• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).


  1. yepzer

    [BNW] Workers to units and back

    As with Civ4 (old mod, 14 years ago :shifty: ) I wanted the option to change workers to units, and back again.... Swords to Plow shears, wartime call to arms, Worker boom when returning from war - or as I ended up calling it: Call of the Motherland... attached below. Here's my experiences...
  2. M

    Help with calendar lua

    I've tried to add a custom calendar for a scenario I'm making, but it doesn't update in-game. Here's the code: -- Creates a daily calendar to be used in place of the standard monthly/yearly ones -- Global table containing the calendar g_DailyCalendar = {}; -- Change these variables to...
  3. M

    (Civ 5) Modding personality of city states

    In the civ wiki, it says that the city states' personality (friendly hostile etc) are chosen randomly, but to my knowledge the vanilla CS have a scripted personality Is there a way to code which personality my modded city states in advance aswell? Moved to main C&C forum as that is where...
  4. R

    Simple tutorial-mod won't work (already tried common stuff)

    Hi, I just got into the idea of modding Civ5 and struggle now with just adding a new civilisation. I added actions (OnLoad -> Update Database), cleared the Civ5ModDatabase.db and also tried other hokus-pocus I red on different forums. Mod files should be attatched, I hope someone can help...
  5. fertiliser

    [BNW] Modding world congress proposals

    Something as simple as spawning a dummy building when a world congress resolution is active, and despawning if repealed. Either that, or attaching regular global bonuses to all members via some other method. How would one go about making this?
  6. fertiliser

    [BNW] [Bugfixes] [Optimisation] Has it been done before?

    I have a reasonable amount of experience with modding Civ5, but have always avoided the DLL due to compatibility issues. This time around. there's an ambitious project on the horizon. It involves bugfixes and QoL, that may or may not have been done in the past. I'd like to make sure before I...
  7. MinhazMurks

    [BNW] Civ 5 retexturing a unit

    Hello I am working on a mod for Civilization in which I am creating a civilization. It's going well so far and is in a working state, but for one of the unique units is a worker replacement called Laborer which has a higher work rate. But I want to be able to have a different texture for this...
  8. MinhazMurks

    [BNW] Need Help with creating a new civ

    Hello I'm trying to create a mod that creates a civilization from the Shoshone, but I'm running into errors. I know it has something to do with the units but i'm not sure what to do about it. Here are all the xml files and log files
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