(1-NS) Spy actions early warning system

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Aug 9, 2017
Proposal: All spy actions with delayed result should give a notification to the target civ 4 turns ahead on standard speed (2 for quick, 6 for epic, 8 for marathon). Early warning is only possible if the result takes longer than the early warning period (by azum4roll)

- Current spy system has no active counter or warning for the targeted civ, thus gameplay wise would be very unfun due to players have no interaction with it (you only know when the result happens). Being able to know before it actually happens allow more interaction in game (you can bring your spy back to defend, or you can guess who's doing it and apply pressure diplomatically or militaristically, or you can prepare to take on the results, or you can plan ahead with the result in mind,...). All of that can be done without adding any new mechanic (and maybe some AIs modification, particularly in defending against the action rather than trying to guess the perpetrator).
- Early warning is only possible if the result takes longer than the early warning period, thus gives more incentive to buff up security (free effect, no extra code needed)
- Realistically spy isn't like movie/book where everything was put into 1 basket/person (it's called spy network for a reason) and at the most crucial moment your spy revealed and flip the table bringing in the epic clutched victory. It's a gradual process just like all other political actions which include long term effect and backup/failsafe which would surely get the desired result in the end if there's no reaction/counter from the target, but with the added effect of anonymity. Reducing all that into a one-sided binary rng roll is too pitiful and boring, and the results are very hard to balance (all or nothing).
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That's exactly where movies and books made wrong about spy. It's not about secrecy, it's about anonymity.
Historically most spies don't directly do "field missions" like sneak in a factory and blow it up in 1 night like spec ops, they join the factory and work from the inside for a long period to provide intel to help said field missions and very rarely actually take part in the action (usually only right before leaving for good). The owner would 100% know there're a spy within their wall due to information leak, but don't know who, thus unable to counter.

Great spies even worked their way up to core leadership to have access to important info, and were only revealed years after death/retirement from declassified documents. If possible to redesign the espionage system I would aim for a more realistic model of passive long term support (things like reducing city strength/growth/drain resource every turn for as long as they're not rooted out) which would prom the need for active counter-intelligent which is the more accurate model rather than current passive "increase security", as if walling up the outside perimeter would help against spy already inside the system.
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Those missions have a 1-2 turn duration if security is at the lowest, so the warning cannot be 4 turns prior.
Then we can have another condition: early warning is only possible if the result takes longer than the early warning period.
More incentive to buff up your security (thus increasing time to finish action) to get early warning/possible counter-intelligent.
Proposal failed due to lack of sponsorship on October 19, 2022.
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