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Rule with Faith

Rule with Faith

--Update for Rise and Fall.
--Moved Liberalism to Mercantilism.
--Updated Khmer titles.
--Fixed TXT KEY issue with Cleopatra's titles.
--Added a sound effect for promoting a Governor and founding a Government (user settings).
--Fixed issue where Census was a Wildcard policy.
--Moved Limitanei to Military Tradition.
--Renamed the Cardinal to the Patriarch (user setting).
--Fixed lag issues when changing Policies.
--Added flavour popup and sound effect for when you adopt a new Government for the first time (active with titles).
--Feudal Monarchy, Theocracy, and Merchant Republic moved back to their original places (user setting).
--Added LuaEvent.AddExtraHistoricMoment(payerID, momentID) to add custom Historic Moments to the Timeline. This only adds it to the timeline and does the popup. It should presist on save/load. Modders need to give the Era Score yourself.
--Removed the alternate Government names, since renaming things multiple times is even more of a hassle with the XP. If you really don't agree with something, you can edit the files yourself.
--Major and Minor bonuses for Governments reworked. Bonuses are not optional because of the way Firaxis hardcoded certain modifiers and to keep things uniform, and generally because its more of a pain than its worth. I've tried to design them as platforms; not shying away from the linearity of Government progress. Exception should be Constitutional Monarchy (and depending on your war needs, Absolute Monarchy), but I hope it's not so strong that it overpowers its peers when its first unlocked.
--Military Guardianship renamed to Military Dictatorship. The internal tag renamed GOVERNMENT_JFD_MILITARY_GUARDIANSHIP.
--Added missing Government Colours for the Government Lens, and generall reworked the base colours.
--Fixed issue whereby Augustine did now have the correct effect nor text hooked up.
--Empire policy is now +1 Era Score when settling on another Continent, +0.2 Loyalty per Citizen in a city on a foreign Continent. If its too stronk, I could make it just first time you settle each Continent.
--Renamed some of the Government Plaza Buildings for flavour.
--Because new Government District Buildings aren't really possible atm, the last line have been brough to correlate to the Enlightenment-unlocked Governments. The last Governments do not have Legacy Cards as a result. Once the asset editor is updated (if), it might be possible to change this.
  • Updated for the last two patches. Thanks to Jan for the new Great Theologian portrait. * Nerfed Thomas Aquineas to have only 1 Charge.
  • Added Polis and Horde as first-tier Governments, on par with Chiefdom.
  • Tenskwatawa now yields Great General Points from kills, and fixed issue with his Faith from kills not working.
  • Te Kooti replaced with Te Mihaia Hou.
  • Added Civilization_Titles for a backup where Leader_Titles is not supported or not needed (when the default leader and the modded leader share the same titles). Due to roodness on Firaxis' part, this only covers Male leaders, so Female leaders will require the IsFeminine column to be set to true in Leader_Titles.
  • Added title support for Nubia, Khmer, and Indonesia.
  • Added policy support for Sukritact's Policy Manager, thanks to Jan, Chrisy, Catlad, Enigmer, and Limelad.
  • Incorporated Chrisy's fixes for the Great Theologian Points from the Holy Site project and Government UI legacy bonuses.
  • Updated Monarchy for the latest vanilla effect.

  • Added additional Great Prophets to cover the Post-Renaissance game.
  • Added Great Theologians - a partner to the Great Prophet that uses their point system but cannot found a Religion (technically, founding a religion and GP abilities are mutually exclusive, hence the unique GP). Great Theologians, like other non-Cultural/Prophet GP can be expended for a special effect. Military Orders policy changes to reflect this, and Contemplation added as an upgrade to the Revelations policy at Reformed Church.
  • Added additional Policies: Imperial Columns (Cultural) and Stained Glass (Cultural, succeeds Imperial Columns).
  • Added reference to CQUI. Remember, however, that references are currently broken, and so incompatibilies can only be fixed on Firaxis' end, as RwF and CQUI both overwrite the same UI files and the mod that loads last will have theirs used.
  • Synagogue now yields +3 Faith, +3 Gold.
  • God-King no longer obsoletes with Scriptures (as it obsoletes with Court Eunuchs).
  • Fixed some additional missing titles.

  • Ported to SDK.
  • Art updated thanks to Jan for crispiness and accuracy.
  • Fixed TXT_KEY issues with Gilgamesh and Classical Democracy, and Barbarossa and Merchant Republic.
  • Added support for Australia.
  • Added Cultural policy slot. Redistributed slots for Governments, and changed various Policies. Added 20 new policies (Census, Cultural Exchange, Court Eunuchs, Heroic Epics, Hydraulic Despotism, Isolationism, Jousting Tournaments, Law Steles, Labour Camps, Merchant Leagues, Military Orders, Natural Philosophy, Patriarchate, Penal Colonies, Public Festivals, Salons, Satrapies, Scouting Parties, Secret Societies, World's Fair, Vassalage). Thanks to Jan for help with new Policy ideas.
  • Nerfed State Atheism to a 10% bonus in Production.
  • Added triggers to better support unique buildings and districts for added policies.
  • Fixed issues with Policy icons in the civilopedia.
  • Added support for Persia and Macedon.
  • Nerfed Ritual War Great Prophet Points from kills to 5. Now Obsoletes with Mercenaries.
  • Nerfed Shamanism to units heal 5 HP per turn.
  • Natural Philosophy renamed to Archivists and Natural Philosophy re-added as a religious card.
  • Fixed an issue wherein the Noble Republic and Constitutional Monarchy legacy bonuses were switched.
  • Moved the bonus to Wonder Production back to Autocracy and the Unit Production to Absolute Monarchy.
  • Absolute Monarchy now reduces the Gold cost of Patronizing Great People. Lib. Dem. now increases Appeal in cities with a Neighbourhood. People's Republic now increases Production toward all projects.

  • Updated for the latest patch.
  • Fixed some title issues, and added support for Jadwiga.
  • Lowered production bonus from State Atheism to 20% (from 30%).

  • Buffed Pacifism faith mod to 15%.
  • Updated for latest Civ VI patch.
  • Altered and added various titles thanks to Janboruta and Sukritact.
  • Fixed an issue causing Shamanism to not work.
  • Empire policy now also grants a free Builder whenever you found a city on another continent.
  • Added 1 Religious slot for Feudal Monarchy and removed 1 Military slot.
  • Switched Noble Republic's and Constitutional Monarchy's legacy bonuses around.
  • Fixed incompatibility with Sukritact's Improved Tech Tree mod. All credit go to him for the original files in most cases.
  • Fixed an issue with Female variants on titles not working.
  • Fixed a typo in Shiekh.
  • Fixed missing Chiefdom title for Peter.
  • Fixed issues with Chinese titles. Maybe I need to rename Qin Shi Haung tho - this isn't actually fully possible yet though :p
  • Fixed Tech Tree lua issues caused by not using Sukritact's Improved Tech Tree.
  • Fixed incompatibility for users without the Montezuma DLC (I hope - let me know).
This update is not needed if you're not using this mod.
  • Holy War Cassus Belli now unlocks at Reformed Church (turn off in user settings).
  • Changed the number of policy slots that each government has. Classical Era Govts now have 4 slots, Medieval Era Govts now have 6 slots, Renaissance have 7, and Modern have 8.
  • Democracy is now called Classical Democracy by default. I changed this because I was actually thrown off when, playing a game, I saw that another Leader had a Democracy, forgetting the change :p
  • Added Government-, Leader-, Religion-specific, and (one) Policy-specific titles. This can only work with Leaders (functionality to change Civilization description isn't available, it seems), so I've renamed all "Empires" to
    "Civilizations." This can be disabled separately from the titles themselves.
  • Added Empire policy at Exploration (+50% border expansion).
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