Warmonger Nuclear Domination

Warmonger Nuclear Domination 2.23

Version 2.23: Made this mod dependent on the others, as it should have been from the very start. My sincere apologies for any frustration this may have caused.
Version 2.22: Adjust Delegation cost. Bind AI-granted WMDs to completed technologies.
Version 2.21: Fixed typo bug.
Version 2.20: AI receive free WMDs! Increase Uranium resource tiles, and expand valid tile types. Optimize prerequisites for Domination Victory type. Not required, but recommend to Re/Start new game for new map.
Version 2.15: Convert mod to fully-SQL driven. Tweak AI favored behavior and diplomacy values.
Version 2.10: AI now receives free Scout at start, free Slingers, free Builders and Trader units, later receiving siege and air units. Improved AI unit maintenance discounts. Updated AI favored behaviors, and improved attack probability. Updated warmonger penalties, and war weariness. Updated WMD cost and maintenance.
Version 2.02: Improve compatibility with other mods.
Version 2.00: Global discount of maintenance costs on select units. Give AI discounted unit costs on certain eras and difficulties. Grant AI free air combat and support unit. Refine values for AiFavoredItems, GlobalParameters, and PseudoYields.
Version 1.90: Complete module rewrite of Nuke Happy Warmongers into SQL, utilizing tables not previously considered. Entirely new AI behaviors with massive global parameter revision.
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