• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. Adamiy

    Napoleonic's Wars 1

    A Scenario of the Napoleonic's Wars, with all the civilizations, units, territories, city and map features historically correct. Somes civilizations are (historically) more powerfull than others. This scenario is fully inspired of historicals facts. Somes mods, like MOAR Unique Units are required.
  2. S

    v95 Eastern Rome

    AI issue, and should there be a penalty for owning a city under attack at zero health? In my save file, a hopeless situation save AI confusion. Atilla should attack with their battering ram here. It has stayed put 2 turns while their archers reduced the city under attack to 0. I should have...
  3. Birdjaguar

    [RD] Russia Invades Ukraine: Eight

    Eight = 4 x 2: Two years Too Many Dead Too Much Misery Too Long Welcome to our eighth thread on the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As we go forward we all recognize that both sides are in a propaganda war and accept that is ongoing. There is no need to get into arguments over which sources are...
  4. Thorvald of Lym

    Sarcasmitron on Ukraine

    (Despite encompassing current events, I figured this provides the antithesis to the much-memed Carlson interview. I debated whether to post it to A&E as a showcase of exemplary citizen journalism, or World History for subject matter; mods can move as they deem most relevant, as long as it's not...
  5. Crezth

    How much war score is posting?

    So I notice you guys have been posting very hard at each other in the Ukraine Russia thread talking about who is really responsible for the war, you know, which nations need to be obliterated, which civilian populations are valid targets, and in the midst of all this I’m left asking: who is...
  6. Birdjaguar

    [RD] Russia Invades Ukraine: The 7th Thread Itch; scratch it here!

    And we begin again. As we go forward we all recognize that both sides are in a propaganda war and accept that is ongoing. There is no need to get into arguments over which sources are propaganda or not. Each side may provide links to news and each thread participant can decide for themselves...
  7. MyNameWontFi

    Civilization without science

    Civilization 6 focuses way too much on science. A player ahead in science has an advantage in achieving all victory conditions and is completely invincible from invasions from other players which means that they rarely lose their scientific advantage. This makes scientific progress the number...
  8. V

    Is there any practical reason to NOT attack a civ that's pleased with you?

    I spawned on what appears to be an archipelago map. I began on a small island chain with two other civs. I took out one already, who was already annoyed with me and clearly didn't pose a threat. Now the archipelago is divided between me and the remaining civ. From everything I can gather, I can...
  9. Birdjaguar

    [RD] Russia Invades Ukraine: War News Thread: Round 6

    Biden plans to visit Poland for the anniversary of the start of the war. The president will be in the region for three days, but the White House did not say if he would make a trip into Ukraine. WASHINGTON — President Biden will visit Poland later this month for the one-year anniversary of...
  10. S

    Custom leader no peace once war declared

    Hello Civfanatics, Would it be possible to make my custom civ leader not to be able to make peace at all once war is declared either way? I am trying to achieve what the forever war mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1402754200 does, but just for my civ leader, perhaps...
  11. Solidirio

    Proposal: Nationalities and Migrations

    Hi, first of all this is my first post in this awesome community, and im here since the amount of people who still create stuff for this game is trully amazing - :c5capital: Basically something like what was done in the Cultural Diffusion mod, by giving the citizens of each city a nationality...
  12. Birdjaguar

    [RD] Russia Invades Ukraine--Act 3: Ride of the Valkyries

    And we are back. Please keep all of these in mind when you post: War news and events No personal attacks Civil discussion Respect for different opinions Ignore sidebar discussions Don't refight pre invasion battles Thank you all for keeping this important and difficult topic going reasonably...
  13. Birdjaguar

    Russia's Future

    This is a speculation thread on what Russia's future might look like across the spectrum of arenas that might include: As part of the international community Militarily Economically Politically As a place to live As Climate changes As the war winds down and the rest of the world assesses its...
  14. T

    Change the value of the unit if you have been declared at war

    I want to add a unit for my civilization that will cost 60% less production if you are at war. I already have a unit template: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GameInfo> <Types> <!-- Melee--> <Row Type="UNIT_TERDEF" Kind="KIND_UNIT"/> </Types> <UnitAiInfos>...
  15. Arakhor

    [RD] Russia invades Ukraine: Part II

    This is the new thread for the Russia-Ukraine war. This is an RD thread, with the expected behaviour requirements. If we have to infract anybody else, it will come with lengthy thread-bans. Do not start any other Russia-Ukraine threads either. In short - if you're going to discuss the war...
  16. Das Capitolin

    Warmonger Nuclear Domination 2.23

    "War does not determine who is right - only who is left." - Anonymous This module combines my favorites: Nuke Happy Warmongers, Disable Holy Site, Disable Rock Bands, Disable Space Race, and Balanced Religious Settlements Pantheon. If you prefer to keep these active while you enjoy a nuclear...
  17. CppMaster

    Defensive Pacts don't impact making peace

    I've declared a war against Ottoman that had a defensive pact with Zulu, so I were warring both of them. However, after some time I made peace with Zulu and focused only on Ottomans, despite the fact that they still had a defensive pact. It's pretty weird to me, but maybe it's indented? Discuss.
  18. Empires Of Europa Mod/Scénario

    Empires Of Europa Mod/Scénario

    Coming Soon...
  19. DrCron

    Is it worth it to upgrade archers to crossbows?

    So far I'd say no, I can hardly ever attack with crossbows due to their completely ridiculous range. Has anyone had a battle in which it was clearly better having crossbows than it would have been having less damage but a decent range?
  20. King Phaedron

    Cannot meet Saladin

    Hi, I just liberated the city of Mecca from Greece who had captured it early in the game, but the leader does not show up. Neither does he show up on the next turn either. There appears to be a bug where if you have never met an early game civilization and then liberate them they do not show...
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