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1.17 Mughal Help


Nov 7, 2020
Your mom's house
So recently I've been trying to win as the mughals, I've tried the 3000 BC start and the 600 AD one and the biggest problem that pops up is UHV 1 and UHV 2. UHV 1 is insanely hard to acquire, as:
1. there are not enough cities (12) for 3 Grand Mosques
2. you're usually forced to settle your own cities, as conquering east to Pagan is impossible because of rainforests. Not worth conquering west as the Iranians soon spawn.
3. Religion doesn't autospread in your cities - this requires making Imams and wasting precious time for your UHV.
4. city unrest when you conquer delays building your mosques, unless you spare cities, which you will not have enough gold for all of them.
5. Sometimes impossible to conquer cities because India/Tamils haven't collapsed. And no, I don't exactly plan on playing as India/Tamils to make it easier and switch. I tried to play as the harappans, and when the Mughal switch happened, I took it, but Harappa collapsed and ALL of my settled cities were razed. Very bizarre, I have the save file for it, if anyone wants to see
AND the second UHV is also very difficult, as you have just recently whipped and finished your grand islamic mosques, your population will be decreased = less science and GP generation. There is tech trading, but you will only have so many neighbors to trade techs with, as your state religion is Islam, and many civilizations will have a differing state religion diplomatic penalty. You will usually generate great prophets, and they can't even get a full tech, only acquire science for 75% of a random technology. Not to mention actually BUILDING the wonders. You'll need GE's for it, as Red Fort, Taj Mahal and Shalimar Gardens take fairly long to build. Or whip your population to hell, but I don't imagine that's optimal.
I haven't gotten to UHV 3, so if anyone has advice for it, or what to watch out for, tell me it.
How do I win as the Mughals? I played on Monarch/Standard difficulties and speeds. Thanks. :)
I gave it a try. Managed 1st UHV and failed 2nd. Should have put more emphasis on science and gold buildings and less on culture.

in 600AD scenario there are 10 cities in Indian subcontinent. 11th should be Pagan. Shwedagon Payah is huge help in getting Mosques in time. Use War Elephants to conquer it. 3 or 4 should be enough. 12th city can be either founded by your starting settler or conquered on Sri Lanka.

To spread religion generate Great Prophet in Azamabad. In case religion doesn't spread to all of your cities you start with 4 Imams.

Expansion mechanic helps in initial conquest. Cities in expansion are won't have unrest on conquest and your units heal even while moving.

Civics I switched to Clergy and Merchant Trade on first turn.
Most "impossible" requirements require you to optimize the potential of Great People. For Mughal, you need 1 Prophet + 2-3 Engineer + lots of Artist. So you will not struggle in building imams, useless wonders and cultural buildings. Make use of Monasticism and rich food in India to generate GP as much as you can. (Monasticism is better than Clergy I think, because a GP skips hundreds of hammers you need, which is very significant)
Those with richest food resources.
* One thing to edit: don't whip, plz don't. The production of India is terrible, but Mughal has a much better modifier on it. You need food and happiness to generate GPs, especially engineers.
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Those with richest food resources.
* One thing to edit: don't whip, plz don't. The production of India is terrible, but Mughal has a much better modifier on it. You need food and happiness to generate GPs, especially engineers.
How will you build the Mosques, though? Can you really hard build mosques quick enough?
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