1.52 - Why is the menu text gone?


Dec 26, 2005
Please, I have noticed that two other people have had this problem, one solved it when he reinstalled the game from scratch.

I did this, it did not fix the problem.

Is there ANYONE that can address this issue? It's a real pain, I can no longer play the game as no text shows up!
You may be using an automatic loading mod. (check your CivilizationIV.ini) I had the same problem when trying to load up with the Leaders mod. As it stands I cannot use that mod with the new 1.52 patch.
You are right, I solved this problem last night finally after a lot of frustration. It wasn't a mod, however it had to do with XML files that had remained in the "assets" folder in the "my documents" section of Civ 4. I removed these completely, and it fixexd the problem.

Took quite a bit of troubleshooting to figure out what the problem was though.
I just bumped into this error myself while testing a mod. I only get it when loading tihs specific mod, never otherwise, and I haven't fiddled with the text file that actually controls this sort of thing at all.


I've tried clearing the cache, etcetera with no luck.

Any ideas anyone?
I've got exactly the same problem as you great apple and the wierd thing is the text doesn't show up for that mod only and only since the 1.52 patch. If someone can please help.
I believe I have worked it out!

I think the problem stems from using an outdated GlobalDefines.xml, as this file contains the patch version, as well as the save version (and so must be updated with every patch). I've updated mine and it all works fine now :)
The Great Apple said:
I believe I have worked it out!

I think the problem stems from using an outdated GlobalDefines.xml, as this file contains the patch version, as well as the save version (and so must be updated with every patch). I've updated mine and it all works fine now :)

How exactly do you do this?
The menu text is also gone for me when I just load up Civ 4 normally. Really need some sort of solution. Or solutions. Just something to try would be nice :)
Aha! Flag that. Finally figured it out.

I'd heard a few people going on about globaldefines.xml, but I couldn't find any instructions on how I could fix my problem. Soooo I took a leap of faith and deleted the file (after I backed it up) of course. It's located under Assets->XML for those unaware. Then I set the patch program going, which created the new one. Now the game has a menu :)

Also, make sure you delete any globaldefines.xml files you have in your customassets->XML folder, as you will still have the same problem if you do not.

Edit:// I forgot to mention, but I have a theory that this is only an issue that occurs with the manually downloaded patch, not with the auto-updater. I only run Civ4 on my personal computer (sans internet), not this family computer (=crap)
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