
  1. nuvakaita

    [] Trade screen/policies changes causing crash

    I've been having a few issues where my game is crashing during moments that seem to strain the game. Both of these happened before the latest patch as well. This happens in pure vanilla; no mods. Here are the common scenarios: - I'm playing a large game/deep end-game and I'm managing 35+ trade...
  2. astog

    Trade Routes Guide

    Trade Route Guide "That’s the positive aspect of trade I suppose. The world gets stirred up together" – Isabel Hoving Introduction Traders, and trade routes have been critical part of civilization games, and with the release of Civ 6, there is some confusion and misinformation out there. That...
  3. LoudScott

    Trade route question...little help please.

    So I have built some trading units. I need to establish a trade route. In the interface (AFAIK) I can see what possible trade routes I have originating ONLY from the city where the trader unit was built. I can find no way to see what all of my possible trade routes are GLOBALLY. I can of course...
  4. astog

    Better Trade Screen - Gathering Storm update released!

    Better Trade Screen Compatible with the Rise and Fall expansion v4.1 Released! This mod tries to fix many of the glaring issues with the trade screens in Civ 6. CQUI Users: This mod is already included in CQUI, so you don't need a special installation. Track active development of this mod...
  5. astog

    Better Trade Screen 4.4

    Better Trade Screen Compatible with the Rise and Fall expansion. v4.1 Released! This mod tries to fix many of the glaring issues with the trade screens in Civ 6. CQUI Users: This mod is already included in CQUI, so you don't need a special installation. Track active development of this mod...
  6. S

    Protecting Traders

    Can my traders get captured/killed? I ask because mine disappeared and, unlike with settlers, I didn't see an option to "link" a protective escort unit to it. Am I missing something?
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