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Argentina UHV 1.17


Aug 21, 2010
Anyone had any luck with this one? I'm honestly at a loss on how to proceed here. You have 82 turns to get Buenos Aires to Legendary level, while satisfying the Golden Ages UHV and expanding in the meantime. Buenos Aires itself is a good :hammers: city but it can't do everything by itself, and the other cities around are pretty mediocre.

- Should you conquer north as quickly as possible, which means focusing on military units to start with, at the expense of :culture: and :gp:?
- Should you aim for Journalism and Revolutionism right away, to get the most out of your UP? A Great Merchant has the right bulbing techs, researching normally takes forever. Are there any other important techs to get (Biology for the UU?), or should you run the :culture: slider?
- What about wonders? Statue of Liberty seems synergistic and you have the Copper, but that's a Great Engineer to spend on it if you don't want to be beaten to it - likely two Engineers if you build it outside of Buenos Aires. Eiffel Tower is synergistic with UHV3 but some other player will inevitably build it before you're even in reach of Railroad - should you prepare for a war against them, considering they're likely to be one of the stronger civs like England or America?
- Which National Wonders in Buenos Aires? National Gallery for :culture: and National Monument for :gp:, or should the latter go somewhere else?
-Which Great Person buildings to build? A Museum seems like a gimme for :gp: and :culture:, a Manufactory sounds mandatory for :hammers:, which should come first?
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Build a specialist economy and pump out Great Artist, Great Engineer and Great Generals, as much as you can. I believe this is the fundamental part of the strategy.
UHV 1 tricks you, "experience" two golden ages means you actually need to click the second golden age in 1922 (on epic).
UHV 2 and 3 I think are impossible without Eiffel Tower. Free culture is golden, and the saved GPs will give you the artist culture you need.

The other option is to start as Spain and spend however many turns building up Buenos Aires and evacuating Montevideo/Santiago so you aren't a OCC for the first fifty turns.
Build a specialist economy and pump out Great Artist, Great Engineer and Great Generals, as much as you can. I believe this is the fundamental part of the strategy.
I gathered as much, but I'm not entirely sure what I should prioritize. Your first turns will likely be taken by one or two :) buildings (unless you trade for resources - Argentina isn't hurting for cash), but next you're pulled into different directions between :culture:, :gp: and warfare (taking Montevideo with your starting troops is far from a given).

UHV 1 tricks you, "experience" two golden ages means you actually need to click the second golden age in 1922 (on epic).
UHV 2 and 3 I think are impossible without Eiffel Tower. Free culture is golden, and the saved GPs will give you the artist culture you need.

The other option is to start as Spain and spend however many turns building up Buenos Aires and evacuating Montevideo/Santiago so you aren't a OCC for the first fifty turns.
In my test run I was relatively close to the :culture: goal (off by a dozen turns or so), which makes me think it should be possible without the Eiffel Tower. Two Golden Ages are from the first goal, third is given to you from the UHV, the remaining three represent 18 Great People, two less if you manage to get your third GA before UHV 2 (unlikely). Moon landing is realistically out of reach, and even with Revolutionism Great General emergence gets gradually harder. OTOH Eiffel Tower means war against a civ which is likely to be far more powerful than you, in a faraway city.
Ok, did UHV2 semi-legit by starting as Spain in 1700, dropping a Catholic Cathedral in Buenos Aires, and more notably leaving South America *not* filled with riflemen so that when I spawned I could conquer most of the region within 30 turns. This did mean only one Great General spawned. This was a pacifist strategy, and was really, really weird: I adopted manorialism for extra hammers on the pastures (hacienda system?), centralism for more hammers, redistribution to get Buenos Aires even more pop. First Golden Age was GA+GG, second was GS+GP+GA, third is the UHV freebie. Unlikely to get to six even with a GP every 10 turns or so, mostly cause you need the Golden Age to FINISH by 2000.
Also I'm in a terrible position because I've been on 0 science for about 40 turns.

Remains to me that the only possible way would be somehow getting Eiffel Tower and then also sustaining perma-war to generate a bunch more Great Generals.


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I've given it a new try (on Monarch) and managed to accomplish UHV 1+2 just two turns before the deadline. Even managed to capture the Eiffel Tower in Amsterdam to get an extra Golden Age before UHV 2... but Germany immediately claimed Amsterdam in congress. Refusal wasn't an option given their huge military superiority.

I tried to continue without it but no dice: It's 1978 and I have nowhere near enough Great People for the sixth GA. Starting wars is also not ideal since enemies constantly blockade your water tiles, reducing your :food: and thus Specialists.

Think I'll have to delay taking Amsterdam and then trigger all of my remaining GAs the turn I capture it.
How about build it yourself? You will enjoy the cultural modifier and avoid a deadly war against great powers. I assume it viable with a great engineer to rush production, along with another great people to bulb the tech.
How about build it yourself? You will enjoy the cultural modifier and avoid a deadly war against great powers. I assume it viable with a great engineer to rush production, along with another great people to bulb the tech.
That's my goal, but at railroad you're facing an uphill battle against the US, UK and Germany. Perhaps with bulbing it's doable.
Bulbing priority isn't ideal for this. You need Thermodynamics (subordinate to Machine Tools for a Great Engineer), Metallurgy (not anywhere close to any Great Person's bulbing order) and Railroad (subordinate to Engine).
I really hate to be the person who says, "It can't be done," but I put many, many tries into beating Argentina the "normal" way. And if I can save you guys from a lot of wasted time and a ton of restarts, that's what I'll do. Short of conquering the Eiffel Tower for yourself, I do not believe the Argentina game is currently possible. It is best to wait until it gets updated with the new map to give it a real go.

Really the only way to achieve Legendary Buenos Aires by 1960 is to run the culture slider as high as you can, almost as soon as you begin. In theory, this could create a really interesting game, as the :) from the culture slider covers the lack of luxury resources you have, and this also allows you to draft a big army to conquer the cities around you, and thus create more great generals. These Great Generals, combined with your specialist-supercity in Buenos Aires, will help give you your Golden Ages you need for victory. The Argentina game has a lot of potential to be one of my favorite civilizations to play, simply on how unique the gameplay is.

Desafortunadamente, in practice, getting 5 manual Golden Ages by year 2000 is, for all intents and purposes, impossible (without the Eiffel Tower). Before Egalitarianism was moved from Sociology to Civil Rights, I was actually able to consistently rush out the Eiffel Tower in Buenos Aires (mostly by using tactical Great Engineer bulbing). However, if I did this, I then wouldn't have enough turns to run the :culture: slider high enough to achieve Legendary by 1960. With the recent update, and with Egalitarianism now out of reach, even this strategy isn't possible.

If you are still looking to win as Argentina (just as they did back in 2022), I would say your best bet is to run the culture slider as high while building culture buildings, it should be possible. (I might've used a single Great Arist for more culture, I don't remember.) Build a Museum, National Gallery, run the Tolerance civic. Buy technologies when you are able. Create your first two Golden Ages normally, and save the rest of your Great People for later. Build up your military, and keep an eye on which civilization builds the Eiffel Tower. If you are very unlucky, and Russia or America builds it, good luck to you. Hopefully, England builds it up in Scotland (this seems to be the most likely location in most of my games). Then, land and take the Eiffel tower for yourself. (Do this before 1976, to finish your three Golden Ages before 2000.) I triggered all of my Great People for a Golden Age the same turn I conquered the Eiffel Tower. At that point, it's just a matter of counting down the turns, and defending your coastline from all the allies of England that you just declared war on. Falklands War 2.0.
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