• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. Gelion

    Guess the map 14: We mapped our sky before we mapped our Earth

    How to guess the map: 1. Someone posts a map, and you try to guess what the map's supposed to represent. 2. Person who guesses correctly gets to post the next map guessed on, or they can declare open floor, and then the thread is left dormant for several months it's first come first serve to...
  2. Lohrenswald

    Guess the map 13: Mercator maps are cool, actually

    How to guess the map: 1. Someone posts a map, and you try to guess what the map's supposed to represent 2. Person who guesses correctly gets to post the next map guessed on, or they can declare open floor, and then the thread is left dormant for several months it's first come first serve to...
  3. W|M

    Guess the Map 12: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Hate Mercator

    How to guess the map: 1. Someone posts a map, and you try to guess what the map's supposed to represent 2. Person who guesses correctly gets to post the next map guessed on, or they can declare open floor, and then the thread is left dormant for several months it's first come first serve to...
  4. vishwajeetv

    Indian Subcontinent Map (Accurate) 1.1

    Indian Subcontinent - Strategic View by vishwajeetv posted May 11, 2020 at 6:30 PM Play on the Indian subcontinent with accurate geographic features, like mountains, rivers, grasslands, floodplains, forestry and vegetation, and resources. A lot of real-world mapping has been referenced to...
  5. TimVonAhsen

    Earth tectonic history

    We have real Earth Civ maps, but only for the present day. What about Earth 100 million years ago? 200mil? 300mil? Could be fun.
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