
  1. hokath

    Semper Fidelis -- Ideologies Expansion Pack

    After what must be over half a year of database work, playtesting, and making a stupid number of icons, Hokath Industries is proud to present DOWNLOAD 3 Brand New Ideologies for the Religious Victory Find the Religious Victory here. Mods run fine independently of each other. Devotion --...
  2. Z

    Strategy for getting as many Social Policies as possible?

    I have been playing Vox Populi for a couple years on and off. However, I only recently started browsing this forum. I always do team multiplayer games with my friends, so some things function slightly differently or in a weird way. For our next game, I want to get as many social policies as...
  3. Alecs_Z

    Policies Patch

    This mod changes almost all social policies in the game, as well as ideology. In the style of NQ mod. Also changed are the world wonders that require honor and ideologists. In mod, social policies are diluted with culture and bonuses to other improvements. What makes different strategies...
  4. pineappledan

    UI bonuses determining ideology?

    as of right now, freedom grants 2 food to UIs, order gives 1 production, and autocracy gives 3 science. UIs and GP tiles (also boosted by freedom) are always top priority to be worked, so I find the bonuses to these tiles dictate what ideology I choose more than any single policy from the trees...
  5. pineappledan

    Babylon Strategy

    I was thinking of starting up a new game with Babylon, whom I have never played with VP before. I am thinking that the new changes to policies and scientist specialists have affected this is civ in quite a few ways. I wanted to hear other's opinions about how best to play Babylon now. So...
  6. pineappledan

    Ideology Renaming Poll

    As an adjunct to the ongoing ideology renaming discussion, interest was expressed in making a poll so people could quickly and anonymously express their opinion on the matter of renaming the ideology branch(es)
  7. tu_79

    Ideological wars

    Following current discussion in the beta thread, I think we should look at ideology distribution as a whole. It works in three phases. 1. CHOOSING AN IDEOLOGY First one to pick an ideology just takes whatever suit him better. But, because we want ideologies to be spread out, the followers are...
  8. J

    Awesome new idea

    For some unique civilization what if we had a civilization that could choose tier 1 ideology tenets from any after the first 4...? And the other idea... Heres this first civ to unlock an ideology gets ALOT of tenets but each city for each one of those tenets a rebel spawns...? That would make...
  9. B

    How to gauge public opinion before choosing ideology?

    In my current game as Sweden, I have finally built Skolas and finished rationalism. I'm about to pick my ideology, and I'm the third civ to do so. I'm torn between picking order for early adopter bonus (2 free policies) or freedom to synergize with rationalism (but only getting 1 free policy)...
  10. Browd

    Ideology: Autocracy (BNW)

    Autocracy In order to get power and retain it, it is necessary to love power; but love of power is not connected with goodness but with qualities that are the opposite of goodness, such as pride, cunning and cruelty. --Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoi Introduction Autocracy is one of three ideologies...
  11. Browd

    Ideology: Freedom (BNW)

    Freedom Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. -- Mahatma Gandhi IntroductionFreedom is one of three ideologies in the game. Each ideology includes 16 tenets, divided into three levels, that operate in the same manner as social policies and generally...
  12. Browd

    Ideology: Order (BNW)

    Order The country that is more developed industrially only shows, to the less developed, the image of its own future. -- Karl Marx Introduction Order is one of three ideologies in the game. Each ideology includes 16 tenets, divided into three levels, that operate in the same manner as social...
  13. Browd

    [BNW] Ideology: Freedom (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Ideology: Freedom - Ideology: Freedom Read more about this resource...
  14. Browd

    [BNW] Ideology: Autocracy (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Ideology: Autocracy - Ideology: Autocracy Read more about this resource...
  15. Browd

    [BNW] Ideology: Order (BNW)

    Browd submitted a new resource: Ideology: Order - Ideology: Order Read more about this resource...
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