Fixed ranged units not being able to target support units.
Gone back to Mega upload because goggle drive kills my internet.
Made Siege units compatible with the March 2018 update. Mostly AI tag changes.
Added Line Infantry to Ballistics as Anti Cavalry unit for the Industrial era.
Moved Pike & Shot to Gunpowder to more evenly space out the Anti Cavalry line.
Changed Pike & Shot and Tercio to upgrade to Line Infantry.
Moved Naval Infantry to Military Science mainly because Rifling was looking a bit full.
Added an ability to the Attack Submarine giving it a bonus of +15 vs naval raider & +5 vs other warships when attacking.
Made Attack Submarine cheaper.
Reduced Marine coastal bonus to +10 due to firaxis fixing amphibious promotion bug in the last patch.
Removed the light tank model from Armored Cavalry to keep it to a WW1 era look.
Fixed ArleighBurke not being used for Northern Europe and Mediterranean CV's.
Moved stealth aircraft Nanotechnology to be compatible with Real Era Stop mod.
Increased Nanotechnology's prereq techs to 4 so stealth aircraft can't be built to soon after jet aircraft.
Made Construction a prereq tech of Military Tactics to stop B-lining to Pikemen.
Made Iron Working a prereq tech of Construction to stop B-lining to Heavy Infantry.
Removed Marine requires Harbor district due to Royal Navy Dockyard issue. May look into this some more in the future.
Changed Attack Sub so it is now a standalone melee naval unit instead of a ranged naval unit.
Added UAV back to Robotics as a standalone ranged unit.
Added the three new unit classes to be part of appropriate buff abilities.
Made naval bombard ability bonus to target cities over units.
Change naval bombard ability to be vs land units only due to the bombard penalty only applying to land units this made them too OP against cities.
Updated some text entries that were no longer correct.
Changed Automatic Gun units to be able to share a tile with another unit to hopefully make it more use-able as it only has a attack range of 1.
Warfare Expanded is now Rise and Fall compatible.
To do so I have had to remove the old Warfare Expanded Pike & Shot and UAV units.
Changed Field Cannon and Hwacha to upgrade to Field Gun.
Moved Machine Gun back to Modern Era.
Moved Modern Sniper to Composites.
Added Military Tactics as a prereq tech for Education.
Added Mass Production as a prereq tech for Astronomy.
Moved Naval Infantry to Ballistics.
Moved Marine to Chemistry.
Moved Modern Marine to Satellites and increased combat to 82.
Moved Helicopter back to Synthetic Materials, reduced cost to 450, combat to 75 and removed Gunship cultural variation.
Added Gunship to the Light Cavalry line at Nanotechnology.
Changed the AH-64 Apache to replace the Gunship.
Removed Armored Car from the Light Cavalry line.
Moved Armored Cavalry to Combustion and merge the Armored Car and Light Tank models.
Made broad changes to the Gatling Gun and Machine Gun.
Added Laurana Kanan's Promotion tree for automatic guns (Special thanks to Laurana Kanan and Olleus).
Updated to be compatible with MOAR again.
Fixed amphibious ability for Marine.
Added new promotion class for Heavy Naval Ranged.
Added new promotion class for Marines (special thanks to @Magic90).
Fixed pbr textures for halftrack, SP Gun, assault gun, field gun.
Changed Jong to upgrade to Armored Cruiser.
Replaced F-35 with Su-57 as stealth fighter.
Replaced F-117 with F-35 as stealth attack plane.
Added Civ 5 Ironclad (redoutable class) as Med and Northern Europe CV.
Added Howitzer (Heavy Cannon from Civ5) to the siege line.
Added Mobile Artillery (Sturmtiger) to the siege line.
Added Naval Infantry to the Industrial era.
Renamed (French) Marine to Troupe de marine and changed it to replace Naval Infantry instead of Musketman.
Added Marine to the Atomic era.
Added Modern Marine with AAV-7A1 to the Information era.
Added Attack Submarine to Information era.
Moved Modern Sniper to Composites.
Moved Galleass to Cartography.
Moved Ship Of The Line to Astronomy.
Moved Pre-Dreadnought to Rifling.
Moved Recon to Chemistry.
Moved the Cartography tech to the Medieval era.
Moved Caravel back to Cartography.
Moved Corvette to Square Rigging.
Increased Hopolite strength to 27.
Increased the size of the Ironclad and Missile Cruiser.
Updated Russian text and fixed Russian text spill into english text.
Now compatible with MOAR core (special thanks to @Deliverator).
Changed Battleship and UU's not to upgrade to anything.
Turned off Zone of Control for Air Cavalry (Helicopter).
Updated the Chinese text thanks to @Stlyker.
Added mod load order to try and fix icon issues in MOAR DLC's.
Got rid off the -17 attack penalty bug for naval heay ranged.
Fixed Battleship not able to attack.
Updated Yamato to be Heavy Naval Ranged.
Added Galleass to Naval Ranged.
Added Armored Cruiser to Naval Ranged.
Added Battlecruiser to Naval Ranged.
Added Kirov as Missile Cruiser CV for Eastern Europe, East Asia and Mugal.
Added a Heavy Naval Ranged unit line which uses bombard attack instead of ranged attack.
Added Galleon to Heavy Naval Ranged.
Added Ship Of The Line to Heavy Naval Ranged.
Added Pre Dreadnought to Heavy Naval Ranged.
Changed Battleship to Heavy Naval Ranged.
Made Battleship slower but more powerfull and use bombard attack.
Replaced Missile Destroyer (Udaloy class) with a better mesh.
Replaced Arleigh Burke with better mesh.
Reduced Corvette cost to 260 and Caravel to 220.
Fixed UAV stacking issue.
Fixed halftrack movement animation length issues.
Russia is now in its own unit culture (CV) art group called Eastern Europe. Not fully implemented so some units may be the default cultural style.
Sort of fixed Cataphract to be UU for Armored Horseman (see workaround).
Added Leopard 2 as Modern Armour CV for Northern Europe.
Added LAV-25 as Mechanized Infantry CV for Northern Europe.
Added Gunship as Helicopter CV for East Asia and Mughal.
Added UAV to recon line at Nanotechnology.
Added Corvette to melee line at Cartography.
Added Ticonderoga Class as Missile Cruiser CV for Northern Europe and Mediterranean (mainly for a template as the Civ 6 Missile Cruiser is back the front with its weapons).
Added Missile Destroyer to Naval Melee.
Added Arleigh Burke as Missile Destroyer CV for Northern Europe and Mediterranean.
Added Supercarrier at Stealth Technology.
Added Kuznetzov as Supercarrier CV for East Asia and Mugal.
Moved Caravel to Military Tactics to make room for Corvette.
Changed Motorised Infantry to use CV color.
Replaced the AT Gun flag & portrait.
Added updated Chinese text.
Tracked down and fixed promotions not opening bug.
Added Civilopedia text to promotions.
Name changed to Warfare Expanded (for MOAR).
Moved download to Google Drive as some people reported issues with Mega.
Will most likely break save game so please finish current game before updating.
Added Great War Bomber & Stealth Bomber to the Bomber line.
Added Stealth Fighter to the Fighter line.
Added Great War Ground Attack, Ground Attack, Jet Ground Attack & Stealth Attack to new Ground Attack line.
Created a Ground Attack promotion class.
Stealth aircraft have Stealth promotion (not sure how this will effect the game yet).
Renamed Biplane to Great War Fighter.
Increased air range to 5 for Biplane, 8 for Fighter/P-51 and 10 for Jet Fighter mainly because I thought default ranges were way to small especially for large maps.
Changed DLC units code not to error if it does not exist in the database.
Updated the Russian text.
Fixed issue caused by Cataphract already existing in MOAR Persia.
Cataphract is has been renamed to Armored Horseman.
Chinese text has also been added thanks to @HAPPYWORLD.
Added Armoured Car to the Light Cavalry line.
Added Cataphract, Reiter & Landship to the Heavy Cavalry line.
Moved Armored Cavalry to Atomic Era to make room for the Armored Car.
Moved AH-64 Apache to the same tech/era as Air Cavalry (helicopter) to make room for Armored Cavalry.
Moved Tank, Panzer & T-34 to Combined Arms to make room for the Landship.
Changed the Machine Gun to upgrade to a Sniper.
Winged Hussar changed to replace Cuirasser.
Added Cultural Variation for some units that need it (still some more too do.
Fixed up some upgrade paths for Vanilla & MOAR units.
Tweaked some of the new units stats to make them more balanced.
Fixed Anti-tank Gun not replacing AT Crew art properly.
Updated Russian text.
Added portraits for Lancer and Armored Cavalry.
Change Log:
* Added Russian TXT.
* Added Lancer and Armored Cavalry to the Light Cavalry class.
* Moved Heavy Infantry to Construction.
* Composite archers now provide boost to technology 'machinery'.
* Archers now provide boost to technology 'Construction'.
* Tercio now a unique replacement for Pike & Shot. Also moved it to Mass Production and bumped up its strength to 54.
* Moved Machine Gun to Modern Era and set to upgrade to Self-propelled Gun (not finished, more changes to come).
* Added Bazooka to Motorised Infantry.
* Balanced units to more sane values.