaluated as good makes the AI more likely to say yes (the previous version had a bug causing the opposite effect)
  • Tone down the importance of relations and leader attitude, so the AI may seek a great deal even if angry or reject a terrible deal even if moderately happy
  • Ensure the AI actually cancels deals when it evaluates them as not beneficial
  • Make the AI stockpile more gold when researching a tech that benefits from a tech diffusion boost
  • Make the AI favor more picking techs that benefit from a tech diffusion boost
  • Don't consider foreign trade route benefits if either our side or the other side cannot have foreign trade (typically because of protectionism)
  • Don't mind as much helping a weak civ to gain techs if it is not near our borders, as it's not a threat but could become an ally or a thorn on the side of a rival civ
  • Make cities of size 1 or 2 always want to grow if happiness is not a problem even if there is currently no good job for the new citizen (ported from KMod 1.46 commit 91f437c)
  • Improved citizen job evaluation (ported from Kmod 1.46 commit 89343a5)
  • AI doesn't overreact to small espionage weights from humans (ported from Kmod 1.46 commit dde683f)
  • Tweaks to AI_buildingValue (ported from Kmod 1.46 commit 1dc8a4)
  • Add simplified resource checking for some AI training decisions when the city tasked to do it is not yet picked (ported from Kmod 1.46 commit 8b01339)
  • Completely new AI best tech evaluation (Ported from Kmod 1.46 commits 0576597, 143498d, e9d401c)
  • Various tweaks to AI tech evaluation (Ported from Kmod 1.46 commit 11f8801)
  • Various fixes ported from f1rpo's Kmod_tweaks:
  • Fix "We love the king day" announcement
  • Don't assume tech values can't be negative
  • Fix a bug in AI eval of tech paths

Aesthetics / historicity​

  • Improved the look of various farms and plantations
  • Zulu cattle trek should now look less monotonous when spammed on many tiles
  • New set of cultivation icons, matching current icons for the relevant resources
  • Terrain tweaks: less noisy base terrains, consistent colouring when grids turned on/off
  • New "building" art for epidemic in the city; bye-bye t-posing skeleton
  • Many Light Infantries now have an early look, roughly corresponding to XVIII century
  • New art for default and French dreadnoughts (the French one was very obviously a predreadnought!)
  • Default Attack Sub no longer Ohio-Class (which is not an attack sub at all), all Attack Subs now properly use torpedo animations
  • All bombard gunners now carry a linstock for better visual distinction
  • Visually reworked many cannon units for better consistency. All "Cannons" (as in the unit after bombard and before grand battery) now correspond to XVII-XVIII centuries
  • Reworked the looks of most spec ops to make them a bit more formidable (at least none use stock M-16 or AK-47 anymore)
  • Irregulars now use a different animation from line infantry (makes it easier to distinguish two contemporary units visually)
  • New animations for Infantry (WW2) - should now be visually more distinct from both WW1 infantry and conscripts
  • All WW2 infantries armed with historically-appropriate rifles, semi-automatic where historically possible (British for instance haven't ditched Lee-Enfields until they got actual assault rifles, so they and other Commonwealth units don't have a semi-automatic rifle)
  • All marines now equipped with historically-appropriate LMGs and use a different animation from Cold War infantries, again to be more visually distinct (also, LMGs look cool)
  • New default advanced fighter model, based on MiG-1.44 (F-35 was used before and, confusingly, was also one of the flavour units)
  • Updated art for lots of leaders, to better match available sources (mostly MidJourney using historical sources as references, with heavy manual post-processing)
  • Tweaked placement of a lot of city buildings (especially coastal)
  • Added and reworked some more dynamic flags
  • Added communist flags for all derivative civs that didn't have them yet. Most are obscure but historical or at least based on historical designs
  • Added and reworked lots of flavour unit art
  • New graphics for medieval city lots for better visual distinction between classical and medieval eras
  • Reworked some building art and pedia zoom levels
  • Removed a couple of flavour Hermitage replacements due to poor model quality and in one case not making any sense
  • All art eras and great works of art get their own unique artwork in pedia
  • Updated some interface icons (separatism up/down, epidemic)

Bugfixes and technical changes​

  • Separatism tracker button will no longer disappear on low graphics settings
  • Fixed an infinite loop linked to privateers
  • Fixed CTD associated with Russian Advanced Fighter
  • Fixed CTD on breaking forced vassalization
  • Fixed a unit cargo related CTD
  • Fixed a recently found vanilla bug with city razing/refounding
  • Prevented an integer overflow in inflation calculation, which could lead to inflation suddenly dropping to zero
  • Prevented an integer overflow in unit role system that could cause hundreds of units to be built at once later in the game on bigger maps
  • Prevented an integer overflow in war success rating evaluation (code by Takofloppa)
  • Bugfix: a city cannot be "liberated" to a civ that never owned said city (and there won't be any requests to do so)
  • Combat odds now properly displayed for Helicopters attacking Naval units
  • Fixed a long-standing bug with ranged attacks. Unit with most strength would be chosen to defend, even if it was already reduced to bombardment limit, disallowing further bombardment of the stack. Now if there are some units with strength over the limit in a stack yet, they will be properly chosen

Other minor fixes​

  • Lots of fixes for unit models and animations
  • Removed unreachable victories (space & diplomatic) in Deluge and Crusades scenario. Should results in better AI priorities
  • Naples can no longer break free of Austria in the Deluge scenario (it is more of an administrative subdivision than a separate country at the time)
  • Statue of Zeus (or its equivalent) will now correctly grant a reward option in Sports League quest
  • Fixed a bug where a tooltip for a tech would only list one unit even if the tech unlocked several
  • Corrected some typos and errors in pedia
  • Corrected some separatism option reduction descriptions, to reflect current civic setup
  • Missing African artstyle swordsman art added
  • English (and Portuguese) Royal Marines no longer sound female
  • Fixed separatism icons in sovereignty through the ages events
  • Vanilla fix (visual): Fixed an oversized shadow for forest preserves
  • Vanilla fix (visual): added entries for some unused city lot sizes; cities should no longer have "bald patches" under bigger buildings
  • Vanilla fix (visual): drydocks now face the sea with the end that ships can actually enter
  • Vanilla fix (visual): modern graphics for pasture now adheres to slopes in the same way as regular pasture does
  • Default horse archer no longer able to detect spies
  • Deleted tags for unsupported languages (French, Spanish, Italian) from the text files, roughly halving their size
  • Fixed several errors in variable references in German translation of some events (seemingly inherited from vanilla)
  • Fixed missing tech quotes in the German translation (they aren't translated anyway, no reason not to have them)
  • Fixed barbarian archer upgrade path; barbarians archers will now be able to upgrade to composite bowmen
  • Removed all unused DllExports from the dll (should have minimal impact on anything, but reduces the probability of future bugs)
  • An ungodly amount of vanilla Civ 4 and K-Mod bugfixes by f1rpo:
  • Fix minor BtS bug with Airliner Crash event
  • Fix rare BtS bug in Great Mediator event (from Kek-Mod)
  • Strip non-ASCII chars from signs when WB-saving
  • Fix rare BtS overflow in AI_endWarVal
  • Don't count units of other teams as culture garrison, nor for military happiness. These oversights existed already in Vanilla Civ 4.
  • Fix BtS bug in AI eval. of resources required for stuff
  • Fix K-Mod AI bug: Civics that hastened improvement upgrade rate made AI value cottages less instead of more
  • Fix non-ACO combat odds for units with damage limit (mostly not applicable to RI, but still)
  • Avoid loud promotion, war sound and show messages about flanking damage silently and more swiftly.
  • Fix "Hymns and Sculptures" event trigger
  • Use a more reasonable multiplier for the difference in civic values (new vs. old)
  • Fix two minor K-Mod issues with the transport AI
  • Fix K-Mod's ROUND_DIVIDE function
  • Fix issues with Partisans event: cities with 1 population aren't supposed to spawn partisans. Also, the number of partisans should be based on the old owner's culture level, not on tile culture. Cities whose borders haven't expanded yet (Poor culture level) now spawn 0 partisans. (May have been intended that way, but it's a judgment call.)
  • Bugfixes in BBAI auto-explore behavior of aircraft: as a result of those bugs, air units on auto-explore mostly chose random tiles at maximal range as their recon targets.
  • Fix 3 erroneous K-Mod uses of AI strategy bitmasks: those had affected some AI yield adjustments and uses of the counterespionage mission. Minor issues, but easily fixed.
  • Bugfix in K-Mod function countEnemyCitiesByArea. Apparently, this meant that the AI didn't increase the number of floating defenders based on the number of enemy cities when in a land war.
  • AI tweak: Explore near tentative city sites. I had noticed that the BtS/K-Mod AI often founded without first exploring the full city radius, which lead (well, contributed) to suboptimal city placement.
  • Enlarged replay screen
  • Bugfix in K-Mod's pop-to-grow computation
  • Fix likely oversight in AI code for ferrying workers. A BtS issue; may well contribute to the overall poor allocation of workers to landmasses on archipelagic maps.
  • Fix K-Mod's "Simple Unit Selection" option. The option had no effect because of a typo.
  • Fix K-Mod bug in AI civics evaluation. Anarchy length had sometimes been computed incorrectly, leading nonsensical civics changes
  • Fix an issue with civic/ religion trades. When a player agrees to switch both civics and religion in a single trade, those changes are now always applied (in a single revolution). In BtS, depending on the order of the items on the trade table, the religion change was sometimes skipped.
  • Fix K-Mod bug: ships stationed in unsafe cities
  • Fix K-Mod bug in AI city evaluation. K-Mod code intended for adjusting city placement "based on proximity to other players" had had no effect.
  • Bugfix in AI embargo evaluation (vanilla Civ 4 bug)
  • Fix crash when loading save from within a game. The crash occurs when the camera is near a city of a player with an id greater than the highest id of a living player in the savegame. I.e. only when the savegame has fewer players than the ongoing game (probably a Vanilla Civ 4 problem).
  • Fix potential OOS issue in K-Mod. Must've been introduced in the K-Mod rewrite of AI_techBuildingValue
  • Fix K-Mod bug in AI city trade evaluation. The city culture ratio had had far too much impact.
  • Don't check for made-attack in AI plot danger functions. When checking for danger, we want to know whether an enemy unit will be able to attack on its owner's next turn. The made-attack flag says whether it has attacked on its most recent turn. This bug was introduced with the BtS expansion.
  • Fix a confusing K-Mod AI response to brokered peace
  • Fix an issue with the AI closeness heuristic
  • Allow Barbarians to pillage their target city (not sure if they are supposed to have target cities at all, but...)
Hotfix for city billboard icons, separatism button and Greek and Hindi units. Compatible with 3.61 saves.
A rather modest cumulative yearly update. Save game incompatible. Changelog:

- Fixed some unit animation and model errors
- Fixed plotlist at 1024x768 resolution
- If Cultural victory is turned off, AI should no longer raze every city it takes
- Fixed a couple of rare zero divisions
- Fixed an AI building value evaluation bug that caused AI to vastly overvalue buildings that increased other buildings' yields (Clock Tower as a prime example)
- Fixed stock BtS heavy swordsman idle animation so that the sword properly loops instead of skipping
- Fixed Asian warrior getting a diverse group of non-Asians

UI and UX:
- Resource icons on the main screen have a better structured background (courtesy of sqwishy)
- New city billboard, with a better legible font (based on sources provided by sqwishy)
- Smaller popup icons in the main screen, better scaled with resolution

Cosmetic updates:
- Redid a lot of leader pictures
- Redid a lot of unit buttons
- Redid a lot of flavour unit art, especially for China (modern) and Khmer (medieval-Renaissance); several new flavour units
- Redid some tech icons

Other changes:
- Carrack unit class no longer called "Caravel" to avoid confusion
- Exploration and Expert Pilot promos now available to post-sail units as well
- Commandos now count as recon instead of gunpowder units
- Industrial shipyard provides additional +1 food from water tiles
- Players will only get news about GPs born in civs they met
- With per city research scaling off, the research cost penalty applied will be based on the map size (was fixed at +30%)
- Cult of Personality now allows unlimited informant specialists
- Bottom half of the scoreboard will no longer hate each other for getting ahead (world domination is far away anyway; crab bucket mentality is pointless at that point)
- Religious shrines will provide income based on the world % of a given religion instead of a fixed 5 gold. Exact amount based on the world size, but rule of a thumb is you'll get 5 gold around 12-15%, less with less and more with more
- Late game transports updated: old Transport class is no longer represented by a landing barge, as nobody crosses oceans in that, but rather by a WW2-era troop transport ship (NOT Liberty ship, those were simple cargo ships). Also added a post-WW2 class that it upgrades to, Dock Landing Ship, based around late-XX century designs (the model used is British Fearless-class)
- Added some missing pedia and strategy entries


  • New main interface layout with way larger minimap (at modern resolutions it was far too small to be useful). New layout kicks when there is enough screen real estate (screen width over 1440 pixels)
  • Foreign advisor screen now scales to screen resolution and adjusts font sizes; if there are too many leaders, relations screen will position them in two semicircles instead of one
  • Military advisor screen now scales to screen resolution
  • Civics screen now scales to screen resolution and adjusts font sizes
  • Dawn of Man screen text now fits without scrolling
  • When a particular civilization is selected in pedia, unit pages and unit upgrade chart will use its unitstyle, and unit page will show the real upgrade units for this particular civ, instead of generic ones
  • Leader splash in pedia now has the same aspect ratio as the one in in-game diplomacy screen, no longer squished
  • Changed the default font used by the mod to Segoe UI (natively comes with all Windows versions starting with at least 7); its anti-aliasing actually works and generally it scales better
  • Reduced font sizes where adjusting interface proportions was not an option (like the plot/unit stack tooltip, which we can't make wider or civic descriptions where there's limited space) so that more text can be visible
  • Adjusted interface proportions in a lot of other cases where the text didn't fit/overlapped before; the UI seems to fit together much better now
  • Added smaller fonts theme file that should work better for people playing at low resolutions (though the default theme shouldn't have any particular problems either)
  • Minimap should render at a better resolution now, looking more detailed for bigger maps
  • Symbols for yields of >10 should now be more visible
  • Building list in city screen now sorted alphabetically, separating limited buildings and wonders into their own categories
  • New, more user-friendly unit naming scheme that includes unit class in the unit name
  • Building/wonder pedia page now shows the probability of the wonder being destroyed on conquest
  • Reworded pedia to reflect the fact that resources aren't lost when converted to other resources in buildings, plus added a hint that states it directly
  • Added inflation line back to economic advisor (hope it doesn't cause MORE confusion, as inflation is already rolled into other costs)
  • IDW and ahead of time tech costs now selectable game options; deselecting those removes all the relevant UI elements too
  • When IDW on (and it is on by default), a tooltip on a city tile shows the probability of an irregular unit spawning when defenders depleted (or show the reason why there won't be any)
  • Separatism action effects now point to relevant civics / wonders in pedia


  • AI should now assess separatism threats and assign additional weight to espionage based on current situation
  • Reduced AI weight for Planned Economy, so late game should be less of a commie-fest
  • AI should now use ranged-capable siege units both offensively and defensively
  • AI should no longer disregard Holy War doctrine
  • AI now takes into account resource use for speeding up unit construction (which among other things means it now assigns non-zero value to naval supplies)
  • AI should now properly use slaves to hurry buildings (previously would only want to hurry wonders, which is suboptimal, as it led to slaves sitting in the cities 90% of the time)
  • Fixed a critical bug (or rather lack of code) in AI Open Border logic. Now all the tweaks advertised before should ACTUALLY work. Playtesting shows a much more consistent behaviour (and UI message of AI willing to sign open borders no longer lies)
  • AI should value established open borders more than before, less flip-flopping
  • AI should no longer disregard limited buildings (such as weaver) nor art eras

Units and promotions​

  • Moved Pistoleer and rural logistics bonus to Cavalry Tactics
  • Made longbowmen roughly 20% more expensive
  • Early tanks now have a bigger attack bonus against gunpowder units. While the WW1-era tanks had their issues, they really were weapons that revolutionised warfare, not as useless as they were in RI
  • Buffed the last emplaced artillery and moved it further in the tech tree
  • XIX century artillery can now upgrade to both light and heavy WW1 artillery, not just heavy
  • First promos in Gun Battery, Main Calibre and Torpedo line all enable multiple attacks per turn; should make late naval combat more decisive
  • Moved Marines earlier in the tech tree
  • Moved most Missionaries further into the tech tree
  • Moved Helepolis to Siegecraft from Mathematics (used to be available far too early and was quite an overkill at that time)
  • Infantry, Late MG and Marines now additionally require Radio
  • Melee and mounted traditions now also go obsolete at a certain point, for consistency with the archery one; neither should really be useful by that point
  • Machine guns had their defensive bonuses increased
  • Buffed advanced gunships to be more obviously superior to regular ones
  • Biological warfare missile is no more (the unit was never on realistic side)
  • Both unique cannons (Great Bombard and Big Bertha) do much more collateral damage
  • All medium tanks and MBTs now have a bonus against armoured units (to make them deadlier to light tanks and a more likely counter to themselves)
  • Late-game naval transports now able to attack (at the very least for consistency with earlier transports), enabling certain promos that were only available to attack-capable units. OTOH, Pirate Hunter line no longer available to them
  • Desert and Winter combat promos now in line with Forest and Hill line - both levels grant both attack and defence in respective terrains. Still only two levels, as unlike hills and forests, these don't grant an inherent defensive bonus to overcome
  • Shock 3 now gated by Armor Crafting, while Flanking 3 moved to Stirrup
  • Added several new flavour units that I honestly thought I added a while ago
  • air unit promotions greatly overhauled, with several new promotion lines
  • Nerfed strength bonus of Trained Archers doctrine a bit
  • "Only defensive" no longer precludes units from having access to collateral damage promotions; Barrage promotion line is back for Siege units!
  • All spies now use the same unit button, so it is no longer possible to guess the nationality of a caught spy by the button art

Air combat​

  • Changed air interception formula. In vanilla, there are two fixed probabilities (intercept and evade) that don't interact with each other - a unit with 70% intercept has a 70% chance to intercept ANYTHING and a unit with 50% evade has a 50% to evade ANYTHING. Now, these values are tested against each other; this makes both plane and anti-air defence generations much more relevant - an advanced anti-air system or interceptor is almost guaranteed (capped at 95%) to shoot down outdated planes, while advanced planes can run circles around older anti-air systems. Therefore, instead of Evasion Probability and Interception Probability, there are now respective Powers that can go way above 100%. The probability is calculated as Intercept Power minus Evade Power (say, Intercept of 475% and Evade of 400% would yield 75% interception chance).
  • Rebalanced interception and evasion power across the board in line with this change
  • Strategic bombers (especially advanced bombers) have their range greatly increased, and their cost increased to compensate
  • Base visibility range of recon mission lowered, but can now be increased through vision range promos (which are now also available to air units)
  • A promotion line to increase interception power is now available to not only air units, but to any interception-capable units, air, land or naval
  • Enabled the code that puts per tile limit on air units (was there since BtS port, but never put to work); in line with vanilla 4 base per city/fort + 4 with airport + 4 with airbase
  • Tactical bomber unit line no longer upgrades to advanced bombers; new end-line unit class, UCAV, with several flavour units
  • All kinds of air missions except for recon (tactical, strategic bombing, dogfights) now yield experience


  • Glassworks (previously annoying and rather meaningless) completely redesigned. Now also a Great Merchant-specific production building that outputs a luxury resource, Glassware. Gets shiny new artwork, culture-specific. Glassblowing now a late classical tech (better matching historical timeline), prerequisites redone accordingly. Notre Dame obviously no longer requires a Glasswork. Luck of Edenhall effect changed to providing 1 Glassware.
  • Moved Tsukiji Market to Ship Rigging
  • Eiffel tower now grants 2 relations with all civs when built
  • Gazprom now grants +50% enemy war weariness
  • Buffed production bonus of Crystal Palace
  • Cristo Redentor now additionally grants global and local happiness, makes sense to build for Spiritual leaders too
  • Significantly increased the cost of Observatories
  • Moving Palace now destroys all the buildings that have it as a prerequisite
  • Ironworks now called Foundry, buffed its production bonuses
  • Buffed all bonuses of Grand Arsenal, additionally provides one free craftsman
  • Statue of Zeus loses Gems as a production bonus, both ivory and gold buffed to 50%
  • Moved Laboratory to Modern Physics
  • Potter workshop no longer discontinued with Glassblowing (no longer has a reason to be)
  • Radically increased the costs of all late-game buildings (except for the production-related ones), space ship parts and wonders to compensate for rapidly increasing production outputs
  • Steel is now useful for constructing Eiffel Tower
  • Marble now useful for constructing city squares and cathedrals
  • City square now the first building in Printing Press line, providing +10% culture and commerce
  • Sakura Garden is now a flavour Grocer instead of flavour City Square; other flavour City Squares adjusted in the same way as the default one
  • GP bonus moved from City Square to University; moved some research bonus and Scientist buff from University to Observatory
  • Buffed the rest of Printing Press line somewhat
  • Humanist no longer gets bonus to Clinic/Hospital production, gets the bonus to Printing Press line instead
  • Moved certain flat outputs from buildings themselves (Grocer, Workshop/Manufactory, School, University) to Clock Tower; this is now the purpose of Clock Tower, which loses all the other bonuses
  • Monuments now upgrade to Theatres instead of City Squares, lose everything but 1 culture
  • Opera significantly buffed, but made a limited building requiring a number of Theatres
  • Replaced/buffed effects of several Great Works of Art, changed a couple to different ones
  • Trading Posts now upgrade to Retail Stores; Retail Stores therefore get all the Trading Post happiness effects
  • Moved happiness effect of Clothes from Retail Store to Fashion Designer
  • Fashion designer now a more direct upgrade of the tailor


  • American civ gets a line of 4 US Marine Corps units starting with WW1-era; regular Marine-slot unit for the US is now, ironically, therefore not a marine
  • New NU for America - Gatling Gun (replaces Native Scouts). Early machine gun, should offer some very decent protection
  • Armenian NU no longer upgrades to a knight, but to a unit with functionally identical stats but not civic-dependent
  • Moved Celtic Fortified Monastery to Fortification tech
  • New (mini)NU for Egypt - Sherden Guard. Upgrades to Galatian Mercenaries, forming a nice NU upgrade line to medieval era. Like medieval Saqaliba, not much better than contemporary units stats-wise, but still gets free promos
  • Nerfed Greek and Dravidian irregulars a bit
  • Mayan Pet Kot now correctly only buildable in jungle (used to be available on resources that CAN spawn in jungle, like Tobacco)
  • Russian NU Gulyay-Gorod redesigned to better reflect historical usage. No longer able to bombard cities or cause collateral damage; now moves 2 and able to attack (though still primarily a defensive unit), strength buffed to 9. New scratch-built model (and animations; took forever to get right)
  • Russian ancient republics for leaders with St. Petersburg as a capital now called Ladoga Veche Republic (in line with the principality)
  • Buffed Scandinavian NU Archipelago Frigates and made them buildable earlier
  • Since Spain has a national unit that perfectly fills the explorer niche, Spanish explorer is now something different - rodelero, a recon unit with different strength and weaknesses compared to traditional explorers
  • Redid a lot of leaders' favourite civics, to give a more balanced distribution, as well as to represent Animism and Confederation, which weren't anyone's favourite before. Thanks arythm1a for contribution!

Other balance changes​

  • Europe scenario: added Tatar civ to the East of Russian start, to make the amount of land available to Russia somewhat less infinite. Added lots of additional resources to the "New World" to make settling it more appealing; it is now always at least two ocean tiles away from the Old World, so it can't be reached before the Renaissance techs
  • Buffed one-city civs in Crusades scenario (and Mongols, though they still disappoint)
  • Huge World Map now has a much less steep per city research penalty, given how with its resource density it's much more viable to stay small anyway
  • Pasture event now gives cart path instead of road
  • Reduced direct impact of War Weariness on separatism from 100% to 10%
  • The End of History separatism modifier only kicks in when there's half the starting independent civs left; with better separatism management it was far too easy to trigger the modifier intended strictly for the endgame
  • Halved the chance for barbarians to settle (should take longer) but increased the radius for additional cities joining; should result in fewer, more powerful barbarian-derived civs
  • All routes now take significantly longer to build, both natively and in various terrain features, especially jungles and swamps
  • Mines, quarries, pastures and timber camps benefit more from Industrial techs
  • Electric railroad became Highway. Better visually distinct from railways, now requires Globalization tech, fuel and cars. Movement cost and other stats the same
  • Mechanized farms take twice as long to build
  • Reshuffled the whole tech tree to be more logical: 1) All tech in a given column cost the same; 2) Only techs earlier in the tech tree can be prerequisites for later techs; 3) Generally a more compact layout
  • Moved around some tech prerequisites a bit; certain techs that gave worker speed now give worker chop output bonus (with worker speed generally moved later in the tech tree)
  • Certain techs moved to different eras so that all techs of a certain "tier" in the tech tree belong to the same era (the number of techs per each era remained unchanged)
  • Confederation civic now has access to the same Bribe effect as Republics when dealing with Separatism
  • Moved Working Class to Labor Specialization (so as not to have 2 civics on one tech)
  • Reworked Civil Service: now it's all about production. Lost -10% military unit production; local bureaucracy loses maintenance, gets 1 craftsman; central bureaucracy loses old bonuses, gives local bureaucracy everywhere (great civic for mid-game colonial empires!)
  • Feudal Aristocracy loses -25% GP
  • Halved unhappiness penalty from not having Labour Union
  • Added some base health/happiness to Welfare State
  • Clothes now give +1 base happiness

Aesthetics / historicity​

  • Lots of leaders get new portraits; leader buttons should match their portraits better too
  • Converted a lot of generic flavour units with no stat differences to artstyles instead
  • Changed Alamut splash to no longer refer to Assassin's Creed game; kinda undermined its historical roots
  • Updated name, description and graphics for Eirik Raude
  • Remade a lot of tech, building and unit buttons
  • Improved textures and layouts of various farms, should now have more visual variety and generally look better
  • Improved looks of terrain and terrain features (in particular, fertile soil should now be more distinct and no longer just look like dirt patches)
  • Tweaked saturation levels for lots of flags, redid some of the worse ones
  • All WW1 cavalry now uses WW1-era guns, distinctive from earlier cavalry
  • New main menu music, licensed under an Attribution-NonCommercial License from Kai Engel
  • New main menu artwork (based on works of MC Escher) and loading screen
  • Expanded pedia entries for some leaders and units
  • Renamed Abu Bakr II to Muhammad ibn Qu, as the former never existed (those intrigued are welcome to read the pedia description)
  • Renamed Kahina to Dihya (the former is an Arab nickname for her)
  • Medical advances no longer displayed as actual buildings in the cities (consistent with Ministries, Doctrines/Traditions and other such "buildings")
  • Bilge Khagan now Buddhist instead of Hinduist
  • Renamed lots of techs and unit classes to more logical and historical alternatives
  • Upscaled resource buttons; for something that spends a lot of time on-screen, they were far too blurry
  • Changed the looks of bauxite resource to actually resemble bauxites
  • Fertile soil no longer looks like a simple dirt patch, should be more visible, especially when farmed
  • Warehouses and storyteller circles get new art past ancient era, culture-dependent
  • Added an intermediate plantation look for Industrial era
  • Japanese and Austronesian unique water improvements now also have industrial-modern looks
  • A very major visual facelift of XVIII-XIX century units (especially line infantry, grenadiers and cuirassiers), as well as lots of other units across the ages
  • Removed 0AD soundtrack (it didn't fit the ancient era anyway) and reverted all era-dependent soundtracks to vanilla BtS

Bugfixes and technical changes​

  • Totestra should now actually place scrublands and savannas
  • Corrected some wrong strategy entries, added new and expanded a lot of existing ones
  • Removed Ministry of Tourism as it no longer serves a point
  • Several fixes and tweaks from the more recent version of K-Mod that was never merged:
    - Fixed a reported CTD
    - Fixed potential culture overflow
    - Fixed barbarian city placement on new landmasses (was totally random, disregarding actual city spot values)
    - Barbarians now subject to the same handicap levels as other AI civs
    - Barbarian territory now also shown on minimap (no idea why it wasn't in vanilla)
  • All animations now should correctly support blood
  • Removed the broken mission to choose desired tech for a GP
  • Fixed Great Prophets showing wrong future techs in the Tech screen
  • Fixed Agricultural Machines tech quote missing a voiceover
  • Numerous fixes for unit models & animations
  • Splashes are now correctly displayed for art eras (they were made long ago, but never worked before)
  • Fixed some reported reproducible CTDs
  • Fixed scrollbar position in the city screen (when the build queue is long enough for it to appear)
  • Fixed industrial and food plantation never updating past ancient looks
  • German flamethrowers no longer require the types of guns that are guaranteed to be unavailable when they are researched
  • Transport helicopters for mechanized units should now scale as all other units
  • Reworded pedia to reflect the fact that resources aren't lost when converted to other resources in buildings, plus added a hint that states it directly
  • City bombardment and ranged attacks now use different hotkeys (B and Shift+B)
  • Civs that aren't Germany no longer get Autobahn on their city tiles
  • Deluge scenario works again
  • All scenarios except for Crusades and Deluge now allow choosing game speed in custom options (used to ignore the setting)
  • Ahead of time penalty now understands increments of less than 100% (previously rounded 50% down to 0)
  • Default carrier no longer moves in reverse (the second time an RI default unit has mistakenly been set to reverse!)
  • Fixed a python error when moving a city in Worldbuilder
  • Fixed Dortmund being on Transoxian city list
  • End-of-history texts for Revolution correctly reflect the current status quo
  • Some fixes to German translation (thank you ederl)
  • Spain can no longer capture their unique slaves that were otherwise removed
  • Added Big and Small to compatible map scripts
  • Moved some more common textures to shared folder , which allowed deleting a lot of identical instances
  • Removed lots of unused files
  • A major optimization of all unit/building model files
A relatively minor bug fixing and content update. 3.57 update brings the following changes as compared to 3.55:

Balance changes: buildings

· Got rid of 1-2% commerce bonuses with Weaver, Tailor, Jeweller and Trading Post, as they were mostly meaningless

· Tailor gets +10% flat gold

· Buffed Cinemas from 5% culture and war weariness to 10%

Balance changes: civ-specific
· Aztecs have access to a new promotion line, giving strength and bonus vs barbarians. Aztec NUs and Coyote priests have instant access, for all other non-ranged units unique Aztec school provides it

· Incan Chasquis is less formidable as a military unit, but now has an additional use: Chasquis can "build" mit'a, providing Incan cities with more workforce and food. A rare NU with an economic bonus...

· Ethiopian civ can now move their Forbidden Palace, reflecting the fact that Ethiopia had a mobile capital for a significant period of their history

· Greece no longer has a unique watermill; now has a new unique improvement - Olive Grove - providing lots of commerce and some food from hills

· Malinese UB no longer gives a flat gold bonus, but rather grants a larger bonus to precious mines and, to reflect the second cash commodity of Mali Empire, gives a large commerce bonus to Salt Pits and additional health with salt

· Rebalanced the NU stats of Armenia (Royal Guard bonuses higher, but base strength -1; heavy cavalry bonuses higher)

· New Bantu NU: Maasai Warrior, replacing the very generic bowman, for all your cattle raiding needs

Balance changes: other
· Significantly buffed water wheels; now a valid early production option for flatland cities (later on farms are still a better option I reckon, but these production buildings need to get rolling first)

· AI should now prefer rushing production with slaves rather than building improvements

· Got rid of all strength 4 militias; they still have hefty bonuses that set them apart from the rest, but now all militias are str 3

Bug fixes
· Fixed a couple of division by zero errors that caused CTDs

· Fixed a long-standing CTD bug related to naval combat (actual fix by DarkLunaPhantom)

· Chinese Canal NI no longer destroys flood plains (though visually they are still removed while the canal is there)

· Foragers for hunter-gatherer civs in scenarios no longer have combat strength (used to cause all kinds of AI weirdness)

· Austronesian shortswordsman can now correctly upgrade to swordsman, same as other civs

· Fixed Israeli archer line so that they properly have a composite bowman

· Taiwan no longer able to build South Chinese NI

Cosmetic and technical changes
· Implemented a city alert for being over separatism threshold

· When revolutions are off, separatism bonuses/maluses are not shown in the civic screen

· The default scoreboard format should now be "Leader/Civilization", which should be handy for dynamic civ names

· Malinese empire renamed to Sahelian, to reflect the actual unit roster and leader lineup

· Lots of unit art updates, especially in Africa, the Americas, and for WW1-WW2 era units

· Hunter-gatherer civs got lots of new unit buttons, no longer using generic ones

· New default cannon unit, to better reflect the fact that it doesn't represent Napoleonic-era artillery

· XIX-century field artillery wheels now round

· Switched stormtroopers to a different animation

· Flavour workboats for most cultures in Medieval-Renaissance era

· Religious communities no longer use monastery models, now have unique artwork of their own

· New Iron Age European cityset

· New Iberian/Latin American Renaissance cityset

· New artwork for lots of leaders

· Yield symbols now have an outline for better readability

· Retouched some terrain graphics

· Austronesia gets their own unit voices in a proper language (Old Malay, from AoE2)

· Lots of fixes to unit models, textures and animations
3.55 update brings the following changes as compared to 3.5:

Gameplay features
  • Introduced ahead of time cost increase for games where tech progresses too fast; this will hopefully sync actual world tech state better to the reported year. Shouldn't significantly affect games with moderate to slow global research.
  • New early government civic, Confederation, for when you just need to stretch too far
  • Got rid of Federalism civic. Democracy can now instead be tailored to have either unitary or federal constitution, giving various bonuses.
  • When a transport enters hostile territory, all land units carried by it lose all movement if they are not amphibious (in effect, you cannot land or attack from the transport same turn as you approached the enemy shore, unless with marines and such); this makes defending against naval invasions with your own navy actually viable, as you can intercept enemy landing force before it lands
  • Implemented a system of warnings when the mod sees unreasonable starting settings (for instance, Tech Trading and Tech Transfer turned on at the same time, or far too few/many starting civs selected)
  • PerfectMongoose updated to 3.31 version (never released for vanilla civ; took quite some porting). To quote the changelog:
  • Fixed a HUGE number of bugs in getPlotPotentialValueUncached().
  • Added a HUGE number of missing evaluations (and modified a large number of existing ones) in getCityPotentialValue() and getPlotPotentialValueUncached(), which should now be pretty much perfect.
  • Rewrote the player assignment code in SetStartingPlots() from scratch so it scales proportionally instead of only adding and removing players from the largest landmass til it hits the right number, AND did it directly with floats instead of an iteration-based refinement loop. (Okay so technically I still have one, but it's not the MAIN loop any more! :p)
  • Allowed starts on very small islands, but added detection for being Coast-linked with other landmasses to form a "region", which must meet a higher minimum size requirement.
  • Blocked starting locations that are walled-off by Peaks into very small areas.
  • Blocked starting locations on terrain/features that don't allow city founding.
  • Took the corners off the PlotList Eatery Bar and Grill.

  • Ported Totestra map script to RI (kinda; this is more of a hybrid Totestra/PerfectWorld mapscript, with landmass/climate generator from Totestra and lots of other stuff (especially starting plot finder and other stuff specifically rewritten in the last version) from PerfectMongoose)
Balance changes: buildings
  • Only one great work of science can be constructed per era per city (you can still construct multiple works in one city across multiple eras, or across multiple cities in one era)
  • Modern scientific great works unlocked (and thus industrial locked) with Rocket science instead of Nuclear physics
  • Solar plant should no longer give unhealth (but is significantly more expensive)
  • Kremlin no longer serves as another capital (we have Versailles for that), but rather lowers maintenance by -10% across the board (through an effect building)
  • Islamic shrine is now Kaaba (which is a part of Masjid al-Haram), whereas its Great Temple is now Al-Aqsa complex (visualized by the Dome of the Rock)
Balance changes: civ-specific
  • American Ranch can now be built in jungle on relevant resources right away, same as regular Pasture
  • Mali NU no longer requires Cotton (which made it the hardest NU to obtain, since cotton is highly circumstantial)
  • Chinese Canals now properly chainable when spread irrigation is unlocked (like farms)
  • Roman legionaries incur half the usual cost increase due to the fact that Romans have no separate shock troop line
  • Fixed Venetian upgrade line that was based on Roman, but couldn't upgrade to medieval shock troops
Balance changes: other
  • Vassals now benefit from significant tech transfer bonus from the overlord (Ungomma)
  • Raised the amount of starting free units while lowered free units from population, in an attempt to limit later game unit sprawl
  • Protectionism now (again) removes all foreign trade routes, and boosts internal trade routes by +100%; tax collector and tariffs removed.
  • Forced Labour can now, as initially intended, rush production with population instead of gold (like vanilla Slavery could)
  • Free experience from Militaristic reduced to 2
  • Increased the time it takes to build slash and burn farms to that of normal farms; somewhat increased for Russian lovischche
  • Due to the specialized niche that siege units have in RI, disabled GG ability to lead them; a player would be unlikely to do so anyway, while the AI could still be seen now and then attaching generals to trebuchets
  • You are always able to build paramilitary (same as all previous irregulars) and modern infantry, even when all units they upgrade to are available
  • Spies now have a steep +50% cost increment per instance, to offset the fact that spy base cost remains unchanged throughout the game and prevent endless spy spam in late game
  • Scouts now gain +50% bonus vs melee and archery units; given their strength of 1, they are still always at a disadvantage when attacking, but can at least hope to hold their own against a barbarian warrior when defending in good terrain
  • Trained Archer 3 loses immunity to first strikes and gains protection against collateral damage
  • Work boats can now enter ocean with Navigation
  • Nerfed Dastur's cultural output
  • Moved map trade to Sextant
  • Extended game length at all speeds by roughly 10% to better cover edge cases of very slow global development
  • +1 base food to pigs resource
  • Jungle pastures can be built from Animal Husbandry
  • Jungle no longer gives -1 food on its tile. Logically, it shouldn't be harder to hunt for food in a jungle than in a temperate forest. Slash-and-burn farm loses one food to compensate, so this shouldn't result in any significant balance changes. As a side effect, map scripts should no longer consider jungle a "bad" feature and remove it from
  • AI leaders should only be able to prepare for war with civs they can currently declare on; in practice, it should result in aggressive civs picking more varied targets instead of latching onto a single one (as if they start preparing for war immediately after signing peace, it can't be the same civ they just signed the peace with)
  • AI warfare priorities shifted to seek enemies closer and commit more IF wars are far away
  • AI should like open borders with close neighbours less and distant ones more
  • Doubled the impact of espionage on separatism, increased wrong culture influence x5, decreased population influence x5. Separatism should be both more predictable and easier to actively manage. So far AI empires seem much more stable
  • "End of history" modifier will now start to kick in once the number of civs drops below the original starting number (but the same era restriction - no earlier than Renaissance - applies as before, and for the modifier to start, one civ should have at least 50% more score than everyone else)
  • Changed barbarian settling logic; now only cities within a defined distance (currently 10) of a would-be capital join the new civ
  • Derivative civs now can also spawn as settled barbarians
  • Barbarians can now again build workers and thus improve their territory; they still can't build roads and advanced improvements such as watermills
  • Rebalanced Crusades scenario; added some troops to underperforming civs, incorporated Aquitaine into England (sorry Eleanor, but you served absolutely no purpose except for hogging a civ slot), added Volga Bulgaria to mitigate endless "Drang nach Osten" from Western Europe, changed Leopold VI as a leader of Austria to his son, purely due to complete lack of decent depictions of the former
Bug fixes
  • Fixed python errors in WorldBuilder and Interface Options (Ungomma)
  • Non-conquerable buildings (such as military traditions and temporary effects) should now be properly removed from cities gained non-violently as well
  • Fixed wrong bonus resource for Alumina Refinery (coal -> cement)
  • Implemented automatic switch that should reset invisible options (currently only Choose religion in RI) at the game start to proper defaults
  • Commerce symbol no longer cut off to "..." when a city has double-digit commerce trade routes
  • Turned off the ability to select vanilla maps in RI, as they will CTD anyway
  • Fixed sorting issues on the revolutions tracker screen
  • Fixed a couple of pagan temples producing espionage instead of culture
  • Fixed the rounding on separatism from population in the tooltip
  • Fixed crashing Crusades scenario
Cosmetic and technical changes
  • New UI theme, with fonts, text sizes and panel arrangements better adapted to modern resolutions
  • All tech quotes re-recorded for a more consistent and professional quality (thanks diddidson!)
  • Hundreds of new flavour units added, lots of older art reworked
  • Fixed a lot of faulty models/animations/textures
  • Added slight wobble to bomber animations, to match that of other planes; I was always annoyed by the eerie stillness of bombers
  • Changed Turkish world map leader to Bilge Khagan to eliminate Constantinople in Central Asian steppes
  • Tweaked Transoxian colour to be more distinct from India, whom they often neighbour (especially in scenarios) and Carthage (a rarer case, but the colour was almost identical)
  • New Middle Eastern / African industrial city set
  • Upscaled some of the terribly low-res vanilla spaceship textures
  • There are no longer any palms in savannas. Because there should be no palms in savannas.
  • Added several visual variants to swamp feature, so it doesn't tile so obviously when several swamps are neighbouring each other.
  • Canals now properly visually tiling
  • Transoxian third-level improvement now explains in pedia it provides +1 free specialist with Caravansarai
  • Spanish caravel pedia now indicates more clearly that it can transport all kinds of units, not just GP/spies (which was always the case, but not obvious from pedia)
  • More dynamic names/flags for various civic/civ/era combos
  • More dynamic city names
  • A civ settling from barbarians will rename its cities to that civ's proper names
  • For better visual disambiguation from Cold War infantry, modern infantry always uses Navy SEAL animations
Changes from hotfixes
  • Obsolete/inactive culture buildings (monuments, pagan temples) should now correctly stop producing culture
  • Lubyanka option in dealing with separatism should now only be available if the wonder is active
  • Since the effect only seems to work in increments of 100%, upped the improvement growth from civics to 100%/200%
  • Added some more dynamic city names
  • Fixed a missing diplomacy text entry
  • Fixed some wrong strategy text entries
  • Moved market Regulation a bit to reflect it's an industrial tech
  • Fixed some random text typos/errors
  • Fixed missing textures for Fuste in pedia
  • Fixed materials for a couple of American flavour units
  • Corrected the scale of most hussar class units to be in line with other cavalry
  • Certain civs (Babylon, Israel etc) now correctly able to build settlers from the start, same as all others
  • Moved later irregulars to different techs to avoid situation where one would be unable to build any irregulars if a specific research path was taken (leading to being unable to draft, for instance)
  • Revised tech prerequisites a bit and moved the techs around on the tech screen
  • Generic flags for the unlikely but possible event of vassalizing world map tribal civs
  • Fixed late Nubian flag
  • Revolutions and barb civs off by default, based on feedback; people can still turn them on in custom options; consequently, revolutions and barb civs off by default in all scenarios as well
  • Fixed multiplayer OOS on taking a city
  • Continents map script should now correctly place all resources, including water ones
  • Fixed a couple of units being invisible in the selection box
  • Fixed bug where barbarians could achieve enlightenment and make peace with all the world.
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