[Vote] (2-18) Weaken Inspired Works Reformation Belief Proposals

Approval Vote for Proposal #18 (instructions below)

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Already Looping
Dec 19, 2017
Voting Instructions
Players, please cast your votes in the poll above. Vote "Yea" for every proposal you'd be okay with if it were implemented. Vote "Nay" if you'd be okay if these proposals weren't implemented. You can vote for any number of options.

All votes are public. If you wish, you can discuss your choice(s) in the thread below. You can change your vote as many times as you want until the poll closes.

VP Congress: Session 2, Proposal 18

Discussion Thread: (2-18) Proposal: Weaken Inspired Works Reformation Belief
Proposer: @Stalker0
Sponsor: @balparmak

Proposal Details
Proposal: Reduce the faith and science bonus from inspired works from 4 to 2. Move the "buy archeologists with faith" bonus to sacred sites belief.

Rationale: The Inspired Works reformation is in my estimate the strongest choice by far. The science you get from this is insane, easily dwarfing the science gained from other reformations. Further, it also gives you a huge boost to faith, allowing you to crank out GPs very quickly, which you can use for holy sites....giving you even more faith. It has a solid boost of culture from great works. Everything about this belief is good, even the archeology faith buy is quite useful. So we are going to nerf the science and faith. We are then going to move the archeologist benefit to sacred sites, a belief that is a bit underpowered and also a bit boring, moving the bonus to that belief will give it something interesting to do, and its also thematically aligned (archeologists creating landmarks, aka another form of "sacred site").

VP Congress: Session 2, Proposal 18a
Discussion Thread: (2-18a) Counterproposal: Slightly Weaken Inspired Works Reformation Belief
Proposer: @Stalker0 (not normally allowed, but I grandfathered it because the rule change wasn't implemented yet)
Sponsor: @pineappledan

Proposal Details
Proposal: Inspired Works science and faith reduced from 4 to 2.

Rationale: In the main proposal, we had this yield nerf AND a move of the archeologist bonus. This counterproposal is for those that want to nerf the inspired works belief but thinks the first proposal went a bit too far.
removing an entire mechanic is a bit beyond the pale. Inspired works is strong, but it was also being inflated by large, easy access to too many GPs from coups, which another proposal is addressing.
removing an entire mechanic is a bit beyond the pale. Inspired works is strong, but it was also being inflated by large, easy access to too many GPs from coups, which another proposal is addressing.
What mechanic is proposed to be removed?
Archaeologist faith purchase, so the yields to GPTIs would be alone with no tech-delayed ability on inspired works
Archaeologist faith purchase, so the yields to GPTIs would be alone with no tech-delayed ability on inspired works
As the proposal clearly states, that mechanic would move to Sacred Sites. It wouldn't be removed from the game entirely.

Maybe I misunderstood, and you were opposing "removing an entire mechanic" as it relates to Inspired Works by itself. You've been on a big kick about making sure every column in the database is used by  something, so I thought it was an extension of that.
I’m concerned about inspired works losing 1 of the 2 things it does. The archaeologist purchase wasn’t the source of @Stalker0 ’s complaint about the power of the belief, so I see no reason for it to be axed. Without it, inspired works has no tech-locked or era-delayed effect, which is something every reformation belief has other than crusader spirit ( ie the worst reformation).

I’m not worried about archeologists faith purchases existing per se. Zealotry exists, after all.
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