
  1. Adamiy

    Napoleonic's Wars 1

    A Scenario of the Napoleonic's Wars, with all the civilizations, units, territories, city and map features historically correct. Somes civilizations are (historically) more powerfull than others. This scenario is fully inspired of historicals facts. Somes mods, like MOAR Unique Units are required.
  2. C

    Searching for particular mod/scenario (something WW3-ish or Modern)

    I'm simply looking for a particular fun Civ 3 mod I saw a while ago, but I can't remember the name of it. I've just been looking for a while, but I can't find it. I'm simply wondering if someone can help me find it. It was a mod that basically had the modern world divided into 7 or 8...
  3. blackbutterfly

    [Scenario] Robot Revolution 1.0

    The Jan 2024 challenge available to play as a scenario, or even as the challenge map on any difficulty, settings and with or without mods. Robot Revolution Challenge Do you have what it takes to ensure your civilization's survival for 100 turns in a frozen, post-nuclear future? Resources are...
  4. King Phaedron

    Secret of Evermore - World Map Scenario for you

    Three Civilizations are China Locked on this map. This is where you start on a small continent and China is completely surrounding you and building the Great Wall (to lock you in?) Thankfully, it isn't a closed loop. If you play someone here, you'll get rich from coastal raiding the great wall...
  5. Imperator Knoedel

    [BTS] Can't remove Mapfinder without breaking scenarios?

    I'm trying to use a trimmed down version of BUG (4.4) + BULL (1.3, from the SVN repo on SourceForge) as a base for a mod of my own, by which I mean that I want to get rid of features that I personally have no use for, like for example anything to do with BUFFY, or those copy-pasted strategy...
  6. R

    Population Based Science

    A suggestion I wanted to pose to see what the general consensus might be. In a personal scenario pack that I may release soon if anyone is interested, I have added 1 science to every citizen regardless of job. This is designed to influence research rate by the number of citizens. Ofc, this goes...
  7. sman1975

    The Hundred Years War - Rise of the Black Prince (1337 - 1356 AD) -- An SMAN "Merlin" Scenario

    This is the collaboration space for a new family of scenarios, using the "Merlin Scenario Engine." This scenario is DIFFERENT!!! Most scenarios are simply Civ5 playing its normal 6000 year game plan to win a culture victory, but on a smaller map covering a shorter time-frame. Civs don't act...
  8. sman1975

    New Scenario - Hundred Years War (1337 - 1356 AD) V1.1

    Main Collaboration Site: Mod is still under development. Expect changes/updates over the next few days/weeks...
  9. T

    Triumph and Tragedy: Bronze Age to Late Antiquity v1.0a ToTPP

    NOTE: This is an alpha version of this mod (currently in playtesting). Report bugs here. This mod simulates, in general, a Mediterranean/Ancient Near East-like world moving from the bronze age to late antiquity (~1800 BCE to ~500 CE). The preferred game mode is a new game, with a custom-made...
  10. handofthrawn1844

    [SCENARIO] Trafalgar! Combined Arms Napoleonic Warfare!

    Trafalgar is a Napoleonic Scenario that tries to improve upon and refine the vanilla Conquests Napoleonic Europe map. Download here: (press the 'Code' button and 'Download Zip') Trafalgar's features include: Significantly improved naval combat, and...
  11. handofthrawn1844

    [SCENARIO] Trafalgar! Napoleonic Europe Improved

    My map and scenario, Trafalgar, is now live with version 0.2! You can download it here: It features an expanded map, tech tree, many unique units, and a ton of new details on the map. Trafalgar is designed to significantly enhance Naval...
  12. handofthrawn1844

    [C3C] Unconnected City With Harbor

    Does anyone know why my city is not connected to my empire? It lacks luxuries. The city is Valetta, and it has a harbor. My cities in Egypt are having the same problem. I also have both Astronomy and Magnetism. I am not at war, so the city is not blockaded. The route is actually entirely...
  13. handofthrawn1844

    Trafalgar (Napoleon Improved) - Advice Requested

    Hey everyone, I can't upload the high-res image here, so please view the image on github: I'm looking for some input on my map / scenario called Trafalgar. It's based on the Napoleonic Europe scenario, but with a...
  14. anemoia

    [C3C] Rise of Rome Deluxe (RORD)

    Hi there everyone! For the past three weeks I've been working on my own take of the vanilla "Rise of Rome" scenario. I've always felt as though the base version of the scenario was lacking the true scale of the ancient Mediterranean and the grandeur of the time. Although there are other mods on...
  15. N

    How Hard Would This Be?

    I thought about the idea to make small little fun maps from Memoir 44 until I realized it could actually be so much more. The board game’s mechanics are surprisingly similar to Civilisation like terrain, movement and unit health. In the board game a common way to win is to completely destroy...
  16. Knightfall

    [C3C] No Tech Trading Scenario

    Hello Everyone! DESCRIPTION: Here's a mod/scenario I made that disables tech trading by marking all techs as "Not Tradable". I came into Civ III from V/VI, so I was used to not playing with tech trading being a thing, and found it kind of annoying and easy to exploit. If you're in the same boat...
  17. Thorvald of Lym

    [TOT] MGE Conversions

    Spun off from my posts in the Modified Scenarios Workshop thread, this is a progress tracker for my work to update the original MGE scenario roster for compatibility with Test of Time. It also serves as a sounding board for input on rebalances and graphical updates. The plan is to post...
  18. Adamiy

    Vikings 1

    A scenario of Egnalnd in the Middle Ages, with the different duchies, kingdoms and counties of the time. This scenario depicts the British Isles at the time of the Viking raids, with the various historical factions with raids mecanism. You will find the different big cities of the Middle...
  19. Thorvald of Lym

    [TOT] The Day After: Redux

    "The Day After" is a scenario by Dorian Credé for Fantastic Worlds that I first discovered through @Blake00's archiving efforts here. Essentially an advanced vanilla start with a post-apocalyptic flair, it was basically playable except for one key oversight: the horrendous level of on-map...
  20. J

    [Civ2] New Cold War Scenario - "Duck and Cover"

    Hi everyone, I made a new Cold War scenario and thought I'd post it here. Here's the link: It's focused on the Northern Hemisphere, as I thought it would be nice to get away from the usual representation of the US and...
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